《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 14



Long time no update

I've got no excuse. //prepares to be hit by tomatoes

~~~~~Chapter 14~~~~~

Third Person's POV

"So Nao," Madara said with a smirk just as she had woken up. "Did you enjoy last night?" he whispered in her ear, playing with her hair.

She blushed deeply. She just couldn't believe they did it. She immediately sat up and avoided looking at him who wrapped his arms around her. "Well...yeah."

"Why are you still embarrassed?" he said softly, gently prying her arms which were covering her breasts. "I've seen all of you already." He then gave her a trail of kisses down her neck.

She softly moaned and turned to look at him, cupping his face with her hands, and sighed. "Madara, not now...They'd suspect something."

"Let them suspect."

She was putting on her yukata when he pinned her on the bed again. She sighed with a small smirk. "I wouldn't be able to walk at this rate..."

"You can hold onto me."

"Yeah. Sure..."

At the moment, vomiting sounds could be heard from the bathroom, and the clan's maids entered it in concern.

"Nao-sama, are you alright?"

She nodded. "I-I just feel a little dizzy."

One maid couldn't help but notice the marks left on Nao by Madara and giggled. "You could be pregnant, Nao-sama."

Her eyes widened. "P-pregnant? T-that's...! Come to think of it, 'it' hasn't come yet."

Another maid smiled. "You better go to the hospital and check it out."

Nao sighed. "Alright."

Nao decided not to tell it to Madara just yet. She wouldn't want to disappoint him. Besides, she never knew if he wanted a child or not.

After going out the hospital, she smiled. Indeed, she was pregnant. She couldn't wait to tell him the news but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel nervous.


She went straight to where Madara was when she got home. "Madara," she called out to him who was currently in a meeting with important clan members.

"Nao-sama," one elder addressed her. "Even if you're one of the most important people here, you can't simply barge in here without notice."

"I-I'm sorry," she said, bowing. "But I have an important announcement, please hear me out."

The clan members looked at her with interest and she straightened her posture. "You see, I have noticed the symptoms for a while now so I checked in the hospital earlier. I've just found out that I'm pregnant."

Slowly, the members' eyes widened. Madara's were among the widest. "Pregnant," he repeated.

Nao waited for their reply. She was a bit afraid that Madara wouldn't want the child. She gave a relief sigh, however, when she saw everyone smile.

"This calls for a celebration," someone proposed.

"Indeed. Madara-sama, we should call this meeting off for today and discuss this matter for another day."

Madara nodded and walked closer to Nao, holding her hand and walked to their room, where they could talk in private.

He still couldn't believe it.

He was going to be a father, and she was going to be a mother. They were going to be parents.

"Nao," he said her name and wrapped his arms around her.


"I'm happy."

She smiled. "Me too."

"I'm going to protect you and our child. I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"What should we name our child?" Nao asked.

"I want to name him Masato if the child's a boy."

"Mao would be nice if the child's a girl."

Months have passed since his promise. A huge celebration was held since the clan leader was getting an heir.


It started out as a peaceful day, and they never knew this would happen.

An explosion could be heard near the Uchiha compound, someone yelled something about an attack.

"It's the Senju!"

Madara's eyes widened. "Prepare to fight," he said, getting his armor and putting it on.

Nao wanted to fight and help out but she couldn't risk their child's safety. She hated it. She was being useless.

"It'd be fine," Madara assured her. "It will."

Truthfully, fights have been happening here and there already, and Nao was beginning to worry about the safety of the people around her. How else would she feel when the two clans are battling each other out and killing people from each other's clans.

She was frustrated at herself for being so useless.

"Madara, be safe."

He nodded.

She waited. She waited for the fight to be over and was in a safe room inside the compound, or so she thought.

One Senju had managed to sneak in, in the midst of the confusion because of the battle, and was about to attack Nao when she deflected it.

Even if she was pregnant, she needed to be able to fend for herself.

The Senju proved to be quite strong. After quite a long battle which she could've finished earlier but couldn't because of her pregnancy and the fact that her stomach has grown quite big already. He was about to cut her with his sword when she performed the technique which she never even thought about using before. It was her only hope after all. She had used too much chakra and was too tired. Besides that, she was in a critical situation.

She used the forbidden jutsu known only to her clan and was transported to somewhere else, another time period.

That day was what destroyed Madara. It was the day where Izuna was mortally wounded by Tobirama's jutsu and the day where he lost his wife and to-be-born child.

He couldn't protect her.

He lied.

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