《Just My Type》Chapter 18- Pigs Were Flying Around Everywhere
Chapter 18- Pigs Were Flying Around Everywhere
I sat up in my bed confused about the previous night I shared with Thomas. All the events of the day before replayed in my head up until the point he fell asleep in my bed taking me with him. But now I was alone and the spot next to me lay empty.
He left me.
He didn’t even wake me up or say goodbye. It would be a lie to say it didn’t hurt a little. Even though we didn’t have sex I still felt like one of his cheap whores. The ones he uses and tosses out like yesterday’s trash. I don’t know why I ever thought that I’d be any different.
I knew I shouldn’t have ever let him stay over. It was my mistake and now I had to pay for it with the aftermath of my actions. I’ve ruined it now. He probably thinks since it was so easy to get me into bed I’d be just as easy to have sex with. He doesn’t want easy, he wants a challenge. And after last night I just proved that I’m not one.
Maybe if I hadn’t let him drink so much…
Oh crap! The alcohol!
I jumped up from the bed as fast as I could and ran down to the kitchen. I prayed the entire way that my dad hadn’t suddenly decided to come home early and found the evidence that I’d been into the forbidden cabinet. That would not end well for me.
He’s the one that actually trusts me and insists I get more freedom from my mom. I couldn’t let him see his trust is misplaced.
When I got to the kitchen I was relieved to see I was still alone at home and looked outside to make sure my dad’s car wasn’t there. He could always be hiding out in his car and surprise me at the last minute. When the coast was clear I grabbed the bottle from the counter and took it the sink to fill it.
The exact thing Thomas told me to do to eliminate the evidence.
He sure didn’t care to help me before he rush out of here this morning. Jerk.
After filling the bottle and putting it away, I cleaned the used shot glasses and placed them where they were supposed to go. When that was done I threw the damp towel on the counter and walked back up to my empty room. Disappointment washed over me as I glanced at my empty bed.
What were expecting Olivia? He’d just pop up out of nowhere and be waiting on you?
Yes. No. Maybe.
I was truly pathetic.
I had to get Thomas out of my head. He wasn’t good for me. Yes I did still technically owe him a date if he wanted to collect on it, but after that it’s probably best I keep my distance like I’ve been telling myself from the beginning.
I couldn’t let him any closer to my heart. He’d only break it.
Like this morning.
Ugh. Sometimes I just wish I didn’t care anymore. I over think things most of the time and when I under think, I end up getting hurt. Time to wise up, Olivia.
I stepped into the steaming hot shower to take my mind off of things trying to find any kind of distraction from my thoughts. My own head was the last place I wanted to be right now. To my utter disappointment, yet again, I found out my problems and worries didn’t just vanish after a long, hot shower. Nope. They were still right there as soon as I stepped out.
After I finished drying off and got dressed, my phone rang from my night stand causing my heart to leap forward in my chest. With a confusing amount of excitement I ran to it and checked the screen. A text message from Grace.
Oh. Not Thomas after all.
I clicked the message Icon on my phone and the message appeared. I laughed as I read her text.
Grace: These ppl r driving me crazy. I miss school!
I smiled while texting her back.
Me: Me 2. I hope everyone is treating you well nonetheless.
At least at school I had other classes to draw my attention away from Thomas. Her reply came quickly to mine.
Grace: I’m alive if that’s what you mean. Deacon left about an hour ago and it’s just me, my mom and my dad.
Me: I’m sorry. You can suffer through it though. Remember, what doesn’t kill you…
Grace: Then I better turn into freaking Hercules after this!
I shook my head laughing at her and shoved my phone into my back pocket.
Outside it was a mostly clear day and I wasn’t going to spend another minute of it cooped up inside thinking about the jerk that left me this morning. I only had hours left until my dad was home and I needed to take advantage of my freedom while I still had it. Slipping on my leather boots and matching jacket, I grabbed my keys and bag and headed to the door.
Almost an hour later I found myself at the door of ‘Ink up,’ Theo’s new tattoo shop in town. It wasn’t hard to find it since it was exactly where he said it was. The signs on the doors read the hours of operation and payment methods accepted. I can’t believe it. He really did!
My hand slightly shook as I placed it on the door’s handle. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, it’s not like I don’t know Ink, but the thought of me actually being in this place set my heart at a heavier pace. I’d never been this close to a Tattoo shop before.
My mom would flip if she saw me enter this place. Good thing she’s not here.
Gathering up all my nerve, I forced the door open and stepped inside the parlor. The entire place was dark red…like blood. Pictures of all the different Tattoos designs hung on the walls around me neatly placed. There was also a display of different types of rings for different piercings. I could probably get something pierced before I could get a tattoo.
In front of me was a long counter with a register on top of it that separated the front of the shop from the back. Two leather couches sat in front of the counter for waiting customers or people with appointments.
A girl with jet black hair, covered in tattoos sat behind the counter giving me a once over. She was covered in tats just like Theo except she definitely had a few more. And more piercings too. Just looking at her I felt intimidated. She didn’t exactly seem warm and welcoming.
I swallowed nervously as she stood up shook her head at me wearing a mocking smile. “Let me guess, you looking for someone to give you a butterfly or a flower.”
I shook my head and tried my best to find my voice. “No. I uh…I’m here to see Theo. Is he in?”
“You know Theo?” She didn’t do a great job of keeping the surprise out of her voice, but she still had an edge to her that made me want to cower back.
I nodded. “Yeah, but if he’s busy I could come back later.”
She didn’t speak for a few seconds. She just looked me over with scrutinizing eyes. Being in her presence was a bit unsettling. I got the feeling she didn’t like me very much. She turned her back to me and started toward the back I let out a sigh of relief.
“What did you say your name was?” she called over her shoulder.
“Oh. Just tell him it’s Patriot.” I don’t know if he would actually remember my real name of not. Then she nodded and disappeared into the back.
I let myself wonder to the case of different rings in curiosity. Minutes later I found myself glancing through the belly button rings. I couldn’t deny that I wanted one, but my mom would never allow it. She wasn’t even supportive when I got my ears pierced at the mall last year. She’s against me getting anything permanent on my body and that would never change.
“Patriot! You came.” Theo’s voice boomed through the place as soon as he saw me. He met me at the front of the shop where I stood with the earrings.
“I told you I would,” I smiled.
The inked up girl studied us carefully when she returned to the counter where she took her seat. She seemed wary to take her eyes from me and I wasn’t sure why. She really knew how to make people feel welcome.
He draped his arm over my shoulders in a lazy manor and turned his attention to what I had been staring at before he came in. “You thinking about getting one of these?”
I smiled mischievously. “I’m thinking about it. I like the belly rings.”
I was feeling adventurous today. I’d normally never have the guts to do something like this, but I wanted to do something no one would ever expect me to do. I was getting to predictable. I’d already let Thomas sleep in my room last night so why stop there? I craved more.
“We can definitely help you out with that. What ring do you like the best? This visit’s on me.”
“Really?” I asked unable to hide my excitement. “You’re giving me a free piercing?”
He nodded and chuckled. “Well, Kat will be, but yeah it’s on the house.”
I didn’t know if I should be relived or worried by that news. My eyes drifted to Kat’s who didn’t look as bothered as I thought she’d be about piercing me. Maybe she just wanted to put me through pain. She seemed like someone who’d get her kicks from something like that. Like a sadist.
“Kat’s the best. She’ll take care of you,” he assured me after seeing the worry on my face.
“Great,” I said in forced enthusiasm. Maybe it would be safer to get a tattoo after all.
“Room three,” she said and turned to leave the room. She didn’t even bother waiting for me. Not that I cared. I guess patience wasn’t something she was blessed with. Ink laughed and shook his head.
“Don’t let her intimidate you. Kat is just Kat. You’ll get used to her.”
I don’t think I want too.
“She’s not so bad,” I lied. “I’ll be fine.”
Is it too late to run screaming from here?
When we arrived at the room, Ink politely bid me goodbye and left me there alone with Kat. He must really trust her. I wish I could say the same.
“Just lie back on the table and lift your shirt,” she instructed while messing with a try of tools. I tried not to look so I wouldn’t change my mind about the impulsive thing I was about to do.
I sat on the cold table, pulling my shirt up as she instructed and laid back. Maybe this was the reason Ink wanted Kat to do the piercing. Having to pull my shirt up in front of him would have been awkward on a whole other level.
When Kat turned to face me she held some skin cleansing stuff and cleaned the area around my bellybutton with her gloved hands. She told me it was to clear away any lotions or products I might have on my skin to prevent any infection. That was the last thing I wanted to have.
When she was finished she grabbed an instrument that closely resembled a pair of scissors only it wasn’t, it was a metal clamp to hold my skin in place. It pinched a little as she used it but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I silently prayed that was as worse at it would get.
“Okay. Now I’m going to push the needle through. Try to stay completely still.”
I squeaked at the mention of the needle.
“Relax. You can look away if it helps you,” she said.
I nodded in reply and bit down on my lip nervously. You can do this, Olivia. Calm down.
I clutched the bottom of my shirt tight in my hands anticipating the pain that was sure to come. I kept my eyes on the ceiling the entire time and tried to focus on the music playing in the room, trying to keep my mind off of what was happening.
“Ready?” she asked.
No. I nodded anyway and closed my eyes. I was being such a baby and I knew it. I guess I wasn’t quite as gutsy as I wanted to be.
I felt it when the needle pierced my skin. But just as soon as the pain was there it was gone and then the barbell was being put in place of the needle. When everything was finished I looked down at my stomach in shock and surprise. There was a metallic one inch bar in my bellybutton and it didn’t hurt anywhere as much as I thought it would. And it looked hot.
I sighed in relief and Kat actually laughed and to my surprise it wasn’t mocking, only amusement.
“Everyone’s threshold for pain is different. You did well.”
Was she actually giving me a compliment? I blinked at her. “Thank you.”
She pointed to the glass in front of me as I carefully rose up. “The mirror is there if you want a better look at it.”
I nodded. I did.
The skin around the piercing was red and irritated, but nothing I couldn’t handle. To me the worst part was over with.
Kat handed me a piece of paper with proper care instructions on it after explaining I may feel some slight discomfort for a while, but as long as the piercing is properly cleaned the discomfort would disappear and the risk of infection would be minimal. I took it from her only scanning it quickly.
She handed me a small bottle of a saline solution called H2Ocean and a few cotton balls in a bag to get me started. I thanked her and made my way back to the front of the shop. Theo was at the register ringing up a man with a white patch on his arm from what I assumed was a fresh tattoo. When Theo returned his change he thanked him and was out the door.
He grinned when he saw me. “How was it, Patriot?”
“Not as bad as I thought it would be,” I admitted.
He looked at the paper in my hand and then back at me. “Make sure you take care of the skin. You don’t want an infection.”
I nodded. “I know. I’m going to stop by the drug store and pick up a few more supplies before I go home.”
He bumped shoulders with me playfully while walking with me to the door. “I’m glad you stopped by. If you ever decide you want that tattoo you know where to come.”
“I do. And I promise to recommend everyone I know. How’s business?”
“Surprisingly good. Better than I thought it would be.”
“That’s the perks of not having very much competition,” I smiled. I pushed open the door, the warm air hitting me in the face, blowing back my hair.
“Yes it is,” he agreed. “Later, Patriot.”
“See you around.”
The parking lot outside of the drugstore was full for a Sunday. I guess a lot of people had shopping to do today. I parked my car as close to the door as I could get and tried to ignore the rubbing of my shirt against my stomach. It didn’t hurt, but it still felt strange. It was going to take some time to get used to.
Inside the store I grabbed a shopping basket and the list of care products and instrustions from my pocket and headed towards the appropriate aisle.
Antiseptics lined the top two shelves and below it was band aids, rubbing alcohol and peroxide. I knew from my instructions not to use most of those things keep from drying out the skin and moved down the aisle to the cotton balls and other bandages. I placed a bag of them in my basket.
In the next aisle I found some antibacterial hand soap and placed it in basket as well, knowing I’d need it to clean ring and my stomach.
A barely paid attention to anyone else in the store until someone in my aisle called out my name. When I looked up to see who it was, I was surprised to see Deacon standing before me with a broad smile.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he said making his way down the aisle to me.
“You too,” I said looking into his shopping basket. It was filled with cough drops, cough medication, and Lysol. “Grace still not feeling well?”
“She’s getting better. I’m just picking up a few things for her. She’s set on going to school tomorrow. Mom’s instant cure seems to be working pretty well so I don’t think it’s out of the question.”
I smiled. “Good.”
I turned to look when an older man with a cane dropped a bottle of vitamins in the floor and shifted uncomfortably again when the shirt rubbed my body. Deacon was looked at me with curiosity when I turned back to face him.
“You okay?”
I bit down on my lip deciding on whether to tell him about my new piercing or not. Would that be the best idea? What would he think of me after I told him?
“Um…yeah.” Even I knew I didn’t sound convincing. He saw right threw me.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I knew I need to tell him the truth.
“I got a piercing today and I’m still trying to get used to it,” I told him.
His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “Where is it?” he asked.
I pointed to my stomach and smiled.
“Can I see it?”
I laughed. He was much more excited about it than I thought he would be. If it was Grace who got the piercing he’d be flipping out on her right now. I was glad to have a different reaction from his. After all, he wasn’t my brother.
“Yeah. But not here. Too many curious eyes.”
He nodded. “Sure. You could come over to mine, but Grace…”
“I know. And your mom is there. The last person I want this getting back to is my mom and that would only guarantee it,” I said. “I’m headed back home though. You could come to mine if you want. Both my parents are out of town.”
Crap. I can’t believe I just said that I was about to show Deacon my stomach. What the heck was wrong with me?
“Yeah. I’ll pay for this stuff and meet you there.”
Glad to know he still remembered where I lived. After bidding him goodbye I couldn’t keep the goofy smile off my face. Deacon was coming over to my house without parental supervision. My heart pounded in my chest in excitement. Not that I expected anything to happen. Deacon may be flirty, but putting the moves on his sister’s best friend wasn’t something I could see him ever doing.
Pigs would have to fly first.
When I got home, Deacon pulled in right behind me. I looked next door as I traveled up my walkway to make sure Mrs. Sheppard wasn’t watching my house and relaxed when I saw she wasn’t home. She had a big mouth. I knew she’d blab to my mom the first chance she got.
When we entered the house I set my stuff down on the counter and grabbed Deacon and I a water bottle from the fridge. His eyes wondered around my kitchen as he sipped in it. “I haven’t been here in a while, but it doesn’t look like anything has changed.”
“It hasn’t. My dad likes to keep things the same around here. He flipped out when my mom wanted to remodel the kitchen last summer.”
“Your dad still an accountant?”
I nodded. “Yep. It’s his dream job. He’s been at a conference in Barbados all week.”
He laughed. “Wow. Accounting must pay well. If math wasn’t my least favorite subject I might go for it.”
“It’s mine too. You can imagine my dad’s disappointment when I told him I wanted nothing to do with it.”
A comfortable silence settled between us as we finished our drinks. After we tossed the bottles, Deacon leaned up against the bar and smirked at me. “Let’s see it, Liv.”
Sometimes I forgot just how much of a guy he was. A college guy at that. And a hot one. Especially when he smirked.
When I gripped the end bottom of my shirt I blushed. He was watching me with barely contained excitement.
“You have to swear you won’t tell Grace. She’ll be furious if she knows you found out before she did,” I told him.
“You have my word. I won’t mention it.”
His muscles flexed slightly when he crossed his arms over his chest and I felt like I might turn into a puddle of goo in the middle of the floor. God he was so hot. I just wanted to run my hands through his thick sandy blond hair every time I saw him.
I slowly lifted my shirt to the bottom of my ribs and Deacon completely took me in. “Wow, Liv. That’s hot.” My insides did all sorts of funny things at his words. “Who did it?”
“Kat at Ink up. I know the guy that owns it,” I said.
“That place that just opened by Spencer’s and Blockbuster?”
I nodded. “That’s the one.”
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