《The Neglected fox》Chatper 17


The villagers were happy that naruto was gone. They all hoped that he was dead and no longer coming back to the village ever again. WHat they didn’t know is that there will be downfall how they messed everything up…. how theory could have helped but they didn’t they hurted an innocent child……. She is waiting for them to get what they deserve.

Shino was very worried about Naruto. He really hoped that he was safe. He hasn’t seen naruto in the flower garden. Shino wander did he abandon himno. He wouldn’t. Right? NO naruto wouldn’t abandon him. If Shino has to wait for Naruto then he will wait.

‘Naruto I hope that you are ok. I don’t want to be alone again… How everyone just forgets about me, how people think that I am a freak just because of my clans bugs…. NAruto….. I think I like you……. Not just a friend….’

Shibi was worried about his son going out late again and wouldn’t tell him about his mystery friend they have been talking to and got some information about his mystery friend only that he was far away and he does judge him by his bug. Which made Shibi happy that someone isn’t scared about his bugs. He did wish that he knew who this mystery friend was though.

The clan council knew what Minato and Kushnia did was very wrong; they just disowned their own son. But there is nothing that they could do. I mean what could they do but they all hope that naruto was ok. They wonder what happened to naruto and what happened to the friend that they knew in the past. Why do they just care about their other children rather than all of them.

They knew that they been talking to minato and kushina about this but they got the same answer but just different like ‘’its for the best’’ or ‘’just in case something happens’’ or ‘’we will train naruto but not right know we need to contract on them not naruto right now.’’ It bugged them all why they can’t give them the real reason why they can’t train naruto.


All the clan leaders have that there is a civil council they don't even do anything but coward in the corner. And when there is a stuipetd meeting happening there all way a dumd that they want this or that in the village. The clan leader swears that the civil council has a disease called stuipted but they can't say that or there will be a stuipted argument about it.

Sarutobi the third hokage looked done and saw everything how he was a hokage to this disguised village that he called home. He was ashamed of what Minato and Kushina did, how they dare call themselve parents, he was angry... he was pissed how two parents can do this and forget their own son how they are their favorite two just because of the chakra.

Sarutobi was happy how Naruto finally left that horrible village and how he made a new family and is now happy with the kyuubi. He was proud that naruto still wants to change the world…. how he wants to help people. He was upset that the civil council was still in place and that they got what they wanted just by whining that he thought he picked good people……. Guess he was wrong….

Sarutobi watches Minato and Kushina how they keep saying sorry…….. But that will not change anything by just saying sorry they cant fix those scars naruto has now.

Sarutobi was ticked how he made his last words to give them all love but instead they just stepped on his grave. He wanted them all to be hero’s but not only those two brats. He knows that the village will regret what they did and how they will ask Naruto for help. But will naruto even help them……

‘Naruto I'm sorry that you had to go through so much. I thought I could put trust in Minato, Kushina, and the village that I used to call home. I'm sorry I wished I could do something but I can't. I wish you the best of luck naruto.’


A Lot of people were affected by Naruto's disappearance, some missed him while some others didn’t. Some hate the hokage and his family while others love him. It's funny when some get the title of something and they think that they are strong by just sayin that they are strong but in reality it will just get them killed.

Will people learn or will they just be stuipted just like everyone else or not?



t their own child. It's funny but you can’t do anything you only watch. Am I right (y/n). Right? Oh well there is nothing you can do hehehe….. Well I have to fix this just because I don’t want you to stay in there and just do nothing like that. MAybe we will meet again but I have to go bye (y/n).

Whelp time is up. I wish the best of luck to naruto. Maybe he will be a good person or not. Oh well I really don’t cu sit down and just watch (y/n).

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