《Hidden Fox》Chapter Three


"Qdoba!" May shouted. "Now on to R!" I did not understand how she was four years old, could barely read, and was winning the Road Signs Game. I was stuck on J, for goodness sake! The others must have let her win and I was probably just absolutely horrible at this!

"Good job, May!" Mom praised.

We've been driving for four hours, which meant twenty more to go! Yay. "Joanne's!" I pointed to the billboard with the advertisement for the craft store. "Finally onto K."

May giggled, "You're losing!"

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Why do you have to be so smart?"

She smiled brightly, "'cause I'm your sister."

I reached across the seats to ruffle her ginger hair, "thanks, May." No one really knows where she got her red hair from. I mean, I have a little red mixed into the brown-ish color, making it look kind of Auburn or Mohagany. August was bleach blonde, like our father, while Mom had dark brown hair that matched her eyes.

"You're welcome!" She turned to Mom, "are we there yet?"

Dad laughed from the driver's seat, his pale blue eyes bright with amusement. "No, dear, not even close."

May leaned back in her car seat, pouting. "Did you find something for R?" I asked her.

She brightened a little at the menton of our game, "No, did you?" She smirked. She had quite the sass for her age!

I pointed a finger at her playfully, "Shut it, missy. You know I'm not there yet."

She giggled wildly, "I know."

I grumbled under my breath and looked out the window, reading signs, looking for something that started with K.


"April!" A little voice jerked me awake.


I blinked my eyes open. "What?"

"I won!" May announced, laughing.

"Hey!" I scolded, "That's not even fair! I fell asleep!"

She snickered, "I know! I woke you 'cause we're at Burger King. Mom needs your order.

I sat up from leaning against the window, "okay." I called up to my mom, "I'd like a Whopper with no onions, ketchup, or mayo. And fries. Please."

She acknowledged me with a thumbs up before writing the order down. I noticed I was the last one they needed. She gave the paper to Dad and he stuck his head out to the microphone, reading off all of our orders. Soon, we had gotten our dinner and were back on the freeway.

"Where even are we?"

"Nebraska." Dad answered. Only one state away from home, which meant five more to travel through.

I grew up in Wyoming, deep in the Rocky Mountains. Emerald's pack is in Pennsylvania, places somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains.

I leaned back in my seat as I unwrapped my burger. The car became quiet as everyone enjoyed their food and I focused on the scenery we were flying past.

I can't wait! Scarlet suddenly exclaimed,

making me jump a little. She tended to surprise me like that.


I feel like something good is gonna happen!

I sighed. Your hunches are hardly ever right, Scar.

I know, but this feeling is really strong! Plus it's about time something good happened to me! I mean us; you too of course.

I giggled in my head and tried to press her on it. Well, what is it?

I don't know.

I inwardly groaned. That doesn't help me!

I know, sorry. But I can tell it's good. At least I hope so. Oh no what if I'm wrong and it's bad?! Apr—


I rolled my eyes and shut her out, not in the mood for her endless blabbing. I finished eating and threw my trash in the take-out bag. Looking at my siblings, I noticed May was content playing some game on Dad's iPad while August was staring at something on his phone. I sighed and leaned my head against the window, placing headphones in my ears and closing my eyes, hoping to just go to sleep.


I woke up at three in the morning. Why can't I just sleep through the night? Not feeling tired anymore, I looked back at August, who was also awake. "Hey, wanna play '20 Questions'?"

He nodded but glanced at May, "We just gotta be quiet, she needs to sleep."

"Okay. You pick something."

He thought for a few moments. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Hmmm," I thought aloud. "Is it a living thing?"

He shook his head, smiling.

"Okay...Is it food?"

He nodded. Why am I not surprised?

"Is it healthy?" Who am I kidding? Watch it be something like pizza.

But he surprised me by nodding, "Yup."




"Yes, but what? 15 left!"

I thought hard. "Carrots?"

He clapped quietly. "You know you always win!"

I rolled my eyes, "that's because you always pick easy stuff!"

He shrugged, "you wanted to play with me. And I hate guessing so I'm going to just try and fall back asleep." I sighed as he plugged headphones in, zoning me out. Lame. I turned back to face forward and pulled my phone out. I wasn't tired still, but I might as well watch a movie to pass time on this long road trip!

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