《The Neglected fox》Chapter 15


Kurama looked at his mate and his kit . He smiled and got up. It was turning dark. He went to the shimmer and baby fox naruto. He looked at them and saw baby Naruto yawning and laying next to his mother and slowly closing his eyes.

Kurama looked at his son and smiled he asked naruto and the response was a yaww again he chuckled lightly he saw that shimmer had a softed smile and nodded her head. I used my mouth to pick him up me and shimmer both walked down to their den and went inside. They put Naruto down and they cuddled up together and went to sleep.

I woke up feeling a paw on my face and when I opened my eyes I saw my son looking at me and started to yip I chuckled light and got up and stretched. I saw my son start to jump around and looked up at me and smiled.

I looked at my son and smiled. I got up out of my den and saw my son jumping around, watching him playing with the grass and falling over a lot which made me laugh a lot. I started to feel a presence coming towards me and my son I turned around and saw that it was the fox council guard coming towards us. I called my son to come over to me so I saw the guard and they bow their heads down and said ''sir the council and the leader council wish to speak to you.''

I sighed and nodded my head I saw shimmer coming out the of the den and looked at me and smiled I said to shimmer she looked at me and smiled and booped me with her nose and said ''come home early.'' I nodded my head and started to walk to the fox council first.


I went in my chair to the end and looked at the fox council. They were different colors of fur but they were different elements. Water, Earth, air, light, and I was the strongest out of all of us . I looked at the council and spoke ''so why was I called to this meeting.'' The council looked at me and the earth said ''Kurama we see that the human are nothing but traitors they can't be trusted'' I nodded ''the human only what they want is just power that all they want.'' I sighed and nodded again 'It's true they only want power and just power to control the world but that will never happen' I growled at them for how human they are.

The fox council talked about the human and what to do with them because they wouldn't take something in or do a peace treaty with people or creatures that aren't like them. All the council growled on home humans started to change and they started to feel hungry for power. Some said that they should lock the human up forever, some said that they should just kill them for good.

In the end they all came to an agreement to a new plan. could plan They all dismissed and went back to their traitors. Kurama was walking home to see his wife and son. He started to remember the past when humans started to get hungry for power.

He hated that he started to think that but he wondered why the human started to become hungry for some much power. I growled at them on how stupite human start to be and only though of war then peace.

Kurama walked all the way back to his den. He saw that it was turning dark. He went into his den and saw Shimmer looking around a little bit worried. I asked her she looked at me and said ''me and kit were playing hide n seek but I can't find him I looked everywhere I still can't find him.''


I was worried and started to help look for him that when i heard a little giggle and looked at wear I hang my kimono and I looked at shimmer and she looked at me and nodded her head. Me and Shimmer almost died from cuteness when we saw the baby kit.

I swear my kid might be the death of me and shimmer. I smiled and graded the kit with my mouth and put him on the ground and smiled. Shimmer was happy that we found him ''ahh look at the time it's bedtime for you two boys. I shocked my head and chuckled slightly. I grabbed the kit with my mouth and walked him to the sleeping area. I put him down and it started to yawn. I chuckled and layed down. Shimmer layed down next to me kit was bundle up next to both of us I smiled at my wife and kit we are a happy family.

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