《The UnSlut Project》He's kind of a loser. Not a total loser, though.


December 16, 1997

Today everyone was like, “Zach made out with Amanda Collins.” Even Steph told me, “Emily, Zach is going to dump you.” But when I confronted him about what happened at the party, Zach got all angry. He was like, “If I made out with Amanda Collins, I must have been totally shitfaced, because I do not remember doing that.” I pretended like I believed him.

My next class was English, and Zach has class in the same classroom right after me. At the end of the class, when most people were in the hall and some dorks had already entered their next class, I was still in the English room, packing up my stuff.

“Are you mad at me?” Zach’s voice startled me. I hadn’t even noticed he was there! “No.” I put my folder away and walked out of the room. Before I was out the door, I heard him meekly call after me, “See you…” and I missed the “later,” because I was gone.

He must have thought I was awfully rude for not answering him, and I felt bad later, but he had cheated on me! I’m sure of it now because Kaylee ran up to me when I was at my locker later in the afternoon and said, “Oh my god! I just saw Zach walking down the hall with his arm around Amanda Collins!”

Zach called me today while Steph was over. She’s always over. He asked me why I was mad at him and I said because he was cheating on me. He insisted that it was just a friendly hug. I said, “You never hug me.” He said, “Well, that’s different.” “How so?”

“I dunno…” he stammered, and then he really randomly snapped at me, “Well, why don’t you dump me?” I got nervous. “You sound like you wantme to.” He said, “Shut up, Emily. Just don’t talk to me anymore.” There was a silence, but only a short one, because he said, “I didn’t make out with Amanda Collins.”


Tyler always asks me half-jokingly if I am going to dump Zach and I always say no. It is so obvious Tyler likes me: he writes me notes all the time and flirts with me so badly. I suppose if Zach were to ever dump me, I might consider going out with Tyler. He’s kind of a loser. Not a total loser, though.

[Steph really was always over. Also, I wonder who those poor “dorks” were who had the audacity to move so quickly between classes!]

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