《Aquila. [Uchiha Madara ]》Chapter VII
I dismissed the guards who were in the cell to just to speak with Hiroko in alone in private. Surprisedly, they actually obliged for once. It's actually fun now that I have some authoritative power.
"One thing I want to ask. Why are you working with the Uchiha's, they killed our clan? Did you betray the Taiyo's and helped them diminish our clan?" Hiroko's voice croaked as his eyes were gleaming from tears that threatened to fall.
"I may not know how to answer that properly. But a lot of evidence had been found where I may not be from that clan. I was an orphaned mist likely found as an infant. You see, I was despised by a lot of the Taiyo's actually, that's why I don't hold as much hatred towards the Uchiha's. When I was abducted nearly quite a while ago, I thought my days were to come to an end. I thought life would hurt more than death once I was taken captive for a while, but things changed Hiroko. I started to train to become stronger and make friends with others unlike the Taiyo's. Since now I'm thinking about it, I wasn't allowed to go out as much. Others wouldn't even take one glimpse at me. I had to desolate that pain and never show it." I whimpered silently and felt tears at the corners of my eyes; wanting nothing more to let them be free and stain my pink cheeks.
He looked up at me shocked and worried written on his face. He rattled the chains hoping to get loose. "I understand your pain Aquila-chan. However, this clan took a lot from me. They killed my fiancé and my father, Aquila. You learned how to move on and forget your past unlike me, I feel like I'm stuck in the past clinging onto it and never forgetting what I had lost and what happened that very day..."
A few tears stained his cheeks as he looked away with shame. I looked down thinking of things of what to say. Knowing the Uchiha's they may not let this poor man live.
"I wish I could help-" I was interrupted when both of the doors opened behind me. Uchiha-sama walked in with a scowling look.
"So you've been working with the Senju's?" Uchiha-sama growled at Hiroko with such arrogance. He grabbed the poor man by the collar of his shirt who whimpered and looked away shutting his eyes.
"Stop he did nothing wrong!" I shouted horrified just as intense animosity filled the atmosphere in the room. I grabbed Uchiha-sama's arm that held Hiroko and pulled away rapidly before anything else would have happened.
"You defend this useless man and defy my orders? You'll be helping the enemy!" Uchiha-sama glowered as his eyes started to circle red and blazed into my soul. Maybe I made the wrong call as to what I did.
"You're wrong Uchiha-sama. He is not an enemy, he is just another survivor just like me. Please! I beg of you just this once to spare Hiroko's life even if it costs my very own." I bowed my head low closing my eyes sharply.
My throat went dry as he scoffed. I looked up as he furrowed his brows intensely. "We found him spying on the Uchiha's within the stronghold. I found out recently this young man was working with their leader Senju Batsuma. I can't risk any more lives now since war is about to break out. Aquila, you think you may know what it is like to lose someone you cherish but you don't. Many of the women here who have families have lost their husbands and children to the enemies. Not only the Senju's but anyone who has betrayed us or has the nerve to go up against us. We won't have a choice to defend our lives and protect those who are innocent such as the women and children in this clan. You should understand by now." Uchiha-sama growled hardening his glare on Hiroko.
"Aquila, leave now. I'll finish my business here with Hiroko." He gripped the handle of his Katana that was held by his waist.
No, he wasn't! He couldn't possibly think about killing him, would he?
"No! Not if you're going to kill him!" I yelled as Hiroko shot his head in my direction with a sorrowed look in his eyes.
"Aquila, this isn't your fault. I brought this down upon me. If death means I could find better happiness in the afterlife then so be it. Then I could reunite with my long lost lover and my father. Thank you, Aquila. All I wanted was to just see you one last time. You definitely changed, heh?" A smile found its way onto his lips as a tear slipped down my cheek.
"I'm sorry Hiroko-"
Uchiha-sama swung his Katana faster than my eyes could see. Within a flash, it made contact with Hiroko's exposed neck. Blood splattered across parts of my face and closed as I stared at the lifeless body of Hiroko.
I choked on new fresh tears as rage boiled within me. "NO! Why?! You monsters! Why can't we simply find peace in this cursed world?! You should all realize that time doesn't heal anything; it just teaches us how to live with the pain." My voice cracked as I stormed out of the cell experiencing the boy who was a few years older than me who I used to know from my childhood, get slaughtered from those monsters!
I couldn't stop the hot tears that trickle down my pink cheeks. I don't know where I was heading. Heck, my head was pounding as my heart was drumming in my chest rapidly.
"Aquila?" Madara's familiarized voice asked sharply behind me. My face was stained with fresh tears as I wiped my eyes from them as I quickly masked my face from embarrassment.
"I-I'm s-sorry, I just need to be a-alone." I stammered as I began to walk off briskly on my feet. I can't let him see me like this. I would be humiliated and ashamed to show my weakness.
I felt a harden grip around my wrist. Huh? I was pulled back and met with Madara's obsidian black orbs as my body was pressed against his softly holding me tightly in places. "Madara, let go! If you're here to criticize, judge or insult me then go ahead. I don't need you to make me feel worse than I already am." I choked on fresh tears as they stung my eyes.
"What happen?" He changed the entire subject as he gripped my shoulders firmly. His eyes turned red in less than a second. My bottom lip quivered as I was so lost in words.
"I'm sorry but that is confidential for me to say. You shouldn't meddle in somebody's personal life." I whispered inaudibly to hear. I pulled away as my gaze found its way to the ground.
He furrowed his brows. "What did my father do?" He assumed right away making me gasp.
"W-what?" I stuttered as I remembered full and cleared what he did that set me off. Hiroko... I'm so sorry.
"I rather not talk about it," I mumbled quietly looking away. "Aquila, I know we don't really get along but, whatever my father did won't settle with me until you tell me." He was being really demanding for some reason and I felt my stomach turn.
"If you really could help, can you bring someone back to life? Could you forget all those who died in previous wars and battles between your clan and the Senju's? It's impossible Madara there's nothing you or I could do." I turned on my heel briskly to take my leave.
I thought Madara would follow but I guess not. My old friend died and now I don't know what to do.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.
'You obviously never experience pain to understand those who have.' Aiko conveyed deeply in his normal tone.
"Like hell, you know! I just experienced someone that was close to me get killed!" I said bitterly as I stood mere inches away from him as his talons embedded into the ground as I flinched slightly.
The water filled the area up to my shins. It's like talking to my own mind communicating to this arrogant bird.
"You have no idea what's it like to be mistreated by your own kind. You people misunderstood me by assuming false accusations about me." He bellowed and his wings expanded shortly before he retreated them.
"You're right, I don't know what's it like. All I know is what you're feeling at this very moment. However, vengeance isn't the right way to solve it." I gave him a peevish reply.
"If that is so, I still wonder how come you never have taken or stolen any of my chakra yet." He wondered out loud observing every move or step I take.
"I am not like that. I haven't discovered you were sealed inside me by the Four Tetragram seal by the Taiyo's. I was only two years old apparently, so I wouldn't know much. You, however, never started to speak to me until recently. Are you getting lonely?" I smirked deviously arching both my eyebrows mockingly as Aiko's glared harden darkly. His red eyes filled with anger; he tensed up a bit from my mocking tone.
"Are you insulting me with these accusations? However, I could lend you my chakra if you run out of your own." He offered and I knew right off the bat there was something wrong.
Aiko being generous and kind all of a sudden. Offering his very own chakra to help me? Sounds very suspicious.
"Un, nice try Aiko-san, but I don't fall for these lame tricks of yours." I chuckled faintly.
"What makes you think I am deceiving you?" He lowered his head to my height as I showed no fear when he retreated back to his normal height.
"Maybe it's because being kind or amiable doesn't sound like you at all," I gave him a sour look. He does things very contempt and always had a scornful look meaning when he speaks.
"So you turn down my offer of me lending you my very own chakra? Once the whole world realizes that I'm sealed inside some ignorant brat, then you're the one being hunted down by your own disgraceful kind. Humans don't think; they just act on their next move." Aiko's glare softened, as a smile etched its way onto my lips.
"So what happens if I have full access to your chakra? Would it be an opportunity to take full control of my body? Use me to your advantage, Aiko-san?" I tilted my head off to the side. He inhaled puffing his chest with intense air.
"Well, that is for you to decide. If you value your own life and you are in a crisis situation, wouldn't you want me to help and lend you my chakra when yours is all run out perhaps?" He asked curiously as I growled beneath my breath.
How am I supposed to answer that? "Aren't you convincing. Maybe I would need your help. But I rather save others with my own strength and not rely on you only." I exhaled sharply as my breathing hitched.
"Alright, so you don't want to be able to create your very own Kekkei Genkai with my very own chakra. This could be your very own Kekkei Genkai that your body can morph into something extravagant. Once you make your final decision. You know what to do Aquila-chan." He spoke finally as I found myself back to normal and awaken in the Uchiha manor.
But I still don't know what Kekkei Genkai he was referring to.
I was in an unknown part of the Uchiha residence. I began walking in the general direction thinking where I gradually came from.
I found my way to my quarters and fell back on my bed lazily. I wish I could have saved Hiroko-kun. He doesn't deserve this. Neither of us did!
But what can I say, this is a cursed clan full of hatred.
"Aquila-san! There you are!" I swiftly turned around to be greeted by Ramiko in the courtyard. "Uchiha-sama was wondering where you were. I heard what happened yesterday. I'm sorry for what you just saw. Come, we need to make preparation for the war that is about to break out in this upcoming meeting. Uchiha-sama recommends for you to be present there." She smiled taking a firm hold of my hand.
We arrived in the only counselling room in the manor. Uchiha-sama, Madara, some of the clansmen, and a few elders who were apart of the council were present here.
"I see you're able to make it." Uchiha-sama scolded. I didn't say anything as I sat down on either end of the long wooden table. I sat on Madara's left side as I felt others giving off disgraceful looks at me. We waited for the meeting to commence as we all sat quietly.
"So you must have heard what had occurred. The Senju's were working with the Taiyo's, to begin with. They're possibly are other survivors from the Taiyo clan as we speak. We can't risk any more lives to the enemies! We can't falter our actions out on the battlefield. They might as well be craving for war, but we cannot back down and show mercy when the time comes." One of the council members Kenjiro spoken up, causing all of our attentions to look at him sharply.
I looked down at my lap; they're right, we can't risk more lives. "What shall we do?" Renji the medic leader asked bewilderedly not understanding. "Perhaps the Senju is looking for something. These things never happen. Why would they now all of a sudden send a spy?" Madara pushed himself up leaning his elbows on the table boredly.
"Perhaps since Aquila knew the guy. Maybe since she was from the Taiyo clan, they were after her." Another spoken vigorously slamming their hands on the table. I lowered my head as my hands trembled. I felt Madara's eyes on me at the mention of my name. My friend died and he wanted to see me one last time knowing he didn't have much time left, but why even bring it up?
"Well, if that is so, we need to make preparations then. If this war evolves around Aquila-chan, I don't think we need to risk losing her to the enemy by fault. I think she isn't ready to go into war knowing what the consequences could be. I believe she should sit this one out." Madara's voice turned into a low serious tone as he slumped back down into his chair.
'Hell, he doesn't ever want you to experience such a battlefield, seems like someone cares. I can sense his emotions flaring.' Aiko's voice conveyed amusingly. I ignored Aiko and just focused on with the meeting ignoring the abhorrent stares.
My heart rate sped up, but why? Why would Madara go so far for me? Why does he care? I felt a lump form in my throat as my stomach twisted in knots. I felt lamented for all the things I said to Madara in the past.
"So now what? This mere girl sits out. How pitiful... she doesn't even belong here and you know it, Tajima. She is an outsider! You brought her here to this meeting for what? To hear all of us rant!" An elderly woman squawked standing up.
She didn't say any honorifics, does that mean...
My fingers twitched at her tone. I felt my throat go dry at this nonsense.
"Grandmother, I wouldn't talk about her like that. She is here to know the truth and that is it," Madara stood up as well as the room was sulking in silence.
Huh! Madara's grandmother? The woman with long straight white hair went down her back, black charcoal orbs, wearing a visible white kimono as winter snow with a brown Obi sash. She didn't look so bad for her age honestly.
I can't believe no one told me about her...
"We have no choice. If Aquila is the grand prize the Senju's are longing over, then we cannot simply hand her over." Uchiha-sama explained and gave her a peevish look indicating for her to stay silent.
"So this only means one thing..." Madara trailed off as he retreated back to his thoughts as he continued, "if the Senju's want war, then I suggest we give it to them."
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