《Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love Story》Chapter 1 - Hello Fan meet!


Mi Ho pov:

"Kamsamnida yorobun! Jincha Kamsamnida! [Thank you everyone! Thank you so much!]"

We heard all of our fans cheer again as we bowed holding each other’s hands on stage. Another great dance performance and another wonderful heartfelt fan meet. We had all finished the stage performance and it was time to head home through the crowd of screaming fans while sparing a few moments for autographs and pictures.

"Ka ja!" I grinned to my friends and they nodded. We all gave flying kisses to the crowd again and heard them cheer louder. We made it off the stage and smiled and waved as we walked to our car. There were so many people cheering for us as we left the venue of the competition and we stopped occasionally to let them take pictures with us. "Saranghaeyo Dynamo! [We love you Dynamo!]" Fans yelled our group name and we laughed as we blew flying kisses to them. I stopped and gave my signature peace sign as I posed for photos with fans.

After much autographs and pictures, we made it to our car and waved one last time before getting in and driving away to our house.

"That was really fun wasn't it, eonni?" I smiled as I relaxed into the seat. I was the youngest of the group so I was treated like a little kid by all the others. And when I came up with the name for our dance group, everyone liked it....they said that they should keep the name since the youngest had suggested it and that it also sounded creative. A perfect name for the group which had loads of energy to dance and bring happiness to the world - Dynamo.

"Yeah! I cant believe there were so many people! I think the number of our fans has doubled over the last year." Eun Hyung eonni said and I nodded."Kurokkuna....[seems like that]" I nodded my head and accepted a sandwich that Sunny eonni handed out to me. I thanked her and took a big bite out of the sandwich and it pretty much meted away in my mouth. Wow, I was so hungry and I didn't even realize it till now! Besides, Sunny eonni’s sandwiches were always so darn tasty!

We all ate the sandwiches and had some conversations about the competition. We were very confident that we would win at least second prize. One of the other groups was really good too and it was a tough competition with them. But we were pretty good too…..not to brag, but yeah. And we were sure we’d win this completion like all the others too.

Sunny eonni was telling us some jokes and we were laughing loudly. But I stopped talking as we passed by some roads and I saw a man mugging an old man. "Oppa, stop the car." I touched his shoulder and he slowed down before coming to a stop. "Ottokeden goya? [what’s going on?]" Sunny eonni asked and I opened the door and ran towards the road where the old man was being mugged.

I stopped when I saw three thugs leaning over an old man who had been pushed down to the ground and they were kicking him. Anger boiled inside me and I picked up a rock and threw it at one of the thugs.....aiming perfectly for his head. At that, the three of them turned around and I glared at them. "Stupid b****!! What do you think you're doing?!" One of them yelled and I crossed my arms over my chest.


"Mugging an old man? How disgraceful.....you should pick on someone your own size, punk!" I yelled and they glared. "You b****!" They screamed and came to attack me. But I easily avoided all the attacks they threw at me and I used a few kicks and punches in return. A few seconds later, they were all on the ground moaning in pain. "Chh.." I clicked my tongue and stepped over them to the old man. I kneeled next to him and smiled. "Haraboji, quenchanayo? [grandpa, are you ok?]" I asked and he smiled. "De....Kamsamnida agaya. [yes….thank you child]"

I smiled and helped him stand up. I handed him his wallet that the thugs had taken and he smiled back. "Chulshim haseyo, haraboji. [please go safely, grandpa]" "De." He smiled and trotted away.

I dusted my hands and looked up to see all my eonnis standing there and watching me. "Well, her wild side kicked in again." "Yeah, the minute she seeing bad guys, she turns into fight mode." I pouted at their comments as they sipped their flavored milk. "Eonni ya...." I whined and they laughed. "Araso maknae! Palli wa...chibe ka ja. [alright, youngest! Come quickly…lets go home]" I smiled and walked to them and they put their arms over my shoulder and we walked back to the car. They gave me a noogie as well and I laughed as my hair stood up in a funny way.

Well, I did go into fight mode when I saw something like this. After all it was in my blood. Both my parents work for the CIA and they are one of the most trusted agents there. Their job has always been really dangerous and there were instances when I got involved too. When I was a child, I was kidnapped and held as a hostage so that my parent wouldn't be sent to find one of the bad guys in the underworld. After I was rescued, both my mother and father thought that it was best if I too learnt how to fight.

So they gave me private and secret training. I learnt to fight, to use swords and daggers, to use guns and I even learnt stealth and accuracy in sensing an enemy within 20 feet from where I stood. I have to say, it was really useful since I could protect people but despite being talented in fighting and all, I wasn't interested to join the CIA myself.

Well, my parents recommended me to the HQ and after the entrance exam I took because of my parents forcing me, I passed with the highest score in that batch. But I just couldn't find the interest to go into that life. I loved music and dance and it was my calling. It was my dream to become famous and make people smile and enjoy what I did for them. So it wasn't just dancing and singing, I enjoyed social service too.

Thankfully, my parents were very understanding and let me do what I wanted to. They still went out on dangerous missions under the CIA but they kept on contact through letters and calls from unsuspecting numbers. So I didn't have much contact with them....unless they visited home - which was really rare.

And since they weren't home most of the time, I crashed with all my eonnis in a flat. The flat was in the central part of Seoul and a ten minute walk to the studio where we usually recorded our dances to put up on YouTube. It was a cozy apartment and the five of us stayed together like real sisters. Well, we'd been together since the past three years so we had become family. We understood each other really well, we had common interest, we joked and teased each other and we knew secrets about each other. Besides, staying together was advantageous in terms of time management.


And that's why they knew about my 'fight mode' that activated whenever I saw anyone being picked on. It was something I was proud of and all my eoonis and oppas accepted me for that too.

We made it back to our flat in about half an hour and the minute we entered, I walked to the couch and fell face first. “Ahh……home….” I mumbled into the couch pillow and eonni and oppa chuckled. I sat up and gat a big stretch to relax my stiff muscles and I heard some of the knots release. “Yah Mi Ho ya….pyonji isso. [hey Mi Ho, you have a letter]” I looked at oppa and blinked. “Pyonji? Joneun wihae? [letter? For me?]” I asked and he nodded.

He handed me the letter and I looked at it. it didn’t have an address and I opened it to see what was inside. When I read the contents a big smile broke on my face. “Omma appa da! [its mom and dad!]” I said and Eun Kyung eonni laughed as she sat down next to me. “Oh? What does the letter say?” she asked and I grinned. “They’re coming home tonight and want me to pay a visit tomorrow!” I kissed the letter and stood up and twirled once.

Eonni laughed again and shook her head. “Well then, go on an d pack some clothes.” She said and I gave a mischievous grin. “I’m going to email them that I cant meet them tomorrow. I’ll tell them I have a fan meet and then I pop up at the house and surprise them!” I said and eonni rolled her eyes. “I feel sad for your parents. Their daughter is still a little kid.” She said and I gave an angry pout. “Hey!”

“Ok ok, go on and write an email.” Oppa said breaking up out bickering and I chuckled and ran to the room to get my laptop. I brought it back to the living and began to type an email to them saying that I couldn’t meet them tomorrow. I really wanted to surprise them and I giggled as I sent the email.

After I had sent the email, the oldest eonnis of out team had prepared dinner. They called us to the table once everything was arranged and I sat down in the spot nearest to the chicken hot pot. Oppa ruffled my head roughly and I stuck my tongue out. “Look at this glutton….aiming for the chicken hotpot as usual.” He said and I laughed. “Chicken hotpot is my favorite and Jan Hae eonni makes the tastiest hotpot in the world! So obviously I am to eat as much as I can. And I’m not a glutton!” I said and everyone laughed.

“Yes yes, of course. Oh by the way, I just received a request from about 127 fans. They want us to record the dance for another song.” Eun Kyung eonni said and held out a sheet of paper. I took it and read through it. “Its RingDingDong by SHINee…..one of my personal favorites.” I said and eonni nodded. “Yup, and good thing we have been practicing that. After all, we were planning to record it and put it up next.”

“I got you guys some presents!” Oppa interrupted and Eun Kyung eonni sent a glare at him. he sweatdropped, but cleared his throat and held out some huge packages. “These are instruments to create holograms!” He said excited and I raised a brow. “Holograms? Why would we need holograms?” I asked and he rolled his eyes. he handed one of the boxes to each one of us and we opened them to look at the weird bracelet and wire connection inside the boxes.

“Kim Ju is leaving for a variety show day after tomorrow. She wont be available for the next month. So to make sure it doesn’t affect your dance rehearsals and recording, I bought these. You wear them on wour wrist and a hologram of you will appear. We can record the hologram as well and with a little video animation and editing, it will be like the person is really there dancing.” He said and I parted my lips in awe.

“Wah…thedanada [wow…amazing]” I put on the bracelet like thing and placed the sensor about 10 feet away and I saw a hologram of me appear. I laughed and looked at my hologram as it did every single movement and facial expression I did. “Wow! That’s so cool! How much did you pay for all this?” I asked oppa and he smiled sheepishly. “About 75 % of your savings.” He mumbled and Sunny eonni screamed. “MWO??! [WHAT??!]” She began chasing him all over the house and the rest of us laughed as we began experimenting with the devices.


After a fun time with the devices yesterday, oppa said that he would hand on to the receivers of the holograms. He said since he was like the manager, he could contact all of us and arrange the dancing in case we were separated. We had all agreed and we had gone to sleep after that.

“Chulshim hae ga. Geurigo, dolhan hu jeonwahae. [go safely. And after you reach, call us]” “De, hal goyeyo. [yes, I will do that]” I smiled as I stood inside the subway train. The doors began to close and I hauled up my luggage and moved out of the way. I waved to my members and they waved back. The train began to move and I took a seat and watched them until I couldn’t see them anymore.

I was really excited to see my parents. It had been almost a year since I last saw them and I had really missed them. But it couldn’t be helped. Their job was demanding and I couldn’t be a brat and expect them to spend time with me and give up their job. Besides, we got to meet like this once in a while, so it was ok.

The travel back to Busan where I originally lived was about 4 hours so I had brought along a book so I wouldn’t get bored during the travel. And of course, there were fans who were staring at me and occasionally came to ask for pictures and autographs.

About 2 hours had passed and I heard sudden screams and I snapped my eyes up when the lights in the subway sudden went out. It was a complete blackout but the train was still moving. I looked around and reached for my cell phone. I switched it on like everyone else and used the dim light to look around and check if everyone else was ok. They were ok, but they looked scared.

I was a little paranoid too since this was the first time I had experienced a blackout in a moving subway train. But I guess it was ok. A message would be sent to the control room and they would probably send some people to help us out of the train got shut down. But when I looked at my phone, there wasn’t even a signal bar in the signal indicator. I sighed and shook my head and looked around again.

But I gasped and heard more screams when the train suddenly jolted. I was thrown forward along with my luggage and I landed on the floor of the train with an ‘uff’. I held the strap of my luggage and my heart skipped a beat when I realized that the train had derailed. I was thrown around again as the train his one of the walls of the subway and pieces of glass were sent flying in every direction.

People screamed more and I hissed as a few of the glass pieces scratched my arms. “Everybody get down on the floor and protect you head and face!” I yelled out and immediately everybody scrambled to the floor and covered their heads with their hands. I too got down and shielded my luggage as we waited for the train to slow down and come to a stop. But things turned bad when the subway route took a turn.

We were all thrown to the other side and I hit my head hard against one of the vertical railings near the door of the train. I felt dizzy and I blinked several times but I felt even more dizzy. The train rocked again and I fell forward and mu cheek came in contact with the hard metal floor of the subway. I groaned as I felt the coolness on my skin, but my eyes rolled back and I fell into unconsciousness.


Pic in the side is Jung Mi Ho!




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