《On Venus and Mars [Vol. 1]》Yours Truly (3)
Cindy and the Guardian then went on their way, taking very small and slow steps through the misty Moat. When they finally did make it back to town, Cindy began again, saying...
Oh dear, I'm not familiar with this part of town. Could you stay with me a while longer till I find my bearings?
As you wish.
And when they finally came upon a menagerie of houses (not daring to take too ridiculous a road, as they had done before), they moved beyond where they had parted ways before, and made their way through the lanes until they came upon a certain crooked-looking house with a shield adorning it front gate. Its symbol was of a mask made up of two halves, half of comedy and half of tragedy. The half of the mask that was comedy had an emerald eye. The eye on the tragedy half was a ruby. This was the House of Gibbs. And this was the pinnacle of Cindy's hesitation. Yet, she recalled how miserable the boy looked in the carriage as he took his seat and let his rifle become a bracer again, and so she spoke again, saying...
Look, Guardian! The gates are unlocked but the autocar is missing! Someone is or was here who isn't supposed to be! Come inside with me in case they have not left!
As you wish.
Cindy wasn't actually all that afraid of a robber. In fact, she was rather amused. Locking the doors had been her job and so it amused her to find the task undone- to think that the Gibbses were so used to her doing everything that they forgot all about something so simple.
They went in without further interruption, furthering Cindy's hope that she would not have to introduce the boy to any Gibbses at all. And, sure enough, the pair made their way through the drawing and dining rooms and climbed the winding stairs to the attic before coming upon a fairly unsettling sight waiting behind the door. The sight was Cornelia, sitting ominously in some dark corner where she had, very evidently, been waiting for Cindy to return. And the endeavour so exhausted her that, at first, she did not even realise that the girl had returned with the Guardian at her side.
Welcome back, my dear. We have much to dis- (then she realised it)
And, suddenly, the Guardian took on a far more confident stance. He had long ago, before the Eve, in fact, become casually aware of the Gibbses state as disgraced nobility. But, then and there, that awareness took firmer root and became the beginnings of a ladder. And, in a matter of moments, his recent discovery of Cindy's voicelessness, and the testimonies he had heard about a wicked employer and a treacherous birth-mother (among other things), and his existing awareness of a servant girl ill-treated in Cornelia's service, all became the steps of the ladder leading him up to a trapdoor of sorts which flung wide open at his noticing of the resemblances between the Who beside him and the Who before him. In this way, he came upon the obvious conclusion.
Cornelia Gibbs... count yourself blessed that every law under heaven keeps me from butchering you here and now.
Cornelia, for her part, did not feel very blessed. In fact, the dread seeping down into her person was so tangible that it nearly became a solid, choking her as it went. To her mind, not only was the rudest and meanest firstborn son of a family of high esteem right there in her house, but he had come in alongside the child she had loathed since birth. And the child, almost as an insult, had been wearing the shadow-black cloak which had begun her end of the nightmare.
Hullo there!
Hi... Cindy dear, why didn't you say you were coming?
Does she need to? It is her house.
Oh yes- well... I just wasn't expecting the company, is all. We've no tea or snacks to offer you, I'm afraid.
No need to fret about that. Your daughter and I have already eaten: A breakfast at the palace- my own cooking.
Daughter... I see. Well then. Would you like to stay for lunch?
Very much so. But alas, I am meant to be home soon and I don't think Chainbreaker would like me taking too long. You know what mothers are like, always worried about their children's well-being.
You little brat... Of course. Well I wish y-
And so, Cornelia was as voiceless as Cindy and would remain so until cured- that is what happened, in those days, to a person jinxed.
Honestly, if you could only spare me a moment! I have a gift for my dearest fellow!
A gift?
Of course, Cornelia could not hear Cindy saying anything and so she was rather shocked when the Guardian replied to the girl, without missing a beat, saying...
Why- You're wearing it!
Then he gestured to his own shadow as it hung down the girl's shoulders.
Now you have as much authority over it as an Overseer! It is yours truly and I will not be accepting any arguments to the contrary!
As he said this, he called the cloak to his hand and lobbed it right at Cornelia. And, just as he knew it would, it dodged the former lady and whipped around her before flying right back towards Cindy and gently setting itself round her neck again. And when it was surely fastened there again, the Guardian continued, saying...
If ever you need me, only send the shadow on its way. When it finds me, I will know that you were looking. And I will be right over, at your service.
When he had finished that part of his demonstration, Guardian gently took the girl's hair in his hands and bent his own head slowly forward until only a little distance remained. And for that, he looked to Cindy. In full approval of the move, she bent her head towards him in return and so he planted a kiss on her forehead- which had the added effect of making them both blush. Indeed, the Guardian's cheeks were as rosey as his own lenses.
Goodbye, Lady Gibbs.
It was the icing on the cake, the crux of a biscuit, the final flourish that the Guardian bade the former Lady Cornelia no farewell as he left the room and began his descent. And she could do nothing in reply except remain stiff and speechless on account of being jinxed. Then and there, Cindy discovered that she quite liked the look of the Who so crippled.
Not long afterwards, a most peculiar thing happened. When the Guardian had made his way to the bottom floor and was on his way out the door, a shadow-black cloak came rushing towards him and wrapped itself around him. And when it happened, he turned and saw Cindy, walking his way.
I need you.
I know what you're doing. And I'm grateful. But I can't dally any longer. I must go.
I don't want your gratitude! I'm being entirely selfish in this! You could die! And then where would I be? I don't want to lose you.
Again, the girl thought of her losses- of Minnie and her mother, of Tom Jr. and his father, of John Smith, and, especially, of Anna.
That won't happen. I will come back.
Give your word.
Which would you like?
Your fate.
Fine then. By the word of the Guardian-
No. Not that. I want your real fate.
You keep calling me that. And earlier you called me Lady Gibbs. Could it be that you don't know my fate either? Or do you think I haven't noticed that you've been avoiding even a guess since the Eve. (sigh) I am not upset with you. Joanne Smith is not real. No more than Guardian. I would like to know the real you, lest I never get the chance again.
By then, Cindy had come up so close to him that he could very nearly feel the breath of her every uttered word. And so, after a quick look about to make sure no one was eavesdropping, Guardian leaned over beside her ear and whispered...
You have my word. The word of Malachi Brandonkin. I will come back to you.
As he whispered, she found his hand with her own, and she found it pale and unstill as if it were cold. And when he finished whispering, and she had been satisfied, she lifted up his hand in hers and caressed and kissed it. And when she made the kiss, the shadow flew off the boy and returned to its rightful place: hanging down her back.
As for my true fate, I will tell you when you have kept your word. In the hidden country- the treasure only we know -I will tell you the fate which the Storks had written for me in starlight.
As you wish.
His hand was stilled. And as tearful smiles bejewelled both their faces, the two parted ways. And as Cindy watched in awe and longing as he walked away, a creature of white and grey fur appeared out of thin air in front of him- right on the road. And when the two were gathered, the creature climbed atop Malachi's back as if to ride on him; as if it were his backpack. Then the pet and his boy exchanged mischievous smiles and the creature spewed a cloud from his breath, and the cloud revealed a curtain- formerly invisible -in the air. At once, the boy ran beyond the veil with Stormy hanging from his shoulders. And then they, and the curtain, were vanished.
Huh... was that...
What silliness is this?
Did we genuinely forget to ask him about the pet?
Was the creature following us that whole time?
Unbeknownst to Malachi, Cindy and Stormy, Cornelia managed to behold the scene from a higher window and, though she heard nothing, she became that much more terrified at the possibility- seeming more likely by the minute -of her own disowned daughter becoming an Overseer. The thought made her shudder so that she remained hard of speech for a long while even after James became aware of her jinx and called her by her true fate.
The battle in the skies lasted a little over four hours before the Overseers finally managed to rout the pursuers. The ensuing funeral and feast took up the rest of the next few days. And it was not until the third day that the Overseers under Amadeus CCLIX had freedom to convene. However, on the eve of that meet, while the survivors were being given food and baths and warm rooms, a lesser council of Overseers was called by Susan herself summoning her stock into a private room.
He did what?
He told her, Papa. The little bastard told her my fate.
Watch your tongue!
Yea, sister. Watch your tongue. And, more importantly, you have no proof!
You called me Sue right in front of her!
That is not the same as telling her!
Deny it then, brother. We all know you're too proud to lie so look me in the eyes and tell me you did not tell the girl the fate of any Overseer.
"You did not tell the girl the fate of any Overseer."
Before his elder brother even finished speaking, Abe broke the gaze out of sheer frustrated amusement. Regardless, the game had been given up. By his response, Malachi had damned himself. At once, Brandon- his father -leaned over him with a fearsome look, saying...
What were you thinking?
I wasn't! Honestly, it was an accident! Take my word for it if you must!
Accident or no, you've still put your sister in grave danger. We may very well forgive you just this once but-
Speak for yourself!
If I may... The girl is no danger. She won't tell anyone. She ca- Shut it! Or will you give away another secret?
Come off it, brother. We know she's a mute. Mother has spent more than enough time with her to learn that much.
And even if I hadn't, we might've guessed from the Eve. I remembered when I saw her that she was one of the few players who didn't sing whilst playing.
And what does it matter anyway? You're her fellow! She tells you things, mute or no! What's to keep her from spilling my fate every which way.
I suppose we should consider ourselves fortunate you've only given away one.
And with that said, Malachi gave off a very soft sound as his stomach turned. His look also became more grave. It was then that Abe became horrified since he was a little brother and, in that course, he often watched his siblings to ensure that they wouldn't get away with anything.
What was that look?
What look?
The one he just made.
I'm sure I've no idea what you're talking about.
It was only one fate right?
And so Malachi learned the primary downside of being the family's chatterbox: As soon as you stop talking, everyone knows you're hiding something.
What even is a fate...
By the pinky!
That's actually unreal.
Who else?
When Malachi still maintained his silence, his father broke the table against his own fist and repeated his question as a roar. At once, the boy replied.
(startled) Only Sue's! (slowly) And I... may have mentioned... my own at one point. And umm... now that... I think back on- on it I... may... have... (suddenly very quickly and quietly) called-myself-Brandonkin.
Then a thick and heavy pause fell on the room as if the air itself were littered with rage and terror. Being the little brother, Abe was the first to break the silence.
Shall we kick him out now or do we want to let him pack first? Dibs on his things if it's the former.
No one replied then. But immediately after- and even a little during -Abe's comment, Brandon began walking towards the Guardian with clenched fists. His gnashing teeth promised "suffer" while his eyes flashed a warning "for your own sake, summon your armour", but before he could even throw a blow of his own, his wife- Teresa the Chainbreaker -sent the boy flying off his chair and smashing against the wall with a swift kick. Fortunately, the boy had taken his father's warning when it was given and so his armour was there to protect him from the impact.
Why must you make it so hard? All I ever try to do is defend you. Help you. And you keep going off and doing stupid things? Do you want to be handed over? Do you want to be killed?
Why would he be killed?
At his word, the Overseers in the room ceased all their business and got on their feet, and then their knees, and bowed their heads in reverence. The shock of his quiet entry had horrified them beyond the reassuring smile on his face and so they remained that way until Amadeus began again.
No need for that. I am a soldier, not a god.
Then they all stood at ease.
Now tell me, why were you threatening to kill my son?
It was only an empty threat, sir. They make it every other week. It never happens... (with a half-hearted laugh) obviously.
(to Malachi) What a gentlemanly thing to say, son. (to Brandon and Teresa) See? The boy already knows you better. What good is a known empty threat? Why don't we put a stop to it?
Yes! Of course, Holy Fath-
Unless he is deserving?
The youths were bold beyond measure in one moment and timid as lambs in the next- and then silent until their part in the meeting had ended.
What noble children you have raised for the Underground. I must commend you both.
Throughout the encounter, the Grand Overseer's smile remained unwavering and his voice stayed gentle, but his eyes- still as a storm -moved from person to person peering ever more keenly. And when Brandon saw that there was no way of getting him to leave without answers, he said to the Keeper of the Underground...
Mayn't we talk alone? As father and son?
We may not for we cannot. I cannot, in good conscience, have a man keep secrets from his wife. I will speak to you both.
With a nod, Teresa agreed to stay and so the three children left the room. Susan was the last to leave since she was the one pushing her little brothers out the door before closing it behind them. And as she left, she heard- very briefly and faintly -the opening of their discussion.
This wouldn't have anything to do with your suspicions about the boy.
Everything, Holy Father. They have been confirmed.
Teresa darling...
He has met a girl. And I have met her myself. And I do believe she is...
She was almost tempted to leave the door a little open and hear a little more. But she knew that if she did, Abe would jump at her and try to listen with her and ruin the game entirely. So, the three sat just outside the meeting room, waiting for a verdict. Then the doors flew open and the Grand Overseer emerged with Brandon and Teresa beside him.
What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Malachi about what has passed... provided he doesn't do it again.
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