《Madara x Oc》Chapter 9


When I woke up I buried my face deeper into Madara's chest hoping that I could go back to sleep. I felt his chest rise as he let out a deep breath and I figured he was just waking up too and my thoughts of going back to sleep vanished as he ran one hand along my back.

"Ha! Told you" I heard Ami's voice and I let out a loud squeak and pushed away from Madara as though his skin had actually burned me. I ended up toppling over the side of the bed and landing harshly on the wooden ground with another squeak.

"Amii" I growled and her eyes went wide behind her glasses as she quickly turned around. I got to my feet and chased after the screaming girl as she darted down the stairs

"Tobirama save meee" She cried out as I jumped from the top step and landed at the bottom of the stairs right behind her. I snatched her around the waist before she could reach the white haired man that was standing by the door. She let out another high pitched, over dramatic scream as I turned her to face me in her arms. I broke into a fit of laughter and gave her a kiss on the cheek

"Morning Ami" I said lightly before setting her down on the ground

"Who are you and what did you do to my mom" She said immediately clasping her hands together for a jutsu

"I swear if you do a jutsu in this house and break anything I will kick your tiny butt" I muttered and she smiled

"There she is" She said lightly as she walked past me into the kitchen

"You never wake up happy" Tobirama commented as I turned to face him, I shrugged slightly

"Nice date night" I said but a knowing smile spread across his lips

"You know I was going to bring Ami back last night but by the sound of it, it wasn't a kid friendly environment" He said and I felt my entire face grow hot with embarrassment

"Thanks Tobi" I said awkwardly but he just chuckled

"Whatever makes you happy, even if that means I have to see that hedgehog more often" He said and I giggled

"That's pretty big talk coming from a snowflake" I said lightly and he rolled his eyes half heartedly

"Tobirama" I heard Madara's voice but it was more gruff and slightly deeper than normal and it nearly made me choke in surprise

"Morning Madara" Tobirama said with a surprisingly lightness to his voice

"Your next Tobi" I said and I saw a nearly invisible blush appear on his pale ears

"Uuu you owe me an explanation later" I said poking him in the chest and his red eyes got a little wider

"Oh turns out I am busy for the nextttt month" he said and I laughed

"I do have a meeting though" He said glancing outside and I nodded

"Thanks again for watching Ami" I said and he nodded giving me a quick hug before darting out the door.

"Huh, I expected him to be more protective" Madara said as he took a seat at the table

"Nah" I said lightly just as Ami came out of the kitchen with a piece of toast in each hand and one hanging out of her mouth. She threw one to each of us and I chuckled as I caught it and took a bite

"Thanks" I muttered as I sat down and watched as Ami perched herself on her chair

"So how was your sleep over?" She asked and I chuckled


"It was fun, the dinner was really nice" I said and she grinned, her cheeks puffed out slightly with bread

"I heard you scream" She said thoughtfully and I nearly choked on my bread

"I found out that your mother is ticklish" Madara said nonchalantly and Ami clapped her hands together really fast

"Good, if you hadn't found out soon I would have told you" She said excitedly and I shot Madara a thankful look

"What about you sweetie?" I asked curiously and she smiled

"I started learning a new water jutsu and I tidied up my calligraphy.. Do you know how neat Uncle Tobi's writing is? It's crazy" She said and I chuckled

"Yes I know I helped him learn it when he was little" I said

"Oh yeah I forgot how old you were..how was the Sage of Six Paths last time you saw him" She said, laughter filling her voice and I nearly fell out of my chair when I threw my head back laughing

"I'll let the old joke pass just because that was really funny" I said once I calmed down enough to speak. Ami reached up to wipe a tear from her eye as she calmed herself down.

"How's your calligraphy?" I asked curiously looking to Madara who shrugged

"I work more on jutsu than writing but it's not bad necessarily" he said and Ami got an excited look on her face as she fished around in her pocket and pulled out a paper, a brush and some ink

"That is a great way to ruin a nice brush" I muttered as I straightened the bristles out as best I could. Ami grabbed the brush from my hand and handed it to Madara who chuckled and opened the ink. He unfolded the paper and wrote 'Ami' in perfectly neat and precise letters

"Uu that's better than mine" Ami muttered poutily

"Yeah well you can't be perfect at everything" I said as Madara pushed the paper towards me

"Let's see yours" he said and I smiled as I grabbed the brush and wrote 'Senju' in the same loopy calligraphy I used whenever I was writing something.

"Yours is so fancy" Ami said as she took the piece of paper from me and looked at my writing

"That's the way my dad taught me" I said as I put the lid back on the ink and got up to wash out the brush

"I'm gonna put this in my room" Ami called and I heard her pounding footsteps upstairs. I giggled slightly as I cleaned the brush out and left it to dry on the little rack I had set up next to the sink.

"I should go back home, Izuna will be curious as to where I vanished off to" Madara said as he got up from the table

"Okay" I said as I dried my hands and walked back out to Madara. I wound my arms around his waist and buried my face in his hair. I felt him wrap his arms around my back and lay a gentle, barely noticeable kiss on the side of my head.

"See you around" he said lightly as he let go

"See you" I said as he walked to the door and stepped out the other side.

(Time skip a few months)

The first few months of my relationship with Madara were unreal, he spent a few nights a week with Ami and me and we were both ecstatic about it. Ami was never really lacking in father figures with Hashirama and Tobirama around, but Madara with Ami seemed different than the other two.


When I woke up I was laying partially on my stomach with one leg bent, there was a weight laying over the top of me and a smile spread on my face as I listened to Madara's slow breathing. He was laying in the same position as me, except half of his body was draped over mine. His right arm was slung around my waist and it was bent so his hand was near my neck. I opened my eyes and gently kissed the tips of each of his long slender fingers, when I got to his thumb I felt it gently caress my bottom lip

"Morning" I said quietly and I felt him bury his face a little deeper into my hair

"Morning" He said back in his deeper, sleepy voice. I carefully rolled over, making him move his leg, so I could wrap my arm around his torso and look at his face. His eyes were still closed and only one eye was visible because of his long hair. I raised a hand to tuck some of his bangs behind his ear so I could see both eyes and I heard him humm. I leaned forward and press my lips against his soft ones and I felt him move forward ever so slightly into the kiss. When I pulled away his eyes were half open and he had the smallest smile on his face.

"You are so cute when you wake up" I muttered with a smile

"Cute isn't the word I would prefer" He said and I giggled. I heard the door open and before I could roll over to see her, Ami was laying over the top of the both of us

"Uncle Hashi's wedding is today" Ami said excitedly and I laughed as I rolled over so she was laying on my stomach instead of my side. I saw Madara run his fingers through her hair to tug out a few knots

"Okay we're up, did you want to go meet Mito before the wedding?" I asked and she immediately got up on all fours and looked at me

"Yessss" She said cheerily and I laughed

"Okay they will be getting here soon so go get dressed then I can put your hair up" I said and she nodded and crawled off the bed and out of the room.

"Oh actually Ami I got you something to wear today" Madara said as he threw the blankets off himself and got up. I hummed curiously while Ami looked as though she was going to jump out of her skin watching Madara go to the closet.

"I don't know if you have a dress you would rather wear today but I went to get a new set of robes and thought you would like it" he explained, pulling out a cute reddish pink dress.

"Oh it's so pretty!" Ami cheered quickly hugging him before snatching the dress and running off to try it on.

"That was really sweet Madara thank you" I said softly and he smiled walking over to bed

"Of course, are you planning to get up?" He asked and I pouted our my lip and made a whining sound. A smile grew on his face as he leaned down and gave me a kiss, as soon as he leaned up I made another whining sound, earning me another kiss.

"You are a child Naria" He said after the third time and I giggled

"I hang out with a six year old all the time what did you expect" I said as I threw my own blankets off and got to my feet. I stripped off most of my clothes except my underwear and prepared to pull the red kimono dress I wore on my first date with Madara over my shoulders but arms snaked around my waist, stopping my movements. I giggled slightly as Madara kissed down my neck

"We don't have time for this Madara" I said lightly as I turned around and gave him a quick kiss.

"You are the one who chose to strip down to nearly nothing" He said and I giggled as I pulled the dress over my shoulders and wrapped it around my front

"It's not as if you haven't seen it already" I said as I wrapped the obi around my waist

"Are you going to wear anything special or just your normal robes?" I asked as he walked over to the closet

"I see no need to wear anything special" He said as he changed his pants and started to pull his dark blue robe over his head. Just as he got it over his head Ami came in wearing the dress

"Ami you really gotta stop just coming in here without knocking" I said as she walked over to me

"Oh, sorry.. Anyways my normal bows won't work with this color" She pouted and I shrugged

"Why don't you just wear your hair down?" I asked and she thought for a moment

"I think it would be nice if you wore it down, you always have pony tails" Madara said and she grinned

"Okay" She said and I laughed as I picked up my hairbrush from the dresser and ran it through her hair a few times. As I pulled her hair up I saw that there was a small Uchiha crest in the middle of the back of her dress and I ran my finger along the top

"Is that okay?" Madara voice caught me off guard but I just smiled

"Yeah I don't mind" I said softly as I finished brushing out her hair

"Okay you're all set, we will be down in a minute" I said and she nodded as she skipped from the room, the bottom of the dress flowing with her movements. I ran the brush through my own hair a few times before putting it back and turning to Madara

"Okay?" I asked and he smiled

"Stunning" he said and I grinned and threw my arms over his shoulders

"You always look handsome" I said then kissed his cheek lightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him a little more and I grinned, looking up into his dark eyes. He dipped his head to give me a sweet kiss and I leaned my head as I pushed into him a bit more. When we broke apart a thin string of saliva connected our lips and I smiled giving him a light kiss to get rid of it.

"We should go if you want to meet Mito" He said and I nodded as I pulled myself away from him. We made our way out of the house and down towards where the main gate was finally completed.

"Hey Uncle Hashi, Tobi!" Ami cheered as she ran towards them. Hashirama quickly turned around to scoop her up in his arms with a laugh

"Morning you three" Hashirama said jovially and I smiled wrapping one arm around his waist before giving Tobirama a hug

"Are you excited?" I asked and he grinned widely

"Very much so" He said and I smiled back

"I sense them" Tobirama said and we all turned to look at the path leading to the village. There was Mito along with her mother and grandparents. Hashirama walked forward with Ami still in his arms to give Mito a kiss on the cheek

"Hi" I greeted as I gave her a hug while Hashirama greeted the others

"So this is my brother Tobirama, my niece Ami, my friend Madara and you already met Naria" Hashirama said, pointing to each of us in turn

"This is Ashina, Mitsuki and Mia" He said gesturing to the others

"And Mito" He said cheerily as Mito bowed her head slightly

"Hi nice to meet all of you" Ami said cheerily as she wriggled out of Hashirama's grasp to hug Mito around the waist. She seemed slightly surprised but hugged her back the best she could with the height difference

"Uncle Hashi didn't do you justice, you are so pretty" She said and I smiled widely along with Mito

"Thank you Ami, you are absolutely adorable yourself" Mito said and I saw Ami's eyes light up. We started to make our way to the Hokage building where the ceremony would be held and I listened to Ami talk to Mito about how cute her buns were and how she normally wore her hair up in ponytails. When we got there Madara and I went to sit in the front row while Ami stayed back with Mito. When the ceremony started I watched as Ami threw flower petals down where Mito would walk, a bright smile across her face as she went. When she got to the end she came over and climbed into Madara's lap to watch as Mito walked down in a beautiful white kimono. Once they said their vows and kissed we all cheered and watched as they walked back down the aisle together.

"What happens now?" Ami asked curiously once they were out of sight

"We dance" I said simply and she grinned

"I call Madara" She said glaring at me as Madara stood to his feet, holding Ami up. I puffed out a cheek and looked at Madara who shrugged

"She did call it" he said with a chuckle and I giggled

"That's fine, someone's gotta dance with Tobirama" I said and as if on cue I saw the white haired man try to blend in with the red building, no doubt hoping that he wouldn't have to do anything. I giggled as I weaved around people who were putting the chairs back together so that we hard room to dance.

"You can't get away that easy Tobi" I said in a sing song voice as I walked up to him

"I have no idea what you're talking about" He said flatly and I grinned as I wrapped my arm around his and tugged him towards the others

"My date got taken so you have to dance with me" I said just as the music started to play. I laid both of my hands across Tobirama's shoulders and let him lead me around the grass

"So we never talked about the girl you like Tobirama" I said looking up into his red eyes

"I don't like anyone" He said firmly and I grinned

"Nonsense" I said simply and he frowned

"But if you really don't want to tell me I won't push it" I said simply and he frowned

"It's not a girl" He said quietly and I raised both of my eyebrows in surprise

"See that's why I don't tell people" he said as he tried to break away but I kept a firm hold on his shoulders

"I was just surprised, I think it's cute" I said and the smallest smile twitched at his lips as he replaced his hands at my hips

"So who is it? Izuna?" I asked and it was his turn to look surprised, a little red blush coating his ears

"How did you know?" He asked and I shrugged

"He seemed like the most likely candidate" I said and he nodded in understanding

"So what are you going to do about it?" I asked and he shrugged

"Have you talked to him much?" I asked, following Tobirama's smooth steps

"Not enough, I feel as though he hates me" He said and I glanced around at the rest of the people searching for Izuna but my eyes fell on the other important Uchiha in my life. Madara was smiling widely down at Ami who was standing on his feet and holding his hands as he walked her around the grass.

"Aww" I murmured and Tobirama looked around to see what I was looking at

"It's weird seeing him so personable" He said and I grinned

"It's so adorable" I mumbled then remembered what I was looking for and I saw Izuna talking to another Uchiha I didn't recognize

"Be back in a bit" I said as I broke away from Tobirama and walked towards Izuna. I heard a weird gurgling sound come from Tobirama but I ignored it

"Hey Izuna, care to dance?" I asked and he turned to me with a smile

"Sure, I would have thought you'd prefer my brother though" He said as he placed his hands at my sides

"My date got snatched by my daughter" I said nodding my head over to where Madara and Ami were still dancing

"I have never seen Madara so open and affectionate, you two really changed him" Izuna said and I smiled

"And what about you Izuna? Any special person?" I asked and he got a bit red in the face

"Possibly.." He said in a weak voice that made me giggle

"Is there any way I can help? I may be able to set you up...Especially if that person is a Senju" I said and his blush deepened

"What does Tobirama think of me?" He blurted out and I grinned

"He spoke a lot of how strong you were as a shinobi the whole time we were growing up" I said and a smile twitched at his lips

"You shouldn't get nervous around him, he is honestly a big teddy bear, you just have to get past the cold exterior.. He's a lot like Madara in that respect" I said and he nodded

"Elder brother" He greeted and I smiled when I felt a firm hand on my lower back

"Mind if take over?" he asked but it came off more like an order

"Sure thing" Izuna said as he backed away from me

"Go talk to him" I whispered just as Madara spun me around. I let out a little giggle and wrapped my arms around his neck, intertwining a few fingers in his smooth hair as I looked up into his onyx eyes.

"Hey Madara?" I questioned and he hummed in acknowledgment as he looked down at me. I felt my heart flutter and I felt weak kneed under his stare. I buried my face in his neck and mumbled something random. I heard his musical chuckle as lean his head against mine and hugged me a little closer to his chest

"You will have to clarify" He said lightly and I smiled against his neck

"I love you" I said, barely pulling away from his neck so I could speak into his ear. I felt his hands tighten their hold on my waist for a moment before he spoke

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