《Fox》The fight on the bridge. (Part 1)



I slept in. Great. They left me behind and went to the bridge. Lovely. I may just have to set a trap for them.

I heard a scream coming from down stairs and I immediately sprinted down, only to find that the people who took us in getting attacked.

"Stay away from my mom," Inari yelled at the two attackers, holding up a crossbow at them shaking in fear.

"Or what?" One of them mocked. "You'll shoot us? Oh I'm so scared."

'I was wrong, that kid has guts.' I thought to myself. 'Buuuut, I better go save him.' I snuck up behind them and kicked them in the balls as hard as I could. Yes, I kicked both of them at the same time. An impressive feat.

The two of them turned to me, hunched over in pain, and looked at me with anger.

"I'll kill you for that," One of them spat.

I was half tempted to cackle evilly, but my mask doesn't cackle. He laughs obnoxiously. Sigh, I hate my mask. At least I can still pull pranks with my mask on, well, more mild ones that don't damage you for life. Sigh. Those are the best ones. Oh well. At least I can scar them mentally for life.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY, BELIEVE IT!" I yelled loudly pointing at him. 'I could've taken him out in two seconds.'

"Run away," Inari screamed at me. "You'll only get killed."

"I'll never leave you behind," I said cheesily. "Because I'm a ninja of the hidden leaf." Well at least that part was true. If it was for the sake of the mission, I would gladly leave him behind and complete it. That was how I was trained at least. True, Kakashi's words had an impact on me, but the ANBU was the only thing that I ever knew.


I hit the two men hard and fast, and luckily they were knocked out. That was a bit too easy...

I patted Inari on the head. "You did good." I looked towards his mother. "Now where did my team go?"


Of course they're in trouble. I should've expected nothing less. Sigh. Time to go save their butts, the idiotic way.

I threw a smoke bomb and was going threw a string of curses in my head. I would've been of more use if my presence wasn't known, but noooo! That thought wouldn't even cross Naruto Uzumaki's mind.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI HAS ARRIVED, BELIEVE IT!" I yelled loudly as the smoke cleared. I quickly observed the situation while everyone was looking at me like I needed some mental help. Honestly, if this wasn't a mask, I would probably need it.

Sasuke was inside of some ice mirror thingy and wasn't looking so good. Sakura was positioned in front of the bridge builder- a dumb mistake. And Kakashi was engaging Zabuza and it seems as if he was having a harder time.

Kakashi can take care of himself and Sakura, but won't be able to get away in time to help Sasuke. I guess that's where I'm going.

I would be of more use if I were to attack from the outside of the ice mirrors. That would be the most logical thing to do and I could possibly weaken or distract the opponent this way. That means I'm going inside the ice mirrors and probably get in the way and could possibly get killed.

"I'm here to help, believe it," I said the moment I got in the center of the ice mirrors beside Sasuke. He looked at me in disbelief.

"You're joking right," he said staring at me.


"Bout what?" I asked tilting my head in 'confusion.' I let out another stream of curses in my head.

"You could've, should've... you know what? Never mind," Sasuke said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Your lack of concentration will be the end of you," a voice rang out through the mirrors. A rain of senbon came at us and we began to dodge, me doing better than Sasuke.

'He might question it.' I thought in irritation. 'I have to get hit more than him.'

The hunter nin showed up in all the mirrors and Sasuke threw a fire jutsu at them, but the ice didn't melt.

"Fire like that won't melt me ice," The hunter nin started. "For it is my kekkei genkai."

Another shower of Senbon were thrown at us and I was getting bored. 'Maybe I should pretend to 'die' and see if Sasuke unlocks his Sharingan.' I thought in amusement.

I let most of the Senbon hit me, though I shifted ever so slightly so they didn't hit anything fatal, and fell to the ground 'dead.'

The senbon stopped and Sasuke ran to my side.

'Hey Kurama.' I yelled in my mindscape as Sasuke ran to my side.

He asked grumpily.

'Can you make my pulse really light so it won't be detected really fast please?' I said quickly in my mindscape.

Kurama questioned. Sasuke's hand went to my neck to check for a pulse.

'Hurry up and do it.' I growled.

he said putting his paws in the air.

I felt his warm chakra flow through me and up into my neck where Sasuke was about to feel. He blocked it with the said chakra so it was practically non-existent.

"He's- He's dead," I heard him choke out. I then heard a gasp of pain and I began to wonder what was going on. "My eyes..." Sasuke trailed.

Yup, it worked.

{July 14, 2018}

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