《Just My Type》Chapter 20- Pool Halls and Date Crashers
Chapter 20- Pool Halls and Date Crashers
Friday was quickly approaching. I was staring at the end of the week faster than I thought possible. It hadn’t been an easy week. Not with Thomas being everywhere. Our fight didn’t sit well with him and he was still poking around asking questions about my previous plans.
Unfortunately I had to text Deacon and cancel on him and to my delight he opted to reschedule or date for Saturday instead. It had to dates this weekend with two different guys, and I was kind of…excited about it. Not sure what that said about me, but I had to keep my options open. Maybe after my dates and talking to both, Thomas and Deacon, I’d have a better idea of where I was going with each of them.
At the end of the day on Thursday I rode to my house with Grace who desperately wanted to hang out and talk to me. She had had something in her mind all day and I suspected she wanted to tell me about it.
“Want some water?” I asked her pulling two bottles from the fridge for us.
When she nodded I handed her one of them. After a very short conversation with my mom, we both headed upstairs to my room. She pulled out her iPad from her bag and took a seat on my bed.
“So…what’s the deal?”
She looked up at me as I dug through my closet for something to wear tomorrow night. It never hurts to be prepared.
She let out a long restless sigh. I looked over my shoulder at her.
“I-I…sort of like somebody,” she admitted.
My eyes widened at her confession and I took a step back then turned to face her. “Wow, Grace. I’m-that’s great! Who’s the lucky guy?”
She blushed. “You know him. We both do, pretty well I think.”
She looked away from me and out my window. “He may be enemy territory.”
Enemy terri- oh wait! I gasped. “Please tell me it isn’t who I think it is.”
Her eyes snapped back to mine. “Who?”
The words tasted bitter I my mouth and I hadn’t even said them yet. Just the mere thought of the vile person my best friend was interested in unsettled me greatly.
“Blake?” I guessed.
Grace flinched at the name quickly and shook her head. “No. I’d never do that to Farrah. I’m not Megan.”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.”Then…”
“He’s a friend of Blake’s though.”
She continued. “He’s a good guy, but I don’t know how everyone would react if it got out I liked him. He’s not exactly favored in Farrah’s eyes due to his connection with Blake.”
Suddenly everything was starting to make sense now. Thus explaining the enemy territory. Well I certainly didn’t expect that from her.
“You think I’m horrible, don’t you?” she asked lowering her gaze to the floor.
“No. Grace, you can like whoever you want. Sometimes we can’t help it. I’m sure that if you told Farrah she’d understand.”
I only hoped my words encouraged her. It wasn’t my goal to make her feel bad for her choice of guy.
She looked back up hopeful. “You really think so?”
“I think you’ll never know until you tell her. It was the same thing for me and you. I thought you’d hate me for liking Deacon, but you didn’t. I don’t see how Farrah could react any different.”
She smiled brightly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“So are you gonna tell me who the mystery guy is?” Blake didn’t have a short supply of friends.
She shook her head, but still smiled. “Not until I tell Farrah…and the guy.”
“Okay.” I could respect that. She was making the right decision. It would be fair to either our best friend or the mystery guy for her to tell me first.
“So, what are you doing?” she asked me eyeing my strewn out closet over my shoulder. I glanced back at it. It was quiet a mess. Clothes fell into the floor, some hang lazily over the top of the door, and a few were on hangers hanging from the knob. I’d never seen it look so chaotic in my life.
Normally I’d never let it get so out of control but this was another one of those Thomas side effects. I’d raided my closest for something to wear tomorrow night and nothing seemed good enough. I was completely over thinking it. Completely!
I grimaced. “I’m trying to find something to wear tomorrow night.”
Grace grinned, excitement glowing from her. She straightened herself on my bed, tucking her legs under her body. “Really? Why? What’s happening tomorrow night? Is it the big date with you know who?”
Yes. I did know who she was referring to; Deacon. And no, it wasn’t him I was flipping out over. I wish it was. Thomas was so complicated. But then again, so was Deacon. The conversation I had with Grace a few days ago was still fresh on my mind. Whether I liked it or not, June was still very much a part of his life, and probably always would be.
“Actually, it’s with Thomas,” I told her bracing for a freak-out from her.
She just stared at me open mouthed then after a few seconds closed it. “You mean you’re actually taking the next step with him?” She couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. “Wow, Olivia, t-that’s great.”
I laced my hands together in front of me and looked down at the floor. “Really? You’re not mad at me?” I glanced back up at her. “Just so you know I haven’t made my mind up about anyone. I lost a bet and this is the consequence.”
Not sure why I needed to add that part in, but I did. Is that I didn’t want Grace to think I’d rejected the idea of dating her brother after all? Was it the guilt?
She gave a sly grin to my surprise. “Sure it is. You can pretend you’re not happy about this all you want. I know you though. You can’t fool me that easily.”
“I’m not!” I said so quickly I didn’t even think about the words before I said them. It was almost like a natural reflex to deny it. “I’m just…curious.”
“Me too,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Let me know what it’s like dating the bad boy. I’ve had all these fantasies about it and then my mind keeps going back to all the movies I’ve seen. Wouldn’t it just be awesome if you ended up like Sandy from Grease, or Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You.” She bounded up on her knees clapping her hands and squealed. “Oh my gosh, do you think he’ll sing to you at school in front of everyone?”
I busted out laughing at her. “You have a very wild imagination. I mean come on, could you really seen Thomas breaking out in song? That would definitely be the highlight of my day. And everyone else’s I’m sure.”
She pouted. “It could happen.”
“I promise you that if it did, I’d make sure to record it and send it to you.”
She grinned. “I’d be crushed if you didn’t.”
“Speaking of Grease, wanna watch it? My parents aren’t home and we’ll have the flat screen all to ourselves.”
She leaped off the bed to her feet and nodded vigorously. “Yes please!”
I giggled. “Then Grease it is.”
Friday during lunch Jonah and I drove around the parking lot of Tina’s Bar and Grill just of Main Street trying to find a place to put his red Toyota Corolla. The lot was overflowing with people. I imagine the fact it was lunch hour, and Friday, it had business booming more than usual.
“We’ll never get in here before the bell rings,” I whined. “Let’s just go to McDonalds instead.”
He frowned. “Are you sure, because I was really looking forward to those cheese fries?”
“Well we can’t just ditch the rest of the day,” I said.
He raise is brow to me. “And why not?”
I gave him my best are-you-serious look and threw my hands up. “Um…maybe because my mom would kill me.”
He laughed and shook his head at me. “She’ll never know. The school doesn’t send out phone calls until it’s happens more than once. Have you ever ditched before?”
I’m guessing going to the dentist doesn’t count. It was a excused absence.
I shook my head as Jonah pulled into a vacant parking spot at the end of the lot. In fact I think it was employee parking only, but he didn’t care. It was a spot nonetheless. It wasn’t like it was officially marked or anything.
He grinned. “I didn’t think so. Come on, let’s go.”
He put the car in park and killed the engine. He had already decided where we were eating and there was no changing his mind.
“Cheese fries?” he asked.
I pulled off my seatbelt, fighting the grin I felt forming on my lips. “Okay. You win with the promise of good food.”
Seeming satisfied with my answer he smiled and got out of the car. I quickly followed after him heading inside the restaurant.
There was ten minute wait for a table. It seemed only logical there would be one with the amount of people inside. And approximately fifteen minutes later red headed waitress named Janice took us to our seats.
Jonah and I both ordered cokes and scanned the menu after the waitress left to get them. It didn’t take us long to figure out what we wanted to eat. When the waitress returned we placed our order.
“So, what’s the latest?” I asked him as soon as we were alone again. “Did you ask her yet?”
His cheeks flushed at my question. He knew exactly who I was talking about. Macy, a girl he met two days ago at the movie store. She was a grade below us, but she was still a new acquaintance to him. They’d exchanged numbers and he hadn’t gotten up the nerve to call her or ask her out yet.
“I’m going to call her tonight,” he said. “You think she’ll be mad?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean you did wait two days to call. Girls typically don’t like that.”
“I know, but I didn’t know what to say to her. I’m not good at this whole asking girls out thing. Call me gun shy since the last girl I asked out shot me down.”
There was enough teasing behind his words that I knew he wasn’t trying to make me feel bad. He just liked to have fun.
“Ha ha,” I said instantly taking note of his sarcasm. I took a sip of my drink and placed it back on the table. “Seriously though, if you don’t call her by tonight you can kiss her goodbye.”
“I would kiss her…if she’d let me.”
I let out a series of giggles causing Jonah to give me a confused look. When he raised his eye brow to me I figure I should answer him.
“I’ve never seen you so worked up over a girl before. You must really like her.”
He shrugged. “I barely know her. I’d just like to know her better. I’m hoping she’ll give me a chance.”
“Okay,” I said putting my hand over his phone on the table and sliding it to him. “Call her. Call her now.”
He shoulders sagged. “She’s at school.”
“Then text her. Let her know you’re interested. Sweep her up before someone else does.”
He stared at me for a second then immediately got on it. After a deep breath he sat the phone back down and glanced at it nervously. After a few seconds the phone beeped and he didn’t waste a second checking it.
Grinning at what I could only assume was good news he texted something back and stuffed the phone in his pocket.
“Well?” I asked.
“We’re going out tomorrow night.”
I nearly jumped out of my seat to hug him, but I didn’t want to cause I scene so I decided against it.
“That’s great! Where are you taking her?”
He laughed unable to hide his nervousness then cleared his throat. “Her youth group is having a party at church and she invited me to go.”
“A church party. Um…ok, well that sounds fun.” I didn’t really know the reaction he was looking for, but I could only guess he wasn’t happy about it.
“Her parents don’t exactly let her date. It’s the only way we can go out.”
My eyebrow rose from the surprise. “Like ever? She’s sixteen, isn’t she?”
“Yeah. They’re strict though. Apparently they trust no one. She told me they wanted her to wait until after college to date.”
I burst out laughing at that. “Okay. That will hold.”
“I know. They’re crazy, but it’s the only way I can see her.” He scratched his head silently and stared a hole through his glass appearing internally conflicted about something.
He glanced back up at me. “Oh you know, just thinking about how to tell my parents I like a Baptist when I’m Jewish.”
I dropped my straw back in my glace I had been playing with for the past two minutes and gasped dramatically. “Oh my gosh. It’s just like Romeo and Juliet! Star crossed lovers torn apart by your feuding parents.”
“Well, technically they’re not feuding, but I get what you mean. My love life is a wreck.”
I placed my hand on his in sympathy though part of me was still amused. “Don’t worry. I’m sure somehow and someway it will all work out. I mean it did for Romeo and Juliet.”
He stared at me with eyes bugged. “You’re kidding right? They killed themselves in the end.”
“Oh, right,” I blushed. I should have known that. Blond moment. “But it would have worked out everyone would have been informed properly. They would have been together in the end.”
“Keyword would have.”
I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, don’t give up. The more you have to work for something the more you’ll appreciate it. Nothing in life comes that easy.”
Jonah and I finished our lunch and didn’t return to school. Although I was nervous the entire police department was going to chase us down and haul us in like criminals, it was quite fun and daring. Something I rarely ever did.
We spent most of the day riding around in the Mustang and visiting the aquarium. That was my idea. If we were going to ditch the end of the school day we could at least make it educational. It didn’t make me feel nearly as bad about it.
When three o’clock rolled around I was drove to school to retrieve me car where I met up with Grace and Farrah. I drove them both home and went to mine to get dressed for my date with Thomas. I tried to pretend I wasn’t still angry with him over that embarrassing day in class and his probing for information, however, it was easier said than done.
After my shower I went through my entire closet full of clothes. Nothing seemed right. I was growing increasingly frustrated with every new article of clothing I tried on. I wasn’t sure way I was putting so much effort into the date since I really didn’t want to go to begin with, which was an obviously a lie. I just felt better telling myself that.
Okay, Olivia. Just pick something. Anything!
My eyes landed back on my attire. My thin sweater and jeans set I’d laid out in the beginning and sighed. Looks like my first choice won out. Once I was changed I slipped on my black, leather boots and matching short leather jacket and sized myself up in the mirror.
Not too bad for a date I didn’t want to go on.
Walking down the stairs I found my mom on the couch watching CSI reruns on the DVR. She raised an eyebrow at me when she caught my attire.
“Going somewhere?”
This was going to be the hard part.
I grimaced. “Uh, yeah. I kind of, sort of, might have a date tonight.”
“I can see that,” she said, her eyes meeting mine. “Who’s the boy?”
“Just a guy I go to school with, no one you know.”
She frowned. “Who are his parents?”
I sighed. “You wouldn’t know them.”
“Watch your tone,” she warned adjusting her blanket around her. “Where is he taking you?”
Great. It’s like the Spanish inquisition in here. “I don’t know.”
“So let me get this straight. You’re going out tonight with a boy you tell me nothing about and you’re going to some unknown, mysterious place? They have shows about this kind of thing, Olivia.”
I knew exactly where she was going with this. “His brother is a cop, Mom and he’s not taking me out in the woods to murder me and bury my body.” At least I hoped not. Thomas was crazy, but not that crazy. “You’ve been watching too much CSI.”
A knock at the door interrupted our argument and my mom immediately jumped to her feet. “I’ll get it. I’m at least meeting him before I consider letting you ride off with him.”
Hmm. I wonder if she said I couldn’t go if this would still be considered as me fulfilling the bet. It wouldn’t be my decision not to go, after all.
I followed her silently to the door. When she opened it, Thomas stood there all smiles and hand out, ready, to greet my mom. Her tough façade dissolved as she took his hand and smiled. He complimented her in some ridiculous way and just like that she was sweet and polite and an overly pleased mother. He had really turned on the charm. And he wasn’t at all hard on the eyes. He really had his looks going for him.
“Olivia, you didn’t tell me your date was so handsome.”
Handsome? Yuck. Jeeze mom.
“Must have slipped my mind.” Or it was buried deep under all the other less flattering names I had for him.
He grinned at me as if reading my very thoughts and I blushed. When mom started questioning him about his parents, I knew it was time to go. His family was a very touchy subject for him.
“Okay, well we have places to be. Curfew?” I asked her.
“Oh um…ten.” When I gave her my best are you kidding look she relented a little. “Okay, thirty. Ten thirty. And that’s pretty reasonable considering I only found out about this date ten minutes ago.”
“Fine. Ten thirty it is.” I turned my attention back to Thomas. “Ready?”
He nodded, bid my mom goodbye and escorted me out the door. She watched us all the way to the car, shouting things like drive safe, and buckle up. When we were a safe distance away from the house I turned and faced him.
“I didn’t know you had so much charm in you.”
A small smile tugged at his lips. “I guess that’s because you don’t know me all that well.”
We both got inside the car. “I don’t have to know you. I know your type.” And I did. But still, there was something infinitely different about Thomas that made him stand apart.
His smile turned to amusement. “Oh really? Then tell me, what is my type?”
I crossed my arms over my chest determined to do this. “Well, from what I have already seen you like to party.”
“Who doesn’t?”
Ok, point taken. I continued. “You like girls.”
“Most guys do.”
“Not as much as you do,” I countered. “And I’m pretty sure you smoke cigarettes since I’m pretty sure I’ve smelled smoke on my more than once. And I know you drink.”
He kept his eyes trained to the road no longer revealing anything. “Anything else?”
“You’re heartbreaker. Arrogant and a liar. Need I say more?”
Quickly the smile was back on his lips and he glanced at me when we came to a stop light. “Okay, most of that was true, but you’re still far off. You don’t know everything.”
“Then tell me what I’m missing,” I challenged.
He was happy to oblige. “First, I don’t smoke cigarettes. That smell, it was probably from Kyle or Jake. I do spend a lot of time with them and they both smoke. My dad has throat cancer I wouldn’t do that. Second, the only thing I do smoke is the occasional herb. Completely organic. And as far as the heartbreaker accusation goes I can’t be held accountable for that one. Girls know my reputation before they get involved with me. I’m not known for relationships and they know. If I’ve broken anyone’s heart it’s of their own doing, not mine.”
Okay, he had a point there and but… “The occasional herb?”
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