《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 11- Falling More


Chapter 11

~~~~~Nao's POV~~~~~

The next day, I awoke with a trail of hickeys from my neck to my lower back. I blushed in embarrassment when I remembered what happened in the pond last night. I immediately covered my steaming face then I saw him shifting under the sheets from the corner of my eye.

Before I knew it, he was right in front of me, and he was trying to pry my hands off my face.

"You shouldn't cover your face like that," he said and smirked. "Also, I suggest that you tie up your hair in a ponytail later." His hands moved over to his bite marks on my neck and softly caressed them. "They won't be going away anytime soon, and when they do, I would plant new ones."

My blush grew deeper as he spoke. "N-no way! I will not tie it up in a ponytail," I said, huffing, and storming off to the bathroom.


After I was finished taking a bath, I wrapped a towel around me, but as I was about to turn around, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I blushed, instantly knowing who it was.


"You are really stubborn, you know that? You should obey what I command you," he said, pinning me to the wall, then smirked. "Do I have to put it in a more visible place?"

I frowned. "You can't just command me like tha--"

I was interrupted by a rough and forceful kiss which took who-knows-how long until I pushed him away and took a deep breath.


"You're mine," he growled. "Why are you embarrassed to show it?"

"I know that but...it isn't fair isn't it?" I retorted and gave him a smirk. "You have branded me with your own mark, but you do not have anything that signifies that you're mine!"


His eyes widened at my words, and my blush grew deeper. Then he laughed.

"Just what is so funny?"

"There's no need for that because no woman would even dare to approach me."

"They don't approach you, but they already did, in their dreams. They way they stare at you is like they're madly in love with you. Besides, I never mentioned that they couldn't be guys..."


Awkward silence...

*cough* *cough*

"W-well, I guess it's your turn to shower," I said awkwardly and was about to walk but his firm grip on my arm stopped me.

"L-let go, Madara."

"Let go," I insisted.


"Why?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"Well, why not?"

"I'm cold."

"Then let me warm you up," he said, pulling me closer to him and softly nibbling my earlobe.

"What is with you today, Madara?"

"Nothing," he said, looking down, stopping what he was doing.

I sighed, turning to face him, and cupped his cheek while still in his embrace. "Tell me what's wrong. You've been acting weird since last night."

He shook his head. "The Senju and the Uchiha haven't been getting along well lately," he growled. "I'm afraid that a war would happen soon between our two clans."

I gasped. "What...?"

It has already gotten to this point. Blood will be lost, and people would be killed. Men, women, and innocent children, a lot of them. Only the strong would remain.

I looked at him worriedly. The Senju were strong as well, and Hashirama Senju's power was currently equal with Madara's, if not equal.

"And you kept me in the dark with this matter?"


I sighed and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, our faces only an inch farther away from each other. "I'm your wife. You can depend on me," I said, touching his forehead with mine and leaning in for a kiss. "The moment I became yours was the moment that I became involved with all the matters involving the Uchiha clan. My clan would be involved in your matters as well," I smiled as I continued. "So don't shoulder the burden all by yourself because you have me. I will always be by your side, for I love you."


His eyes widened and planted another kiss on my lips. "Thank you. I love you as well, Nao."

As he said that, my stomach, even after all this time, still fluttered with butterflies. Perhaps I would never grow tired of those words and how he said my name ever. Heat crept up to my cheeks again as he said each word.

"Well, I really should go now. Izuna-san is probably waiting for us with the rest of the clan for breakfast."

He smirked. "Who cares? I'm the clan leader. It's alright to be late!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's precisely because you're the clan leader, and that's why you have to go there on time!" I scolded.

"Fine," he said, stripping off his yukata, and my blush grew deeper.

"Couldn't you have waited until I went out the room?"

He winked. "Well, you would have seen it soon anyway. What's the point of seeing it earlier?"

I groaned and went out the bathroom, still blushing.


I decided to walk around town a bit, and that's where I saw it. There was a newly opened store, and at the window, it displayed a necklace that caught my interest.((pic in the media/at the side)) I smiled, and I thought that it would suit Madara.

I went in and bought it immediately then walked back to the compound.

"I'm home," I said, passing by Izuna-san.

"Oh, welcome back," he said.

"Where's Madara?" I asked.

"He's in your room."

I nodded and thanked him, going to our room.

"Madara, I got you something," I said, wrapping my arms around him and kissing his cheek.

"Oh, what is it?" he asked curiously, abandoning his work for a second.

I put the necklace on his neck and grinned. "What do you think?"

"It's fine...Thank you."

"You're welcome~ I thought you might like it," I said and he nodded.





I saw this in the Internet, and I thought it would fit him (maybe it even doesn't) because of the DEFINITION.

It said there, "to conquer the world," and it reminded me of him immediately~! Haha!

Well, it's almost time for...Izuna to get killed, isn't it? QwQ

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