《Hidden Fox》Introduction/Important Things


Highest rank. The male leader of the Pack. The only one equal to him is the Luna.

Also highest rank. The female leader of the Pack. The only one equal to her is the Alpha.

The Alpha's right hand man; rank is immediately below the Alpha pair and they are to step in as Alpha when the Alpha pair are unable.

Third in command. They are to step in as Alpha when both the Alpha pair and the Beta pair are unable.

Usually the former Alphas and Lunas. Also rank high as they have experience and deserve respect.

The healer in the pack, as werewolves cannot go to human hospitals and doctors.

The warriors; the fighters. Males and females (without young children) and always at the front of the army in an attack/raid; directly behind the Alpha.

Have the best sense of smell. Can find just about anything if they put their minds to it. Situated just behind the Enforcers and are well trained to fight as well.

Pretty self-explanatory. They warn the pack of danger and fight only when needed.

Usually only one per pack. They keep the peace in the Pack by breaking up fights. Personality is very mellow.

Lowest Ranking wolves. They eat last and they are the punching bags of the pack. You don't want to be an omega.

Note: in my books, the alpha rank is hereditary, not random. The first born of the Alpha becomes the next Alpha when they turn eighteen. Same with Betas and Gammas. However, the peacemaker, the enforcers, and the lookouts are picked by the elders. Sometimes the Alpha's youngest will become a peacemaker, depending on what the Elders think is best.

The one the werewolves worship. She created the werewolf race and is who they pray to and who guides them through life. Sometimes she appears to some in dreams.


The term used when they turn into their wolves. The first shift is painful, but after that it becomes a second nature. Also, wolves are naked after they turn back to their human forms.

Short for soulmate. The Moon Goddess destined every wolf with another wolf or a human. She did it to make sure her race continues to reproduce. Wolves are able to start looking for their mates as soon as they hit sixteen years of age.

Simple: like the wild wolves, werewolves live in packs. Often the pack house is a mansion, as werewolves accumulate money because they live longer than humans.

In my books, werewolves age one year every ten years once they turn eighteen.

What kids are called until they turn sixteen and shift.

Sometimes they're alone and sometimes there's a pack of them. Sometimes they're evil and sometimes they're just wolves without a pack. Evil ones have grey mangy pelts with red eyes

"Help!" A shrill cry echoed in the trees.

"Shut it, kid." A man growled, his arms gripping the girl tight as he carried her. She whimpered and tried to move his hand away, but he was huge. She was only a kid.

Through blurry eyes, the girl saw two figures starting after her and her kidnapper. "Mommy!" She shrieked through the man's hand.

"I said shut it!" He hissed again.

The girl cried out and thrashed around, desperately trying to escape his arms. "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Kaitlyn!" The woman shouted. "I'm coming honey!"

This time, Kaitlyn bit the man's hand. He cursed and dropped her, putting pressure on his palm. She'd broken the skin.

The girl scrambled up and started sprinting towards her parents. "Mommy!" She screamed again.

Kaitlyn was probably only around twenty feet away from reaching them when she got yanked back. She whimpered and looked up to find the same dark haired guy as before.


"Get them!" He barked, and a man she hadn't noticed before nodded.

Her mom skidded to a halt when the blonde haired man pulled out a dagger. Her green eyes widened and flicked to her daughter.

Kaitlyn's dad, however, did not stop. He rammed right into the man, knocking them both down.

Her mother took this chance and skirted around them, coming towards the girl. "Kaitlyn!"

Kaitlyn whimpered again as the guy holding her whipped out a gun and pointed it at her. Again, her mother halted.

"Come any closer, and the child dies."

Kaitlyn looked back and saw her father lying on the ground. The dagger was in his chest.

She screamed at the sight and turned back to her mother, hoping her fate wouldn't be the same.

"Kaitlyn," Her mother said softly. The girl looked up at the blurred figure as tears streamed down her face. "Fight, okay?"

She nodded, not sure was was going to happen. That's when her mom took a step forward and a gun shot rang in her ears.

She shrieked in horror as her mom fell to the grass, blood pouring out of the bullet wound to her head.

"Come on!" The man gripping Kaitlyn told the other guy. He lifted her up and took off running, heading deep into the woods.

She was crying the whole way, fighting him, just like her mommy said to. A bit later, they arrived at a van and Kaitlyn was thrown in the back. The man who carried her got in the passenger seat and the other guy drove.

"Good job, man!" The driver said, high-fiving the brown haired guy. "Alpha's gotta trust you after this!"

The kidnapper nodded, obviously proud. "She's difficult, too, the little fire-ball!"

The driver laughed, "Maybe Alpha will give her a better name than the others! Hopefully something other than a plant!" The other man chuckled in reply.

The child didn't understand what he was talking about. She knew of Alpha's; her pack had a strong one! But how could evil men like her kidnappers belong to a pack? Her mind raced in circles, but it was all too much for the little girl to handle, and her shock and adrenaline was fading, leaving her eyelids heavy. She slumped against the floor of the van just as one final, heart-pounding thought crossed her mind. What about Addie?

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