《Just My Type》Chapter 27- All the Good Ones Are Taken
With Aunt Anita gone things around here had really settled down. She left this morning and I was already starting to miss her presence here. Too bad she couldn’t stick around for Halloween. It would have been awesome with her here. She’d have found a way to make it outrageous and memorable.
My beeped suddenly drawing my attention out of my thoughts and I pulled it out to check it. It was a text from Grace.
My fingers wavered over the keypad to text her back but I stopped, frozen in place. Deacon was coming with us? Thanks for the last minute warning Grace!
I hadn’t seen him since we decided to cool things off. It might be a little awkward to see him now.
I looked down at my pajamas and groaned. Crap. I need to change. I don’t know if could be ready in 20 minutes.
I ran to my closet and grabbed the first clothes I saw and slipped them on then made my way to the bathroom to clean up my appearance. I shrieked after looking at myself in the mirror. My hair was in severe disarray. It looked like a bird decided to make a permanent nest in my hair overnight.
I grabbed my hair brush and ran it through my hair a few times and decided that the best decision was to tie it up into a messy bun. I applied a few last minute cosmetics like mascara and eyeliner and was out the door by the time Grace and Deacon pulled up in my drive way.
I’ll have to convince my mom to let me go to the party later. First I had to get me a costume or the party would not happen at all.
Deacon and Grace greeted me as soon as I got inside the car. Deacon didn’t make a ton of conversation on the way to the mall, but when he did talk to me it didn’t seem as weird or awkward as I thought it would be. Just words and a few stolen glances.
When Grace and I reached Halloween Expo Deacon went off on his own to find a costume and left me and Grace to our own devices.
“What kind of costume are you going to get?” She asked making her way over to one of the shelves.
Most of the ones we looked at on it were all doom and gloom. It was things like, Dracula, Zombies, and the grim reaper type stuff. Nothing I wanted to be seen in. We quickly moved on to the next few shelves. Most of them were children’s costumes and very picked over.
On another shelf there were a few cartoon character costumes and toward the back of the store all the way on the last shelves there were a few medieval and renaissance costumes and then the slutty or sexy ones directly across from them in the same isle.
“Oh, I like this one,” Grace said pulling down a costume from the shelf.
I looked over her shoulder to see which one she had and laughed. “You wanna go to a Halloween party as a bar maid?”
“What? It’s cute.”
“And too short. Deacon would flip before he’d let you go out in something that revealing,”
She frowned. “I’m not a child. I can wear whatever I want.”
I turned back to the shelf I was looking and said, “Uh huh. Tell him that and we’ll see who wins the argument. Why don’t you just wear something a little more conservative and avoid the drama?”
She grabbed my shoulder quickly and spun me around. “I want this one. Please help me! Will you distract him while I go buy this one? I have to look hot tonight, it’s very important. Please, please, please.”
I looked at her pleading eyes for a moment and sighed. Deacon would be mad if he found out but I had to do this for my friend. She’d do it for me.“Okay, fine. I’ll distract him. But if asks where you are I’m gonna tell-”
“There he is,” she whispers yanking on my arm. She looked at the end of our isle and saw him looking at some male costumes at the end of it. “I’m gonna go!”
And she did go. Very, very, quickly. I had to hold in my laughter. I turned back to the costumes and found an Elizabethan era costume that closely resembled something Juliet Capulet would wear and I considered it.
Kind of bulky, but not at all as cliché as the shelf opposite of this one with the “sexy” stuff hanging from it.
“Going as your favorite Shakespearian play character?” The voice beside my head was Deacon and I didn’t have to face him to know that.
I shrugged. “Why not? Tragic play, tragic love life,” I weighed those words on the invisible scale in my hands and then let them drop. “It all kind of fits for me right now.”
Deacon laughed. “Well, since you put it that way.” He turned to the shelf behind us and pulled down a random costume and held it out to me. “But why be Juliet when you could be sexy nurse.”
“Yay. I can be a walking cliché! Great idea.” I snorted with laughter and bumped Deacon’s shoulder.
“Okay then, how about…” he switched the costume out for another one and held it up. “Sexy Alice in Wonderland.”
I waved it off. “Please. I bet at least ¼ of the girls at the party tonight will have that exact same costume.”
He nodded then proceeded again. “Sexy female cop?”
“French maid?”
“Slutty red riding hood?”
“Well, unless you want to go as hot Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, you’re all out of luck on this side.”
I sighed. “See. This is exactly what I mean by all the good ones are taken. I’m just gonna go as Juliet and put an end to all this madness.”
“Wait! All hope is not lost. There is one more option!” Deacon shouted with excitement. “And it’s kind of awesome.”
I turned to look at him just as he brought it down and I put my hands on my sides. “What?”
“Racy, female Robin Hood. Boots not included.” He waved the package in front of me and grinned. “You have to get this one, come on.”
Well, it was kind of cute. And definitely revealing. But what did I really have to lose? I could wear something racy for one night if I wanted to. Plus female Robin Hood is kick butt. It’ll be awesome.
“Ok. I’ll trade Juliet for Robin Hood. Hand it over.”
He handed the bag over and grinned. “There is no doubt in my mind that you’ll be the hottest girl at that party tonight. I’m almost sad we’re not going to the same one.”
I blushed at his words. “Um…thanks.”
Still flirting with me. Nice to know some things never change.
He looks around the isle quickly and furrows his eyebrows. “Where is my sister? I’ve not saw her in the last half hour.”
I took a quick look around the store and then my eyes landed back on Deacon. “She must have already checked out. Let’s go find her.” She should have had enough time to pay already.
We reached the front of the store with our costumes and I was relieved to see that Grace was nowhere in sight. I laid my garment on the checkout counter and let Glenda, the cashier, ring me up and after she was done we left the store.
Grace was already waiting for us in the car texting someone when we got there. Deacon didn’t bother asking her about her costume which I was grateful for. Grace would put up a fight before giving up that outfit.
We grabbed some lunch at a burger place down the street before Deacon drove us back to my house. Grace stayed with me so we could get ready for the party together and so Deacon wouldn’t see her before she left.
My mom was waiting for me in the kitchen we I got back. She’d just loaded the dish washer was starting on wiping down the counter tops.
“Hello, Grace,” She smiled. Then her attention turned to me. “Where have you been?”
“The mall. Grace and I wanted to get Halloween costumes for a party tonight,” I explained.
She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow at me. “A party?”
Now was the time for begging. Might as well get straight to it. “Yes. Can I please go? Everyone will be there, all of my friends. Please, please, please.”
“Where is the party at?” she asked.
“Landry Road, last house on the left.” I recalled the directions Grace had given me on the way here.
“Will there be drinking?”
I cringed at the question. She knew there would be. It was a test.“Honestly? There most likely will be. But will I? No. You can trust me.”
If she just allowed me to go to this party I swear wouldn’t even look at an alcoholic beverage the entire night. I really didn’t want to be stuck at home on a Saturday night while all of my friends were at a party. I hate feeling left out.
“I don’t know, Olivia. I don’t like the idea of you out so late at night with people I don’t know, especially where alcohol will be served.”
I groaned. “Mom, I’ll be careful, I promise and it’s not like you won’t know where I am at all times. I know you have a GPS on my phone.”
That fact bothered me at lot at first, but then when I realized I had nothing to hide in my life and complaining would get me nowhere; I had to get over it.
She sighed and crossed her arms. She knew I was right. “Alright, you can go, but I want you home by eleven o’clock and not a minute later. And just know that I know when you’re lying so be careful what you do.”
Jeeze you’d think she didn’t trust me at all. That bugged me, but I really wanted to go to the party and forget Thomas for a little while or maybe I was hoping to run into him. I don’t know. I can’t make sense of these feelings I’m having. They were complicated.
“I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do,” I told her.
“Then go have fun. I’ll see you when you get back tonight. I have to work, but I’ll be home by midnight. Your dad will be waiting for you.”
I practically jumped with excitement and wrapped my arms around her. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I promise to be on my best behavior.”
Grace and I ran up the stairs to my room and threw our bags on my bed. I checked the clock on my phone and tried to come up with a time table for getting ready.
“It’s five now and the party starts at seven. It will take us at least an hour to get ready and thirty minutes to get to Jake’s house. We should probably start getting ready now just to be sure we have enough time,” I said.
Grace nodded. “Agreed.” She picked up her bag pulled the costume out of it. She took a minute to admire it then started opening the package.
I shook my head. “I still can’t believe you’re going like that to the party. That costume doesn’t seem like you.”
She got all of her accessories out of the bag and went in search of mine. She pulled the plastic wrapped getup out of the white bag and smiled. “And yours doesn’t seem like you either.”
I grinned. “Touché Miss Taylor.”
Grace gave me her best smug smile and picked up her dress from the bed and held it up in front of her in my full length mirror fixed on my wall. “I think I’m really gonna like this party.”
“Bar wenches always like parties,” I grinned.
“Then I guess I’ll have twice the fun since I like them too.”
At first I thought she was just joking, but now I was starting to get suspicious. Grace never got this excited about one party. It must have to do with the guy she was seeing.
“I hope your guy shows up tonight,” I told her.
“He will,” she said matter -of-factly. “He’s gonna be Spiderman.”
I frowned. “So no chance I’ll get to see his face tonight?”
She shook her head. “Nope. Not a chance. Spidey never reveals his face to anyone.”
As interesting as it was to watch Grace get so worked up about this guy, I was also worried about her. Grace had never had a boy friend in the past and I was worried maybe he’d try to take advantage of her and her innocence and inexperience. I just hope she is careful above all else and don’t let that happen.
“Well, since you’re getting ready in here, I think I’ll take the bathroom.” I picked up my stuff from the bed and started toward the door.
“Wait, you’ll do my hair, won’t you? I can’t ever get it to look the same way you do.”
I nodded and smiled. “Of course. I’m just that talented.”
The getting ready part of the evening took a bit longer than we anticipated. If it hadn’t taken me twenty minutes to find my brown, leather boots we may not have been late to the party. It was dark by the time we arrived and at least ten degrees cooler than it was earlier. I suddenly regretted not bringing a jacket or winter coat.
I hated the cold.
On our way inside the house I adjusted my feathered hat for the hundredth time since I put it on. It constantly felt like it would fall off my head every time I moved. It was just my imagination though. It was still in the same place it was before.
“…I got my mind made up, man, I can’t let go. I’m killing every second ’til it saves my soul. Ooh. I’ll be running, Ooh I’ll be running…”
The music in the house was loud and the room we entered was full. People in various costumes gathered in small groups throughout the house. They were everywhere. It was huge turnout. Just being here already made me feel a world better.
Thomas was here somewhere and I thought of being so close to him and it made me shiver. It was hard to be pissed at someone you liked so much even though you knew you should be mad. Maybe I’ll make my mind up about that when I see him again.
I’ll leave it up to fate and let whatever happens happen.
“Do you see your guy anywhere?” I yelled at Grace so she could hear me.
“Not yet! Help me find him.”
I looked around the room and for a minute hoped that she wouldn’t find her guy yet because then she’d be with him and I’d be here left alone. But I knew that wasn’t fair. Just because Farrah was at the beach with Brody didn’t mean I had to but in on Grace’s plans so she’d have t keep me company all night.
“I think I see him!” She pushed her way around a few people getting in her way and continued to advance toward an open doorway where more people were standing. After I maneuvered around some of the same people I got a better look at who she was seeing and realized that in fact one of the guys was Spiderman.
Graced disappeared from my sight before I even had the chance to warn her to be careful. She was already on the other side of the room and out of my reach. Thanks, Grace.
I looked around the living room for a place to sit until I noticed an empty place on the couch between Captain Jack Sparrow and a Robin Thick Wannabe in a stripped black and white suit. I knew both of the guys from school. They were juniors.
On second thought, I think I’ll stand. Mike can be a little handsy. He was Robin Thick.
I nearly toppled over and hit the floor in front of me when a shove came from behind me. Why do people keep doing that to me? Am I invisible or something? Wasn’t the concert line bad enough?
A guy that pushed me stumbled back to his feet and gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry.” He was a freshman.
“Its fine,” I said straightening out my dress. He nodded and started to move on but instead at the lasy minute he stopped, smirked and held out his hand to me.
“Wanna dance with me, beautiful?” He looked me up and down.
Was he kidding?
I nearly busted out laughing and fought to hold it in, but a few giggles slipped through my lips anyway. “Um…you’re not my type. Sorry.”
He kept the smirk on his face and said, “Sweet, I’m eve-”
“Everyone’s type?” I guessed. “I’ve already heard that one before. And what are you fifteen? Well I’m seventeen, nearly eighteen. I don’t go for freshman. Especially ones that act just like you are.”
My words put him at surprise and he furrowed his eyebrows. “You mean confident?”
“Cocky,” I stated. “Guy’s think it’s hot, but it’s actually annoying. You should get rid of that fake personality and try being yourself. Just my advice.”
“Really?” He seemed to think it over for a minute and nodded. “Okay. I’ll try it and see if it works. At this point I’m ready to try anything. This hasn’t worked for me so far.”
“Oh and one more suggestion,” I said. “Find girls your own age. You’ll have better luck with them.”
“Noted. Thanks.” As he walked away he actually seemed genuine in his thanks. If I don’t do anything else tonight, at least I helped one person. That’s something.
“Olivia, you made it!” Sarah screams at me over someone’s head. “Farrah said she didn’t know if you were coming when I talked to her today.”
She finally reached me and threw her arms around my shoulders in a quick hug and then dropped them. Her multicolored hair met my face before she pulled away.“Some people are playing beer pong in the kitchen. Do you wanna play?”
I shook my head. “No. That’s okay. I’m not supposed to drink tonight.”
I wondered if the sounded as lame to her as it did to me. I almost slipped up and said ‘because my mom told me not to.’ Good thing I didn’t say that. That would be embarrassing.
Suddenly Sarah screams at the song change and starts rattling off lyrics to the new song. “…First things first, I’m a realest. Drop this and let the whole world feel it. And I’m still in the Murda Bizness. I could hold you down, Iike I’m givin’ lessons in physics…” She suddenly halts her singing and notices what I’m wearing. “I love your costume! I almost bought the same one at that Halloween store in the mall.”
I looked at her costume and laughed. “Yeah, but this one suits you pretty well. It’s colorful.”
“Thanks. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be Hayley Williams. I put it together myself last night,” she admitted proudly.
“Where did you get multicolored wig?”
“Halloween store. I just bought the colored sprays and did the color myself.”
I took a quick look at the people around us and then back at Sarah. “Your costume has to be the most original one here.”
She smirked. “Have you seen Thomas yet?”
His name sent a spark through me and I had to work to control the rhythm of my breathing. “No, I haven’t.”
“He has the most authentic costume here. And I’m not gonna lie, he looks hot. Not as hot as Lucas of course, but my statement still stands nonetheless.”
I laughed. “I’ll take your word for it. What did he come as?”
With the twitch of her lips she said, “A cop. Took the outfit straight from his brother’s closet.”
I gasped and half laughed. “Does Brad know?”
I shake my head. “Nice. He wouldn’t be Thomas unless he did something remotely illegal tonight. Like theft and impersonating a police officer just to name a few.”
I drew my attention away from Sarah again and l looked around the room for him. I didn’t see anyone else with a cop costume on.
“He’s in the garage,” Sarah said as if reading my mind. “He’s with Jake and Kyle.”
I guess I’m obvious now. “Oh.”
“So… does this mean you’ve forgiven him?” Her look was a hopeful one.
“I don’t know. I’m still deciding. What he did was wrong and still owes James an apology, but-”
“But he already did that,” she interrupted.
“What?” I had to make sure I heard her right over the music.
“He already talked to James today. He apologized to him about punching him and about hooking up with his girlfriend. Thomas got them back together.”
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Well, what do you think I'd write here? If you think that something has gotten you interested or inspired leave a comment I'll check it out.
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"Do you Y/N Malfoy take Mattheo Riddle as your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked. There was a long pause, silence in the room. The only thing that could be heard was my heavy breathing as I felt my heart thump in my chest. I looked at the man in front of me. Oh how I despised him, But I have to do this, for the sake of my family. For draco."I Do" .Disclaimer : This book isnt going to be a sweet love story. Mattheo Riddle is toxic and so is this book. If these things trigger you then dont read. ..All charecters belong to J.K R*wling and Mattheo belongs to Yasmine.. Love ya,PRankings : #1 in Riddle out of 3.17K stories. 28/4/21#19 in Random out of 321K stories. 27/8/22
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