《Fox》Team Assignments



"Oh... um, let's just say that he's not coming back," Iruka said dodging the question. I raised an eyebrow at him but I left it. Some stones should be left unturned. "Okay, so you need to do a Substitution, Transformation, and Clone Jutsu."

I did the first two easily, but with a few flaws. I then made the hand sign for shadow clones and made 3 that all said, "Ramen!"

Iruka just chuckled showing me that he didn't notice that the clones were solid. "You pass." He was smiling widely. "Do you want navy blue or black?"

I want the black, but I already have one at my apartment. "I'll take the navy one, believe it!" I said excitedly.

Iruka chuckled some more and handed me my headband. I walked out with the hugest forced grin on my face. I walked up to my desk and gave Sasuke a fist bump.

"I hope we're on the same team," he said hopefully. 'I hope that I can get promoted to Jonin as fast as possible.'

"Me too, believe it!" I said with fake enthusiasm. Sasuke didn't seem to notice.

This is going to be a long ride.

Today is the day that we are assigned to our teams. Yay - note the sarcasm. I'm going from A and B rank missions to good ol D rank. Please. They should give those chores to academy students so they can focus on the hard work it takes to be a ninja or whatever.

"Can I burn this kill-me orange jumpsuit now?" I asked Kurama.

he growled.

'He's even more angry than usual.' I thought to myself sweat dropping.

Just proves my point. I sighed putting on my jumpsuit that would probably get me killed if I had to wear it on a B rank mission and went out my door locking it behind me.

I have to be at the academy at 7 to get my team assignments and its 5 right now. As to why I'm up early, I just wanted to take a walk.

I walked through the shopping district and saw that it was already full of villagers. I was about to make a U turn and go back because I did not want to deal with that, when I was grabbed by the shoulder. I turned around and saw a man around the age of 30 and he looked angry.

"Well if it isn't the demon," he spat. Welp, here we go again. Verbal abuse.

"I'm sorry, I'll be leaving," I told him trying to pull away but he tightened his grip.

"It's been about 11 years since that day and I think that you deserve some punishment," he said spitting in my face.

"Wha- what do you mean?" I asked. I'm starting to get scared now. It never got worse than throwing rocks at me. And it's not like I can fight back.

"And we can't have him becoming a genin," said a woman's voice behind me. "Ninja are supposed to protect us, not kill our husbands!"

"And children!"

"My wife was taken from me!"

"My brother was destroyed by that monster! Nothing remained!"


"Kill that demon!"

Kill me? "I never have done any of that," I yelled. I was quaking in fear.

"Don't lie to us demon," the man that was holding my shoulder said. He began to drag me into an alley. "It's now time to pay for your crimes... don't worry. We'll let you live. We want to take you on that same day you took our family and friends."

He pushed me down to the ground and kicked me in the side. I grunted in pain.

"How do you like that? DEMON!"

I was showered with rocks next and I could tell they were aiming for my head. I curled up into a ball to avoid getting hit there. The barrage then stopped.

"Now now demon. We can't have you curled up like that," the man chuckled. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the brick wall. He took out four kunai and stabbed one in each hand and the other two threw each thigh. I screamed in pain, but I would not pass out. If that happened, then the henge will come off.

"That's it demon. Stay awake and enjoy."

Another barrage of rocks came at me and they hit their target this time. Then a shinobi in an ANBU mask showed up. Everyone back up in fear and I thought I was saved, but no. He pulled out some kunai and started slicing words into me such as-



How could one of the ANBU that I was probably once friends with do this to me? Granted I was in a different form, but why would he do this to a child.

I screamed and screamed, hoping that someone would help me. I was cut short when someone stuffed one of their dirty socks in my mouth.

After about 2 hours of being hit by rocks and being slashed by kunai and knives, they let me fall to the ground and left. I wish I could've passed out so I would of endured less pain- heck, I wish I could of fought back. No, it's not their fault. They just need a scape goat to take their anger out on. That just happens to be me, the nine tails jinjuriki.

I laid there while I let Kurama's chakra heal me. He has already healed the wounds enough that they weren't bleeding, but they would the moment I tried to jump or go any faster than a slow walk. Good enough.

I got up slowly, leaning against the wall for support, and made my way to the academy.

By the time I showed up, everyone was in there seats. I glanced up at the clock and saw that I was 30 minutes late.

"NAR-U-TO!" Iruka said pronouncing the syllables of my name. "WHERE WERE YOU? AND WHAT HAPPENED? YOU LOOK HURT!" Glad that Kurama put high priority on my face, that would have been real hard to explain.

I put my hand on the back of my neck, oh how painful that was, and put on a big forced smile. "I slept in late and on my way here, I tripped and fell, believe it."

Iruka didn't look convinced but he seemed to wave it off. "Fine. Go have a seat beside Sakura and I'll be right back class."


"Oh Sasuke," Sakura said batting her eyelashes at him. "I hope we're on a team together. You're so hot!" She began to squeal.

I rolled my eyes and slowly got up on the desk and examined Sasuke's face, trying to see the appeal.

"What are you doing to my Sasuke?" Sakura screeched.

Before I could respond, I was hit from behind by someone standing up and crashed onto Sasuke's face. We were kissing.

I immediately jumped back and said "Ewe!" and the fan girls were fuming.

"He just took Sasuke's first kiss!" One yelled.

'It was my first kiss too.' I inwardly cringed.

"Let's get him!"

Before they could go all ninja on me (literally), Iruka came in the classroom and yelled for us all to sit down. I immediately got in my seat next to Sakura happy that the fangirls didn't have a chance to open my wounds again.

Iruka then went into a big long speech about the dangers and honors of being a ninja, but I wasn't listening. Iruka then began to call out teams.

"Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura began to cheer and Sasuke and I began to groan. Great. A fangirl.

"Team 8. Kiba Inuzuka, Hina Hyuga, and Shino Aburame. Team 10. Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. That is it for the teams. It has been my pleasure to be your sensei for your academy years. Your new sensei's will be here shortly." Iruka said bowing trying to hold back tears.

The team senseis came in one by one and we were the only ones left. Even Iruka was gone.

I walked up to the chalk board and grabbed chalk and began to draw out plans. I knew that our sensei would be Kakashi and I have the perfect plan for him. He he.

"Alright team. Listen up..."

I glanced over at my alarm clock and saw that I was 4 hours late. Oh well.

I put the greatest book in the history of the universe in my pouch and sunshined to the academy. I walked threw the hallway and to the door that lead to the classroom where the team I was going to fail was.

I looked threw the door and saw a distinct picture of me with my head severed off my body with words above it that said, "How to kill sensei." What's worse was that Sasuke and Sakura were going along with it and all three of them had an evil glint in their eye. I shivered. This was not your ordinary Genin team.

I coughed and Naruto immediately pulled a paper down over the chalk board that said, "13 reasons to love our sensei." They all smiled innocently at me.

I shivered. "My first impression of you guys, you're strange. Meet me on the roof in 5." I sunshined away.

"Now remember," I said pointing at my very detailed plan on how to kill Kakashi. "The kunai needs to be positioned just right for this to work."

Sasuke and Sakura nodded in agreement. There was an evil glint in there eye that matched mine. I chuckled evilly.

I was broken from my thoughts by a cough and I immediately pulled a paper over the chalkboard that said, "13 reasons to love our sensei."

We all smiled at our sensei innocently.

"My first impression of you guys, you're strange," he deadpanned. "Meet me on the roof in 5." Kakashi sunshined away.

We all scrambled up, my wounds were now 90% healed, and ran up the stairs. I could've sunshined, but I don't want my cover to be blown.

When we arrived, we all took a seat in front of Kakashi and he said, "Now that we're here. Why don't we introduce ourselves."

"How do we do that sensei," Sakura asked.

"Well, you're likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams," he responded with fake enthusiasm.

'Feel carefree now. But you might want to sleep with one eye open for a while because what I have planned for you...' I began to smile evilly.

"Why don't you go first sensei, so we have an example," Sakura stated.

"Who me? Well I don't like or dislike much and hobbies? You're too young for that. And I don't have a dream," he said giving us an eye smile.

'All we learned was your name.' I thought and I could tell the others were thinking the same thing.

"Your turn pinky," Kakashi said.

"Okay, my name is Sakura Haruno, I like- well the person I like is," she turned to Sasuke and blushed. "I dislike Ino-pig and that idiot Naruto. And my hobbies are," she squealed and turned towards Sasuke. "And my dream is," She turned to Sasuke and was as red as a tomato.

'Fangirl.' I thought in disgust.

"Now you blondie," Kakashi said.

"Alright! My name is Naruk- Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!" I yelled cursing my self for my almost slip up. "I like ramen and my friends, and I dislike the time you have to wait for the ramen to boil," and fangirls. I mentally added. "My hobbies... pranks I guess. And my dream is to become the greatest Hokage there ever was. That way the village will have to acknowledge me!"

"Your turn Duck Butt." Kakashi said with a serious face.

Sasuke smiled and then frowned at the fact that he was called a 'duck butt.' "My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I like tomatoes, my brother, and my friends. I dislike Dango and a certain person in my family. My hobbies are training to get stronger. And my dream is to become a strong ANBU captain and that my family will recognize that I'm my own person and not my brother."

"Well now that we all introduced each other, we can get on to the test that will determine if you can become Genin or not," Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"What?" Sakura screeched. "I thought that we were already Genin!"

"That was only a test to weed out the ones who are capable of becoming Genin," Kakashi said. "There is only a 66% passing rate and I have not passed one team."

We all stared at him in shock.

"Oh and by the way," Kakashi said before he jumped off the roof. "Don't eat breakfast or you'll puke."

{June 15, 2018}

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