《Hidden Fox》Chapter Seven


I made it home and when I stepped inside, my mother immediately dragged me up to my room.

"Mom?" I asked, confused and a little scared with how she was acting.

"You need to get ready! The authorities of the Rising Moon Pack are coming over so we can meet with them." We reached my room and I stopped her outside the door.

"Mom, what would a human be doing in a wolf pack though?" Her expression was quizzical, not following my words. After a few moments, she understood what I was implying.

"Good point." Her brown eyes were wide as she tried to think of a solution. "We can explain that you have a mate in this pack or that you were adopted. I don't know, we'll think of something!" She shoved me into my room before I had a chance to protest.

I had no idea who was in charge of the Rising Moon Pack. What if they saw through the lies? What if I was interrogated? I shook my head; that was stupid. An Alpha wouldn't just question someone for no reason, especially on another Pack's land. Still, my heart quickened it's pace as my brain pulled up every scenario it could think of where this night took a wrong turn. Except one, it turned out.

I had just finished applying a fresh layer of makeup after getting dressed when the doorbell rang through the house. I exited my room quietly, making my way to the stairs so I could meet our guests politely at the front door.

"Thank you for having us over, Alpha Anderson." His voice echoed the front hall, making me freeze on the top step.

"Of course, Alpha Black." Dad responded politely, but his tone showed that he had the authority in this house. If it wasn't for the situation I was about to find myself in, I would've laughed at how males instinctively fought for dominance.

Xavier chuckled and I could hear him grab my dad's hand in his for a shake. "Please, call me Xavier. And this is my Beta, Andrew, his sister, Everleigh, and my Gamma, Jacob."

I widened my eyes. All of them were here!

"Alright, Xavier, why don't you guys have a seat in the living room. I will go grab the rest of my family."

I heard their footsteps fade down the hall. A second later, Dad bounded up the stairs, startled to see me standing still at the top. "What are you doing?"

I needed a way out of this. And fast.

"I can't go down there."

"And why not?" I jumped when my mother joined us from behind me.

I looked at my feet, "It's complicated. . ."

Mom looked amused, but Dad seemed anxious. Probably didn't want to keep the company waiting awkwardly downstairs for so long. "Enlighten us." He mused.

I sighed, deciding last minute to go with the truth. "Well, I sort of met my mate today."

Mom beamed immediately, "oh, Honey, that's great!"

I grimaced, "except that he's kind of downstairs. Apparently he's the Alpha of the Rising Moon Pack and he thinks I'm human!"


Both my parents stilled at my words. Before either could say anything, August and May came out of their rooms and met us at the stairs. May wrapped her arms around my legs and I smiled, reached down to hug her back.

"What are you doing?" She squeaked.

Dad answered for her. "We're having a talk with April, Sweetheart. Why don't you and your brother go say hello to our guests?" His voice was calm, but authoritative. So, naturally, my siblings couldn't argue and August led May down to the living room. Their voices soon faded.

"Tell me what to do!" I pleaded with my parents.

Mom sighed, "April, he's going to find out sooner or later that you're not human, or at least that you live here."

"You met him today, right?" My father added and I gave him a nod. "So he doesn't really know you. If you came down with us, I don't think it would be too bad." I knew he was trying to keep calm, but the urgency in his tone told me he was antsy to get back down there.

"Well I choose later." I said, referring to Mom's statement. "Can you just go down and say I'm sick or something? Just don't mention my name."

Dad nodded and headed back down the steps. Mom stayed and kissed me on the forehead. "You can't run from this forever, you know. One day you have to come clean; he's your mate, the one destined to be with you."

I looked at my feet. "I know, I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that yet. I don't know any of them well enough."

"I understand." She gave me a quick hug and started to go around me towards the staircase. "Oh, and this is the one time I give you permission to sneak out of the house," she winked and I giggled. "He might smell you if you hang around, if he hasn't already."

She left me then, heading downstairs to join everyone else while I went back to my room. I changed out of the red dress I was wearing and into jean shorts and the shirt I had on before. When I was done, I climbed onto the bench in my room, opening the middle window. A thick tree branch practically touched the house, so I grabbed onto it, knowing if I fell from this height I wouldn't die. Taking a deep breath, I flung myself through the window and swung from the branch with ease. Letting go, I shifted into my fox form and landed gracefully on four paws.

Taking a quick look around, I trotted across the yard as casually as possible. I hoped if anyone of the Rising Moon Pack spotter me through the window, they'd just assume I was a wild animal crossing through the yard. When I hit the woods, I took off running.

I zigzagged through the trees, Scarlet yipping and barking with joy.

Weeeee! She squealed as we leapt over a fallen trunk, never stumbling or slowing down. I feel free! I laughed with her, loving that she was so happy.


When we finally slowed down as the trees were thinning, I saw we had come to the edge of a small shopping center. Spotting a Starbucks, I realized I knew where we were. I also realized that meant we had been running for nearly an hour through the trees. I'd even bet Xavier and his friends had left by now. And as much fun as that was, I was kind of dreading the hour it would take to get home.

Starbucks? Scarlet offered, linking into my weariness from the run.

I laughed, yeah. Starbucks. I shifted back and patted my pockets, suddenly glad I had slipped a couple bucks into my back pocket before I left. Just in case.

I headed towards the building, hoping it didn't look too weird to be emerging from the woods at sunset. I shielded my eyes as the lowering sun reflected the metal plates on the signs scattered around the parking lot; directions for the people in vehicles.

The shopping center didn't seem to busy today, but a truck was pulling into the parking lot just as I opened the Starbucks' door. I entered the very short line and scanned the menu for something I wanted.

I had finally decided by the time the person in front of me finished ordering. I told the barista my order and she typed it into the device set on the counter. When she told me the price, I reached into my pocket to grab the cash, but a slap on the counter made me jump out of my skin. I looked up to see Xavier standing right next to me.

"Sorry if I scared you."

I waved him off. "Nah. But you don't have to pay for me; I brought my own money."

He flashed me a smile that made me legs weak. "I know," he told me, "but I want to."

I smiled back, no way was I complaining to that! He just offered to buy my drink! "Thank you."

"Of course, April." He said my name and I about lost it. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine and I cursed myself for it. The mate bond was affecting me bad tonight. Good thing I hadn't gone downstairs!

Speaking of which. . . "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, but not in a rude way. "I thought you had that meeting tonight." We walked off to the side as we waited for my drink to be ready.

"It ended earlier than I expected." He responded calmly. "On our way home, that one wouldn't shut up about Starbucks, so we stopped in." He jabbed a thumb at Everleigh, who's eyes were up and scanning the menu with an intensity that made me giggle. "When I saw you here," he continued, "I wanted to make up for blowing you off about tonight. I thought the least I could do was pay for your order."

I blushed. "It was really fine, you didn't have to. But all the same, I appreciate it."

He grinned, showing his perfect teeth. I almost melted and came clean right then and there, in the middle of Starbucks. I wanted ya to be a normal mated couple. I wanted him to sweep me off my feet and take me to his Pack, where I would be his Alpha Female; his Luna. I wanted to be a wolf, to smell like a wolf; all so that we could be normal and I wouldn't have to awkwardly date him like a human.

I didn't mean to sigh out loud from my wishful thoughts, but he noticed. "You okay?"

I looked at my feet and nodded, not sure what to say. The barista saved me by calling out my name. I smiled a thanks to him and grabbed my drink. I didn't miss the slight possessive growl Xavier let out. I bit my lip to hide the smile.

"Freckles!" Andrew exclaimed, butting in and slinging an arm around my shoulder. I could tell this only made Xavier even more angry, so I quickly threw it off.

"Hi, Andrew."

"Funny seeing you here!" He chuckled, and Everleigh came to join us, having finally ordered for herself. I noticed Jacob wasn't with them; he must've stayed in the car.

I shrugged, "coincidence?" He laughed again and nodded.

"Don't worry, we're not stalking you." Everleigh added with a grin.

I wagged a finger at her, "ah, but only a stalker would say as much!" We all chuckled and I took a sip of my drink.

"Well, I should probably be going." I announced, not wanting to leave but knowing I had an entire run ahead to get home.

"Of course," Everleigh nodded and her name was called right then. She grabbed her drink and she and Andrew waved a quick goodbye as they left the building. I turned to head out the door opposite to that one when a series of sparks along my wrist halted me.

I widened my eyes at Xavier, who instantly dropped his hand. "Sorry, I just, uh, wanted to ask if you were up to doing anything with me this weekend? I subtly asked you out this afternoon, but this is more proper. It would be a real date, and I could have Everleigh help plan it if you're in and —"

I realized he was blabbering out of nerves. "Yes!" I stopped him mid-sentence. "I'd love to!"

His smile spread from ear to ear. "Really? Awesome!"

I returned his smile. "Yeah, just let me know when!"

A vehicle honked outside and he backed away, waving to me as he went through the door. "See you at school tomorrow!" He called just as the door shut. I beamed as I left the building, watching Xavier's truck drive away and feeling happy little tingles spread through my bones.

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