《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 13- Shirogane Akito



I've got all you thinking that he's an idiot, have I? XD I gotta say though, whenever Madara says, "let's dance," I imagine him doing the tango.

~~~~~Chapter 13~~~~~

Third Person's POV


Several heads turned to the direction of the Uchiha clan compound.

"An attack?" one said.

"It doesn't seem like it. I mean, what kind of idiot would charge head on. It's probably just a prank or something," another said.

"A prank? Either way, attacking or not, the guy must really be a fool to think he can fight them alone," the one from before replied.

"Well, shouldn't we inform Nao-san? I just saw her earlier. I think she was going to the market."

"Ah, yes. That's right."

When they turned their heads around however, they came face to face with an Uchiha who has been sent flying from the compound to their direction. His face was facing the ground, and he was knocked out.


"Since when?"


"Now, where is she?" the guy with the silver hair said.

"Who are you talking about?" Kai, one of the clan members, said.

His question, however, was ignored when he was attacked with a powerful water jutsu from the unknown man.

"Kai!" Zenzou, another clan member, exclaimed.

One by one, more clan members attacked the unknown man but each and everyone of them were blown away.

Stronger members of the clan were able to put up a fight, but they were forced to activate their sharingan.

The guy said nothing. He simply wore that smug look he had when he barged in. "The sharingan huh..." he muttered. "Guess I need to get more serious," he continued as he adjusted the sleeve of his yukata.


He released a big gust of wind and charged through the many clan members with a loud yell all while attacking them with a kunai. He was really fired up!

His maniacal laughter rung out through the compound followed by a blood-curling scream.

"Just what is the commotion all about?" Izuna yelled from inside and his eyes widened at the sight.

About twenty clan members laid on the floor, clearly injured but not life threatening.

"Who...Just who are you?"

"The name's Shirogane Akito, second son of the Shirogane clan's leader. Remember that!" he said with a smirk.

"Isn't that the clan near the Land of Boiling Water? Isn't that also near..." Realization dawned on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Hm? Haven't you already figured it out? Like I said, I came to take my fiancée back."

"What are you saying? The Kuzuryu clan and the Uchiha clan have reached an agreement. There is no need for a third party to step in-"

"He's absolutely right."

A voice came from where Izuna was from as footsteps neared them.


"Step back, Izuna-" "-Ah, yes-" "I will handle this," Madara said as he activated his sharingan.

The Shirogane's eyes narrowed at him as he stepped forward, clearly observing him. He looked at Madara from head to toe. It was obvious that he was strong. You could see that just by looking at him. It was also clear how he managed to be the clan leader despite being so young. He had the eyes of one who had killed many, one who had experienced loss, and one who had overcome it.

Akito gripped his kunai tighter. This was going to be hard for him.

They were the same.

The war did this to everyone, but it also made them stronger.


He charged forward trying to make the first move but Madara was faster. He dodged and came from behind the silver haired man and let out a fireball.

But of course, he wouldn't go down without a fight, so he countered it with a water one.

The two charged at each other, blocking each other's attacks and attacking again. This went on for minutes. Their speeds were rapid. The others couldn't even see their attacks.

A rushed scream came from Akito though. His arm had been slashed. The grin on Madara's face widened.

Akito kicked him in the knee. Madara backed up, which made Akito temporarily have the advantage. He kicked him again although this time, it was blocked.

But Akito made one mistake, he looked into his eyes.

He was then caught in a genjutsu.

The fighting stopped, for the enemy was now paralyzed and unmoving. A minute later, however, he released it.

Madara laughed. "Finally getting serious?" he taunted. "Dance with me."


That's when another blast hit the door, and all eyes turned to it. A piercing glare was sent their way which sent a shiver down some of their spines.



"So?" Nao started as she looked at them one by one. "Why is the door broken?"

"Well, this one bastard did i-"

That was when she noticed Akito. "Oh, Akito, you should've told me that you were coming to visit..." she said with an unusually cheerful tone and a dark aura behind her.

He paled. Now, he knew what he got wrong. "W-well, weren't you forced to have this marriage? I c-came to get you back. I mean, you can stay in the Shirogane compound for a while until your clan finally understands you-woah!" He dodged her sandal or more particularly, one of the *geta she was wearing which was now pinned to a wall.

"Akito, I'm sure you're mistaken about something," she said, dropping the aura once she understood that his intentions were good. "I am perfectly fine here, and there was no need to barge in and beat up our clan members."

"I-I see," he said, cleared his throat, and straightened his back. "Well, I'm glad to see that nothing has changed in you."

"Yes, nothing has changed at all. You're also still a scaredy cat."

"No, I'm only scared of he said before getting kicked out of the compound and landing outside head first.

"Now, next time, please don't barge in without an invitation or letting us know. We might mistake it for an attack again. Also, pay for the door," she said with a menacing glare.

The man outside only sighed while dusting his yukata and sheepishly scratching his head once she was gone. "Yup, she has not changed," he muttered though feeling quite relieved that she didn't.

He only went there to confirm her feelings for her new husband, after all. If she didn't love him, he would gladly offer her a place to stay. After all, they were good friends and he...nevermind, he thought. She was happy enough. He need not intervene and take away her happiness. That's what he felt as he walked away, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, inside, Nao was happy as well that her childhood friend was still the same. Perhaps her fate would have been different if she had not met Madara. Just maybe.

She shook her head at the thought. What matters now is the present.

Then she dropped off the vegetables she bought in the kitchen and proceeded to their room while ignoring the growling jealous Uchiha behind her.


Sorry for the super late update o^o

The new cover is made by

It looks good right? :DD

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