《Punishments (Madara Uchiha)》S e v e n


S e v e n


Not forgotten about you

I wake up to the sweet light of the morning sun kissing my face. Immediately I jump out of my bed and look grinning at the calendar at my desk.


"Finally, my birthday!" You say in a sing-song voice. Oh, how you waited for this day. When you were younger you used to go to bed extra early in hope the time till your birthday is shorter. Nonsense, of course. But it's a little tradition for you. Your birthweek, like you call it, is the week where you go to bed at 8 pm instead of midnight or even later when you cannot stop chatting with your friends.

You grab a dress in your favorite, what is [color], and then you walk into the bathroom with a happy face. A quick shower and some make-up later you gaze at yourself in the mirror.

You didn't even know why you dressed like that. Usually you would never go outside with such clothes. But your birthday can be count in as an exception.

Walking down the stairs your father's jaw drops and he claps.

"Wow, a true princess," he says and you suppress a laugh, but increase your speed.

"Daddy!" You jump into his arms.

​"Happy birthday, sweetheart." He congratulates you.

"Presents, presents, presents!" You exclaim as you notice the dozens of packets in the living room. Breaking away from the hug you run to what you you are really after. Birthday presents.

"No way!" You shout with wide open eyes.

"You bought me a ps4!?"

"You wouldn't stop talking about it, of course you get one then," he explains patting your head.

"Thank you so much dad!"

"No need to-"

The door bell rings and your father stands up and makes his way to answer the door.


Who could be that? Naruto and the other's said they come by noon. . .

With a thought of your friends arriving early as a surprise you follow your father to the door and see a middle aged man with long raven hair and onyx eyes staying outside your door with a present your father takes from him. The man looks at you and smiles, then he leaves

"What was Madara doing here?" You ask your father and he shrugs.

"He said this is for you," he says handing you a packet and a little card.

Opening your present you find three games for your new console. Like he knew you would get a PlayStation.

There was just the card left and when you read it you can't help but to smile.

I haven't forgotten about you. Happy birthday, kiddo.

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