《His Unexpected Marriage》Chapter Four


It was like her worst nightmare come true!

Well, the nightmare she had been dreading since she had woken up that morning. How had he found her father so quickly? And what was he doing here? She was so confused right now and not just about what had happened last night. She wondered what he and her father had been discussing and how long they had been discussing it for.

“Hi daddy!” she said jumping to her feet and giving him a hug while glaring at Jake over his shoulder.

“Hi sweetheart. I’m glad to see you’re okay,” he said with a relieved smile while his wife cleared her throat to get his attention making both of them turn to gaze at her questioningly.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Susan asked with a big smile at Jake and Kaycee felt herself bristle indignantly at the hungry look she was giving him.

“Of course, sorry darling. This is….”

And here it came Kaycee thought with a wince as she waited for the hammer to fall, now everyone would know that Jake just might be her husband. Oh god, how was she going to face them after this?

“… Jake Wentworth. Of Wentworth Hotels. He has been trying to get me to sell my hotels to him for a while but as I have explained to him. I will only give them to my son-in-law, when I have one of course. And as Sarah’s already spoken for and I know Kaycee would never be foolish enough to fall for his charms, he is out of luck. Got to give the boy credit for trying though!” her father finished explaining and Kaycee stared at him open mouthed.

Jake was part of the Wentworth family? Her father’s biggest business rivals and she had unwittingly married their son. Could this get any worse? It surprised her though to realise that not only had Jake not come here to tell her father about them but also that he hadn’t revealed it even when her father had dropped that little bombshell.

“Such a shame that your daughter wouldn’t consider me a good husband,” Jake offered thoughtfully with a meaningful glance Kaycee’s way and she fought not to blush.

“My girls are too smart to fall for your charms Wentworth, right Kaycee?” her father asked with a grin and she offered a weak smile as she fought not to glance at Jake.

“Yep, too smart for that, daddy.”


“Soon you will have your son-in-law to pass your hotels on to and I doubt whether Kaycee will have a chance to find a husband before then,” Susan said her very tone dripping acid that made Kaycee grit her teeth furiously. She had never been fond of her stepmother but she was starting to really hate the woman.

“Now Susie, Kaycee has always been a beautiful girl, I’m sure she’ll have no trouble finding a husband when she’s ready. Right princess?” her father asked with an indulgent smile and Kaycee smiled back at him.

“Speaking of looks, what on earth have you done to your hair, sweetie? You look like a clown at the circus,” Susan offered and Kaycee self-conciously touched her hair even as she cursed herself for doing it.

“Well I like it and that’s all that matters,” Kaycee told her firmly determined that her stepmother would hold no more power over her.

“I think it suits you!” Jake offered and she narrowed her eyes at him wondering why he was still here, not noticing the way Susan stiffened at his comment or the way her father smiled.

“Maybe I should show Mr Wentworth out for you, daddy.” Kaycee suggested but her father shook his head with a laugh.

“I know you’re protective, princess, but even I am not so crude as to send our guest away without even offering him some dinner.” Her father said firmly and Kaycee sighed as she cursed her father’s good manners.

“I’m sure Mr Wentworth has more important plans than a family dinner,” Kaycee said hopefully only for her hopes to be dashed.

“Not at all. I would love to join you for dinner. And please, call me Jake!” he corrected with a smile that was all for her.

“How wonderful, Sarah and I would love to get to know you better. Right, sweetie?” Susan asked and her daughter nodded with a flirtatious smile on her face that made Kaycee grit her teeth as jealousy took hold of her.

“Absolutely. So, tell me Jake, are you single?” Sarah asked fluttering her long eyelashes at him.

Oh My God! They’re like damn cats in heat, Kaycee thought furiously. First Rob and now Jake, could she have nothing to herself?

“You know what? I think I’m gonna go.” She said deciding that while they may be able to flirt with him, she didn’t have to stay here and watch.

“Shame you can’t stay. Safe journey!” Susan said immediately as she got up to lead Jake to the dining room making Kaycee roll her eyes.


“Nonsense sweetie, I haven’t seen you in days. And I think it will do you and your sister good to share a meal after all the problems you two have been having lately,” her father suggested making Kaycee laugh.

“Dad, she stole my boyfriend. I hardly think one meal will make it all better,”

“It’s a start though,” Sarah said quietly and it was more the fact that she seemed genuinely upset that Kaycee was leaving rather than being focused on Jake like Susan that convinced her to stay.

“I guess one meal won’t hurt,” Kaycee replied though really all she wanted to do was walk out and never look back.

The next two hours were so awkward that she actually felt like she was being tortured. It wasn’t enough that her boyfriend had left her for her own stepsister or that her stepmother was conspiring to take away her inheritance but now not only were they forcing her to endure the company of her maybe husband but she realised with dismay they were also forcing her to endure the company of her ex-boyfriend. It was definitely an uncomfortable meal!

“I am sorry, care bear,” Rob whispered again and Kaycee gritted her teeth furiously. Why was she cursed with such bad luck? She had Rob sat next to her and he wouldn’t stop apologising and trying to touch her hand, eurgh. And across from her was Jake with his dazzling smiles that he kept sending her way even while he was talking to Sarah and Susan. It became apparent to Kaycee early on that Susan saw Jake as a much better catch for her daughter and clearly thought he could be bought.

It was something that had crossed Kaycee’s mind though and she couldn’t seem to get it out of her mind now that it was there. Her father had said he’d told Jake before about his intentions to give his company to his first son-in-law, did that mean that Jake had known who she was before hand? Had he been faking their meeting just so he could trick her in to marrying him? Was that his ultimate goal?

“So, haven’t you ever thought about marriage?” Susan asked in her breathiest voice that made Kaycee want to vomit.

“I’ve thought about it!” he said catching Kaycee’s gaze and she felt shivers run down her spine at the heat in his eyes that felt like they were undressing her where she sat.

“But you never have,” Susan said as though sad about the fact though Kaycee could see the conniving glint in her blue eyes.

“I see marriage as a lifetime commitment, once I get married I intend to stay married. I don’t believe in divorce!” Jake announced and everyone except for Kaycee smiled at him with respect in their eyes. The only thing in Kaycee’s eyes was terror as she realised what he was saying to her.

“Shit!” she swore not realising she had said it out loud until everyone looked her way. Jake seemed amused by her outburst.

“I just realised that I was supposed to stop by my neighbour’s tonight and I completely forgot. I should go. She’ll be waiting for me,” Kaycee said trying to cover her outburst.

“Sure, see you later,” Susan replied unconcerned with whatever her stepdaughter was up to.

“You’re sure this isn’t because of me? Because of us?” Sarah asked indicating Rob and Kaycee shook her head slowly.

“Of course not, I just have to go… and see my neighbour!” Kaycee responded with a fake smile as she pushed back her chair and got to her feet glad that she was escaping the evening relatively unscathed.

“You know, I should probably go too.” Jake said getting to his feet and Kaycee sent him a startled look.

“Are you sure you have to go so soon?” Susan asked and Kaycee almost laughed at this. How unfair was it that the only mother she had ever known would rather have a complete stranger stay for dinner than her!

“It’s been great, but I really should go,” he responded firmly in a tone that even her stepmother could not ignore.

“Well at least let me see you out, it’s the least I can do!” Susan offered and he gave her a hard smile.

“I don’t want to put you to any trouble. I’m sure that Kaycee is more than capable of showing me out,” he said and Susan offered a small smile in return as Jake herded Kaycee out before she could protest or mysteriously change her mind about visiting her supposed neighbour.

It wasn’t until they were outside in the cold that clear night that Jake finally spoke and it was just what Kaycee had been dreading.

“We need to talk!”

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