《Just My Type》Chapter 16- He Was Smiling Like a Creeper in the Middle of the Night
The end of the week was nearing and I was growing anxious, nervous, excited, and scared. It was the Thomas effect as I liked to call it. It was day four post “the bet” and it was beginning to look like I was going down. Bad.
I hadn’t even seen him speak to another girl outside of class this week. No girls sat with us at our usual table either. It was strangely different, not that I was complaining. And to add to the weirdness, he hadn’t even flirted or made any inappropriate comments toward me either. I was beginning think he wasn’t even Thomas and was replaced by some foreign creature. We were just…friends… kind of. I mean, I guess that’s what you could call it. He was just a normal person.
Like I said…weird.
This is embarrassing to admit, but I almost told Farrah everything in order to get some advice on what to do about him. But then I came to my senses and realized how crazy that was. If this thing with Thomas didn’t go anywhere I’d look pathetic and desperate and I had to save face. So instead, I gave her the edited version, which excluded his name and terms of the bet. I purely explained his behavior and sudden change in attitude toward me. It was all so frustrating.
To take my mind off of him, after the football game on Thursday, Grace and I went out to grab something to eat at our favorite pizza parlor down the road with some of our friends. Well, minus Farrah. She had a bit of a fainting spell when an unexpected fight broke out between Blake and Brody and her new Boy Friend had elected to take care of her.
Yeah, that was also weird. Brody caring for my best friend? I don’t know if I could get used them being together, even if it was to get back at Blake. I guess their fake relationship just came really unexpected.
At Greg’s Pizza, Grace, James, Brandon, and I took a seat at one of the corner booths. Lucky for us, James and his friend got to the restaurant before the crowd hit and invited us to join them. I wasn’t about to turn down an open seat and neither was Grace. I won’t lie, I worried about Thomas’s warning to stay away from the guy, but hey, what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, he didn’t own me. I made my own decisions in life. Anyway, we were safe here.
I hoped anyway.
“How’s your friend? Farrah isn’t it?” James asked. “I saw what happened after the game.”
I played with my straw sleeve and answered him. “She’s okay. That’s what took us so long to get here. We had to check on her. She’s a bit squeamish when it comes to blood.”
I kept glacier to the door between words and both Grace and James noticed. I blushed when I realized they'd bern watching me.
I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe Thomas suddenly walking through the door and taking James down a peg or two. That thought sent shivers up my spine and made me uneasy. I hope I’m not putting him in unnecessary danger. I’d feel terrible.
“Well, I’m glad she’s good. The fight between Brody and Blake looked pretty bad,” he said when my attention was back.
I nodded. “Yeah. It kind of was.”
Our conversations were kept light and to a minimum because it wasn’t long until our food arrived and we were all digging into the greasy, cheesy goodness.
At the end of the night James politely offered me his number and asked for mine in return. To my complete and utter surprise I gave it to him. I suppose somewhere in my psych I recognized my behavior as rebellion against a certain blonde haired guy.
Was I playing a dangerous game? Maybe. Did I care? Probably not as much as I should and definitely not as much as I did last week when Thomas threatened James.
For some reason I only liked Jerks. It was something I could not fathom and it was bugging the crap out of me. I wanted to hate Thomas and I’d tried for so long, but I don’t know what prevented me from it. Something’s changed between us. Or at least it has in my mind. I don’t know what’s going through his, but I’m not so sure I want to.
I really don’t know where this thing is going with him yet, but if Thomas passed the test, then I guess I would get to find out. If he didn’t…then I suppose I’m calling it quits. Calling a spade a spade and giving up this stupid idea that I could ever have anything with him.
I refuse to pine after a guy who’s only real interest is getting into my bed. No thank you. I wanted something real. Something that meant something.
On Friday, Thomas and his friends left out of school early. Probably due to the fact we were having a drug assembly on how to be “high on life” and not on drugs. But that didn’t explain why Farrah didn’t show up. We texted her like crazy and became concerned when we received no reply. Grace and I agreed that if we didn’t hear from her by lunch we would go to her house to make sure she was still alive.
Sadly, Grace and I attended the “Drug Free” program alone. And to risk of sounding like a total nerd, I admit it was very informative and educational. Oh and the photos they used for the presentation…let’s just say I’m now second guessing even taking an Aspirin even if I was writhing in pain. At least until I find out if it’s non-habit forming. Don’t want to take a risk or anything.
After lunch Farrah finally texted and said she was perfectly fine and that she was taking the day off from school because she’d already slept in so late and it was only half a day. It was clear her parents were not home or they would have never allowed that. Or at least her mom wouldn’t. She was a bit more uptight than her dad. I guess that’s where he sister, Heather, got it from.
Maybe it was better she didn’t bother to show. After seeing Blake and Megan flaunting their new relationship status around school today, I didn’t want her to see that. She’s still hurting from Blake’s infidelity at it was and now she’s gonna have a constant reminder every day since they finally decided to come out as a couple to the world.
Grace and I attended two short classes post lunch and then we were happily out of school by 2:15 pm. It seemed everyone was eager to leave as soon as they could. Not that I blamed them. I was just as eager.
Once Grace and I got on the road I dialed Farrah’s number and connected my phone to the car so we could hear her through my speakers.
"Enjoying your day off?" I teased.
She tried to stifle a giggle, but failed miserably. "I'm with Brody. Does that answer your question?"
"That’s better than school,” I stated. “Hey, Grace and were thinking of catching a matinee at the theater, wanna join us?"
"I'm so sorry. I can't. I've got other plans." She sounded apologetic.
I immediately felt disappointed. "Oh."
"Hey, why don't you two join me instead? Anyone up for a party?" Farrah seemed oddly excited by the idea of being at a party which was strange because she usually hated them.
"Party?!?!" Grace screamed in my ear causing me to wince."We'll be there."
Of course she’d want to go. It’s been clear since Deacon’s party that she loved them and yearned to attend another one.
“Great,” she said and started to give us directions to some remote location. Once she finished, I felt like something was weighing me down and it only took me seconds to remember what it was. Something in the back of my mind that grace and I had seen at school earlier.
"Thanks,” I said. “I think I can find that. But, Fare? I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.”
She sounded wary. "Really? What?"
I could sense her reluctance to know and it made me feel even worse telling her the news, but I didn’t want her to be surprised by it later.
"It's about Blake,” I said.
I hated to tell her about him, but she had to know before she saw him with Megan and gets hurt even more.
"What about him?"
"He's dating Megan now. It's official. They’ve been holding hands and making out all day.”
She became silent and didn’t speak for a few seconds. Both Grace and I became worried. I really wished I could have softened the blow for her and maybe send one to Blake’s stupid head.
"I'm sorry, Fare,” I apologized.
She laughed humorlessly and her voice sounded strained."You must be wrong. He doesn't like her like that. I heard him say so myself last night.
"It's true Farrah. They were all over each other in the hallway today," Grace added.
Her silence was deafening and I could since a cry of help from her. Farrah was our best friend and we knew her better than anyone. She needed us
"We’re on our way to the party, Okay. Just sit tight until we get there,” I said.
"Yeah, Okay,” she mumbled, but he sounded distant. As if in some far off place in her mind. She was most likely thinking about the devil himself, Blake.
Grace glance at me with worry and added, “We’ll be there soon,” before we said out goodbyes and the phone disconnected.
She sighed and rested her face in her hands. “You think she’ll recover from that?”
I shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I hope so. Blake is such an ass. Someone needs to put him in his place. Again.”
Grace nodded. “Yeah. He deserved exactly what Brody gave him. Jerk.”
I giggled. It was weird hearing Grace speak ill of anyone. She was always the peaceful on out of all of us. She liked everyone until Blake happened. Now, I think he had one more enemy on his list. Good.
By the time we arrived at the party, it was in full swing. I grabbed Farrah’s Bathing suit from the back seat of my car and proceeded toward the people, our swimwear in hand. It seemed that everything had been thought of. Music. Alcohol. And changing areas for the guests.
It wasn’t much different than Deacon’s party other than the age of the attendants and the poor selection of alcoholic beverages. I had to admit it felt more familiar being around people closer to my own age. College students intimidated me for some reason. Maybe it was because they were more experienced in all things social than I was. Or maybe it was because they were just more experience in everything. I hadn’t looked into that much.
My eyes scanned the area for Farrah, but what I found first wasn’t her at all. Instead, it was the person she hated most in the world right now. As did I. He was the lowest of low. I wasn’t at all surprised to see Megan pressed against his side and clinging on to his arm as if her life depended on it. I had to roll my eyes. It just seemed appropriate. Grace didn’t let her stare linger on them as the annoyed look played on her face.
She quickly shuffled past them tugging on my arm in the process, unable to stomach anymore. I couldn’t agree with her more. It was very disturbing know what a former friend of ours was truly capable.
An unsettling thought immediately crossed my mind as we spotted Farrah and neared her. Maybe she was never a real friend in the first place. I wouldn’t lie. That thought hurt a little. It wasn’t like we could erase the last five years of our friendship so she still meant something to me. Or used to anyway.
Farrah offered us a quick smile then started to frown when she noticed mine and Grace’s sullen looks.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
Along the way to the changing area, I explained to her the situation with Blake and I could sense it bothered her, but she desperately tried to hide it. Farrah was a lot stronger than she gave herself credit for, but now, I didn’t know how much of it was for show and how much was real.
Sometimes I wish Blake and Megan would spontaneously combust and disappear so they would stop making her so miserable. Ugh.
The party was…interesting to say the least. Farrah and Brody won a chicken match against Blake and Megan in the water. We sang the Taylor swift album a little too loudly and a little too off key. And by the end of the night I was alone with Thomas helping clean up the party.
Well…mostly alone. Grace stuck around to help too, but currently she was talking to a small group of people we shared some classes with who hadn’t cleared out yet.
I continued to search the ground for red solo cups and trash strewn about, left carelessly behind by inconsiderate people.
I frowned. Didn’t people know what littering did to the earth? It was a slow death for our green planet. Some people had no compassion.
While ranted in my head about protecting the earth I was frightened by a voice that came up behind me, calling my name.
The trash bag dropped from my hands to the ground as I stared back at the person who was speaking to me. When I realized who it was, I sighed and bent down to pick the bag back up.
“Hey,” I said. The red cup under my foot collapsed making a loud crunching noise in the quiet atmosphere.
Thomas reached to retrieve it the same time I did, but her reached it first. He smiled as we straitened up and dropped it into the bag.
“Thanks…” I muttered and turned to pick up more litter.
We walked in silence for a few short seconds and finally he spoke up again. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
I shrugged. “I came to a friend’s rescue. Beside’s it wasn’t that bad.”
“I didn’t think stuff like this was your scene.” He slowly started to smile.
I stopped and turned to him with a curiosity. “Oh? And what do you think me scene is?”
He had a broad smile displayed on his face now. “Tea parties and dress fittings,” he joked.
I frowned and felt my brows crunch together at his assumptions. “I hope your joking. I’m not a princess.”
“You could have fooled me, goody goody.”
This time I laughed. “Goody goody? Please. I am so not a goody goody.”
We started to walk again and he retrieved another cup from the ground. His hand brushed mine gently as he pulled his hand from the bag. I blushed and was thankful for the night to cover me up.
“Uh huh. And when is the last time you did something wild? Unpredictable? Fun?”
A girl ahead of us was squealing with surprise when the guy she was with picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her off. She let out and loud giggle and screamed.
Yeah. She was drunk.
“That’s what I thought,” Thomas said and shook with laughter.
“Hey!” I protested. “I’ve had fun.” He started to say something, but I quickly stopped him. “And I don’t mean slumber parties and The Notebook.”
He smirked at that. “Okay then, share it.”
I pursed my lips and scratched the back of my hand holding the bag while I thought. Hmm…
“What’s the last unpredictable thing you did?”
The last? That was easy. “Kiss you.”
As soon as the words left my mouth I blushed again and wished I could take him back. I never intended for him to know that. So why did I tell him? I’m such an idiot! I quickly turned away from him to hide my already hidden blush.
“I kissed you,” he clarified. “That doesn’t count.”
I slowly turned my head back to him and bit the inside of my cheek. “I kissed you back though. I never meant for that to happen. It just…did.”
I hated admitting this to him. What was this, a game of truths?
He playful bumped my shoulder with his and chuckled. I had to quickly regain my balance. I had to resist the urge to slap him. Hard.
“That’s because you like it,” he said. “I could tell.”
Oh boy. My face heated up once again and all I could think was deny, deny, deny.
“I did not! It was an impulsive and crazy. I wasn’t thinking when it happened. In fact I’d take it back if I could.”
“But you can’t,” he reminded me a little less humorously. “And I’m not so sure you really would of given the chance. Any of the times it happened.”
“Yes I-”
He held up a hand silencing me. “If you didn’t like it, it wouldn’t have happened multiple times.”
I had to cover my cheeks and look away from him again. No. No way was he right. People do things they don’t like all the time. Like go to school.
Yeah, but that’s not a choice, the little voice in my head reminded me. Crap!
I kept my gaze on the trees and attempted to speak. I could only hope my voice didn’t give me away. “It looks like everyone has cleared out and the trash is almost cleaned up. Maybe we’ll be home before midnight.”
I shivered when I felt his arm brush mine. I closed my eyes for a second. Oh please don’t have felt that. A moment later I felt hot breath fanned over my neck and ear closest to him. Again I shivered.
“You’re not even going to deny it.” He was stating a fact.
I still couldn’t look at him. “Why should I? It’s clear you already know everything.”
“I know you’re being sarcastic, but you’re still right. I do know everything. I’m glad you finally noticed.”
I just knew he was smirking.
When his hand brushed down my arm my eyes flashed toward him and I dropped the trash bag in surprise. He was touching me. Why was he touching me? He was standing almost on top of me. I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine.
Oh boy. Not good. I know full well where this leads.
I started to take a step back, but his hand on my arm held me firmly in place. Then I felt it intertwine with my now empty hand.
Holy smokes. He was holding my hand…like couples do! My eyes widened in surprise. I had to fight the urge to look up and see if pigs were flying. I could take my eyes off of him.
I didn’t like the power Thomas had over me. It was unnerving to the highest degree. I surprised myself more when I didn’t pull away from him. His warm hand engulfed mine. It was…nice.
Double crap!
“Admit to yourself,” he said low and husky.
I swallowed nervously. I’m sure he could hear it.
“You know my week is up Sunday, but I feel like I’ve done pretty well in just five short days. Want to just give in and go out with me tomorrow?”
My mouth felt dry. “T-tomorrow? Go out with you?”
“That’s what I said.”
I rolled my eyes at his change in tone. However, his closeness was still affecting me.
“You’ve waited a week, you can wait two more days,” I said trying to sound firm and strong. I think it worked because he rolled his eyes at me.
“Your fighting is futile. You know I’ll win this little game and soon we’ll be doing things you would never imagine yourself doing.”
He was starting to grow on my patience. “Your arrogance is annoying.”
“It’s not arrogance,” he corrected. “It’s fact. It’ll happen sooner or later. It always does.”
But I’m different! I wanted to yell. But in complete and utter honesty I didn’t know if that was true. I mean I’d like to think I was, and wished I was, but was I really? Sometimes I felt like he could play of my weakness of him and sweet talk me into anything.
He was dangerous to me. And I kind of liked it…a little. It was so wrong. I should be going for someone like James or Jonah. Not Thomas. Two sweet guys and I’d rather have trouble. I wanted to slap some much needed sense into my head.
“I’m tired and Grace is waiting for me. I’m going home.” That was my only reply. “After Sunday we’ll talk.”
I pulled away from him and this time he let me, but his next words stopped me again. “We’ll see. I think you’ll crack much sooner.”
When I looked back at him he looked a little disappoint from m response. I couldn’t allow myself to feel bad though. I was doing the right thing. I was. It was smart.
“And Grace left a few minutes ago with those girls she was talking to earlier,” he added.
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