《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 17- A New Life



Short chapter XD

~~~~~Chapter seventeen~~~~~

A few years after Nao had travelled time, she had totally became one of the villagers. She got along well with them, and Kina became her best friend. She had grown close to Mikoto as well, the wife of the current Uchiha head. She had become good friends with Kushina before she died with Minato.

Mao and Masato had grown close to the Uchiha brothers as well, being only one year older than the younger Uchiha.

The two Uchiha mothers laughed as they watched their children's antics and continued chatting.

Masato and Mao grew to be good ninjas like Nao had predicted. She told them about her past and how they were supposed to be being trained by their father. They couldn't believe it at first when she told them that one day, but they accepted that and kept it a secret since. They still acted normally, however, even after they had learned of that.

Masato had grown to admire Itachi as one of his senpai.

He was about to visit the Uchiha clan when the massacre happened. He had witnessed Itachi killing his clanmates from afar. Running away after seeing it, he couldn't believe what had just happened.

Mao asked what happened when he got home with a horrified face.

That time, he was on the verge of breaking down. He didn't know how to face Sasuke the next day since he didn't even attempt to stop Itachi. His mind began to race with questions on why his senpai did that.

He knew how much Itachi loved his clan and the village, so why?

Nao came back that evening from a mission, notified by Masato by the news.

The only clan he had ties with aside from the Sarutobi clan was gone? The very clan she treasured got annihilated that night? She wondered why but she didn't hold it against Itachi.


"We don't have anything to do with the Uchiha clan right now. They were only close friends of ours," she told the twins.

The two thought of Sasuke as their younger brother, so this was a huge blow to them. However, the two were matured enough to understand the situation.

"Sasuke wasn't there," Masato murmured.

They later found out that Sasuke had survived. They felt relieved that Itachi had spared his brother, so they believed that the clan massacre happened for a reason.

They had grown a bit distant from Sasuke from that day on since he had shut himself off from the twins.

The two had amazing growth, graduating from the academy at a young age. They had also become genin faster than the people their age. They were praised to be prodigies but they were second to Itachi. They also acknowledged that they would be never be better than Itachi, whom they admired.

The two became popular with their peers and of the opposite genders. Masato grew popular with the girls, even growing up to be a bit of a playboy, while Mao was the mature one. If they didn't look so much alike, people would've mistaken Mao as older than Masato.

Masato laughed as he watched Sasuke's fangirls gush over him.

"Hey, Mao! I guess it comes with the genes to be popular," he said.

"Be quiet!" Mao said, clamping a hand over his mouth. "I'm surprised you could be a chuunin with your idiocy."

"That's mean! How could you say that of your brother?" he said, still observing Sasuke. "He's graduating soon right, like in a few days?"

Mao nodded. "He's quite a snub to us now, but we got to congratulate them."

His eyes softened. "Well, it's partly our fault as well, since we left him on his own."

They walked away as Sasuke noticed them a bit.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he could see their silhouettes a bit but shook it off as his imagination. Then, he went back to pretending not to notice his fangirls. He wondered how Masato was able to handle his.

With one last look at Sasuke, Masato smiled and chuckled at the sight of his fangirls' disappointment because Sasuke ignored them.

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