《The Neglected fox》Chapter 1


~"bleh" talking speech

~'bleh'think speech

~''kurama speech

~'bleh' kurama thinking speech

~Bleh~ flashback


There was a boy with blond hair and three whiskers on both of his cheeks, he was running for his life behind him where the people that were chasing him there were cursing and calling him names. The boy turn to his left and saw a dead end and turn to see a anger mob they stared to beat the boy to death the little boy keep saying "please stop it hurt" and "why?''

The last thing before the little boy black out was three people in the same clothes and had different kinds of masks over their faces.

The little boy walked up in a sewer and was confused and scared when he turned around he saw a cage with a seal on it. "Well seem that my jailer came to visit me ." A fox appeared in the cage and looked at the little boy with a fox grin. The little boy was shocked and got even more scared but tried his best not to show it. The little boy said "who are you and where am I".

The giant fox looked at the boy and said . The boy was shocked and then said "but the kyuubi died and the 3rd Hokage killed him". The little boy was in shock and confused. The kyuubi started to laugh and then said

The boy was shocked but it disappeared and said with a sad face " I should have figured that". The fox was confused and the boy continued to talk "the people in the village all said demon, fox brat or even demon scum so I should have figured that out.... So that's why they hate me" The boy almost started to cry but the fox didn't look at the boy and said

The boy looked at the fox and than said "why did you real attacked the village you don't seem so bad as the villager talk about'' The fox looked at the boy and said The boy went up to the cage and sat on the cage and nod his head the kyuubi looked at the boy and wonder why did the boy is not scared of him and said

The boy was in shocked but look at the fox and said "umm mister fox do you have a name because I think that kyuubi is a title oh and my name is naruto" The fox was in shocked and said

Everything went black and then it turned to very bright when I woke up I remember where I was in hospital I got up and i saw three people there dog(kakashi), dolphin(iruka), and cat(anko) they were the only people that didn't think that I was a demon. Dog was sitting next to my bed and the cat and the dolphin were yelling at the nurse. I'm going to guess that the nurse called me a demon and said that she wouldn't help me. Dog looked at me and hugged me and said "thank god you're alive im so sorry that we couldn't help you".

Cat and dolphin turn to seeme and looked at me and both of the came to see me and hugged me both of the said that they were sorry that they couldn't make it I looked at them and said "its ok I understand that you have other thing to do it fine im ok" I was sort lied in the end because i don't want to worry them too much because tomorrow is the end for me.


After talking I went home to my parents who is the fourth hokage minto and the red flash my mom kushina they don't notice me and if I tell them that I was beaten up by villager's but n they all was say " HOW DARE YOU LIE TO US THE VILLAGERS WON'T NEVER DO THAT'' and mom would slap me. I have two sibling's Menma and Mina. Mom and Dad train them and if I ask if I can train with them they would say no and that it is important for them to train with Menma and mina.

When I went in the house no one was there so I guessed that they were outside and I was right there outside to train my two siblings. I went up stairs to the attic that my bedroom was in. I opened the door to the attic and there was just my bed and desk I went to my bed and started to cry I woke up to see that I cried myself to sleep oh well I went downstairs to see my parents and sibling eating without me I went outside to an abandon park I was behind a tree I grabbed a stick and started to draw with it.

I thought I felt someone charka but I looked around and I saw no one it started to turn dark I remeber when it ws the kyuubi festival and I was so beaten up so badly that I felt I was about to die I remeber what they said to me GO DIE DEMON, FREAK, MONSTER, KILLER, and GO KILL YOURSELF ALL READY. I'm going to give the people what they want. I'm sorry kakashi, iruka, anko but this is goodbye. I took out my kunai and brought it to my neck and closed my eyes. I was about to kill myselve.

I felt a hand holding my hand that had the kunai. I opened both of my eyes to see a boy that looked like my age. He looked shocked but why did he stop me. He grabbed my kunai and dropped on the ground I looked at him and said ''why did you stop me don't you hate me like everyone else'' the boy looked at me and than said ''why would I hate you'' I looked at the boy and said holding my tears and than said "I'm a monster leave me alone so I can end it all''. The boy looked at me and than said ''you don't look like a monster'' and than I looked at him and was about to yell butI didn't and than said "because I'm a monser everybody think so why don't you just leave me alone now'' The boy looked at me and still holding my hand and said '' you shoudn't listen to other people why because they are idoit's that can't tell form a monster to a littel boy'' I looked at him and started to cry he ask me why did I try to kill myself and I told him every thng about the bulling, beating's, and my family. The boy just held me as I was crying and said ''my name is Shino aburame what's your'' I stopped crying and looked at him and said ''my name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki".

Shino looked shocked but I couldn't tell because of his glasses and said ''your the fourth hokage kid'' I nodded and than looked at him and said ''can we be friends'' shino looked at me and than said ''you wanted to be my friend but why''. I looked at shino and said ''that I don't have many friends that are in my age and you seem very kind'' shino looked down and than stand up and looked at me and said ''I'll be your friend'' he hold his hand out and I grab his and stand up he started to walk and then I said ''where are we going'' he looked at me and than said ''you know where you place is because I want to see something''.


I nodded and we walked to my place shino looked at me and said ''were your room'' I looked at him and jumped up to my window and opened it slowing not to make any sound and I went in than shino we were in my room, I looked at shino and he looked around I couldn't see what he looked like because of his big collar covering the bottom of face and his dark sunglass he looked at me and said ''your room is an attic'' I nodded he looked around again and than said ''can you please turn around''.

I looked at him confused but did what he said and turn around I heard the door opening and than closed I heard he said that I can turn around and I did and looked he was still here I said ''what did you do'' he looked looked at me and said ''nothing that you have to worried about but I have to good so goodbye naruto'' I looked at shino and I gave him a hug and said ''goodbye hope that we can be play tomorrow'' shino stuffed up a bit and than relax and hugged me back and went through the window back to his place.

I went to my door and went down stairs where my parents and siblings eat without me mom saw me and stand up to look at me and said ''where were you and yesterday' I looked at her and said ''I was beaten up by the villager'' mom looked at me and slap me on the face and said ''STOP LYING TO ME THE VILLAGER WOULD NEVER DO THAT'' she calm down and said ''your not eating go to your room now'' I went up stair cry myself to sleep.

I woke up in the sewer where kurama is and I cried I saw kurama and he looked at me sadly all I did was crying and keep say "what did I do'' kurama looked at me and said naruto looked at the fox and said ''you would do for me'' kurama looked at him and nodded naruto looked at him and said ''thank thank you so much kurama is there anything else I can do for you.''

Kurama looked at him and nodded and said naruto looked at him and nodded and ripped half of it off kurama said naruto looked at him and nodded and naruto nodded

~tomorrow morning~

I heard knocking I woke up I got up about to open the door but the knock wasn't coming from there it was coming from my window I looked and was shocked to see it was shino I went to my window and opened letting shino inside and asked him ''what are you doing here shino'' he looked at me and, than said ''I came to see my friend I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out'' naruto looked at him, and smiled a fox grin and said ''yes just wait let me change ok'' shino nodded and went out of my window I was so excited my first friend that I can play with.

I got dressed really fast and went to my window ato see shino I asked him ''hey shino where are we going'' we were walking on the street people were staring at us and started to whispering I started to feel bad and shino looked at me and said ''don't listen to them and to answer your first question is going to forest I want to talk to you alone''.

I was sort of worried but nodded and we kept walking and we were in the forest shino told me just to follow him and I did I ask him are we there and he said nothing I start to think that we were lost and then he stopped and said ''where here'' I looked around and it was very pretty there was a pond and a very big tree shino went to the big tree and sat down and looked at me. I went next to him and sat down next to him I looked at him for a minute and looked at the nature it was really pretty and shino said something ''sorry for waking you up but I did want to talk to you'' I looked at shino and said ''its ok but what do you want to talk about'' shino looked at me and than looked at the pond and said ''why do your parents act so cold to you and all lovely dove to you siblings.''

I looked at him and then said ''I don't know they all ways forgot about me when every I ask them to train me they say 'no we have to train your sibling it important' i'm just the forgot child'' shino looked at me and said ''sorry for asking'' I said it ok and looked up at the sky and than said ''your my first friend I have other but there way older than me so i'm happy that were friends'' shino looked at me and said ''you're my first friend as well.''

I looked at him and said really he nodded I asked him ''why don't you have more friends you seem nice'' he just looked at me I couldn't tell if it was shocked or happy but he said ''people think I weird because I don't talk'' I looked at him and said ''your not strange or weird your amazing kind and sweet''.

Shino looked at me and than looked at the pond than he got up and looked around I asked him if he's ok and he says ''someone here'' I got up and looked around and two people came out they were anbu and looked at me and the dog said ''naruto we were looking everywhere for you why didn't you tell us where you were'' I was about to say something but shino said ''i'm sorry I wanted to talk to naruto so I brought him here'' I looked at the two anbu and nodded to shino responds and than said ''me and shino are friends we were just talking.''

Dog and cat looked shocked and cat spoke saying ''oh ok but tell us where you're going ok'' I nodded and they left and shino said ''sorry to cut this short but I have to go home I will walk you home'' I was sad but I hid it and nodded we walked home and we said goodbye I was on my roof until someone spoke.

at first I was shocked and realized what kurama said and I said 'kurama is that you' and kurama said ' I was excited and said 'yes I am what are we going to do' kurama said

Naruto went inside in his room and started to do what kurama said and was tired after the training kurama said 8 get equipment' naruto said 'but kurama I don't have any money' kurama paused for a minute and said naruto was shocked but agreed.

'Seem like tomorrow will be better'

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