《Just My Type》Chapter 6- I Should Not Like My Best Friend's Brother
Chapter 6- I Should Not Like My Best Friend’s Brother
Today I was not as lucky as yesterday. Well where Thomas is concerned anyway. He was at school today and just as obnoxious as ever. I currently found myself sitting in Food 1 with him next to me. I tried my best to ignore his inappropriate flirting, but sometimes it called for a smart ass remark which I was very happy to offer. He had them coming.
I only made it halfway through the class without thinking of Deacon. He had been on my mind on and off all day. It was started to worry me. I wonder of Grace would be mad at me for think about him so much. I had truly forgotten how hot he was until seeing him yesterday. Life was truly unfair.
I had agreed to send the night at Grace’s house again since her parents were going to be out of town until Sunday. She was too scared to stay at her house all alone so I had to agree. Not that I minded really. Anything was better than listening to my parents. However, being around Deacon so much was sure to mess with my head.
Ugh…why was it only Wednesday? I thought while listening to the teacher ramble on. It’s feels like an entire week has gone by since last weekend. It should be another weekend already! There is no way parents will let me stay with Grace the entire rest of the week.
No they would much rather have there and drive me crazy with their arguing. I’m slowly going insane. At least I get to stay with her again tonight. That offered some sort of break however short.
“Olivia, would you like to answer this one?”
I quickly switched off my thoughts and turned my head to face my teacher. She did not look happy with me. Dang…I spaced out again, didn’t I?
“Um…I’m sorry. Could you repeat the question?”
She watched me for a moment before answering. “Olivia, is everything okay with you? You’ve been out of it this entire period.”
Her voice closely resembled concern for me. I appreciated it, but it was really not her business. I liked to keep my life private. That’s just how I have always been.
“Everything is fine,” I answered curtly.
Her concern quickly wore off and was replaced with a frown. “Then I suggest you pay attention or you’ll wind up in detention after school.”
Well I certainly don’t want to do that again.
Thomas was sitting there staring at me with his famous smirk of course and I wanted nothing more than to smack it off his face completely.
I nodded as our teacher went back to her lesson without sparing me a second glace.
After that embarrassing encounter with the rest of the students, I pushed my consuming thoughts from my mind and tried to focus on the lesson at hand. Soon this day would be over and I wouldn’t have to think of it anymore.
“Something on your mind?” Thomas teased. “Is it me?”
Um conceited much?
I rolled my eyes at him, avoiding his stare. “I’m really not in the mood today, Thomas.”
“Well now that’s a shame, isn’t it?” he smirked. “And here I was hoping you were.”
I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but I was sure there was some kind heading meaning behind it. With Thomas there always was a chance of double meanings.
I tried not to blush at that and kept my head turned away from him. I’d never give him the satisfaction that he had some kind of effect on me. I really didn’t care to look too far into it. It disturbed me what I might find if I did.
When class was over, I forced myself to my locker to put away my books for gym. Ugh gym. I hate gym. Why is physical activity so important to these people? It’s not like I was planning to do anything sporty or athletic in my future. Why couldn’t people who shared the same ideas as me just opt out?
Oh well. Just one more class and I’m out of here. Well if you could call gym a class that is.
Upon exiting the changing rooms I felt a headache coming on full power. Isn’t it funny how things like that have impeccable timing? And just when I thought my day was going to be okay.
I walked to the bleachers and took my seat next to Farrah who was looking extremely upset at the moment. She didn’t glace at me as I sat. She just stared straight ahead of her at the students who were currently invested in a recreational game of basketball. It’s what most students did while waiting for the gym teach to come out a take roll before giving us our assignment for the day.
Switching my stare from the students I glance back at my seemingly troubled friend.
“Hey, you okay?” I asked her softly.
“Blake blew me off again,” she replied in a bored tone, void of emotion.
I frowned. I think I’m going to have a talk with that boy.
“I’m sorry Fare. I thought things were going good for you guys. What is it this time?”
She shrugged. “So did I. I guess I was wrong. He just shot me another lame excuse and told me he’d meet me later. We had plans after school today and he just dropped me like it was nothing.” He voice grew more frustrated.
“Well, you should do that same thing to him. Next time he wants to do something, make up an excuse and cancel on him last minute. He needs a taste of his own medicine, Fare.”
She sighed and looked at me finally taking her attention away from the players. “I wish I could, but I can’t do that to him. I love him and plus, I’m a terrible liar.”
“Yeah, I know,” I laughed at her teasingly. It only lifts her spirits temporarily and she smiles back at me briefly before a frown covers her features again.
“I think he’s getting bored with me,” she said looking across the gym like before.
I shake my head at her already knowing where this is going. “Don’t do something you’ll regret later, Farrah. Wait until you’re ready.”
“Maybe I am,” she sighed again. “I mean, I love him, that’s ready enough isn’t it?”
“Only you can determine that.”
If effort to change the subject she turns back to me and smiled broadly. “So…anything interesting happening in your life lately?”
I blushed. Oh no. Why would she ask that?
“Um…no.” I said slowly trying to mask the emotions that are feely flowing through me.
“Really? So, nothing is going on with you and that kid from your art class? Jonah is it?”
I can’t help but burst out laughing at that. “Yeah, right. I totally have the hots for him, Fare. Come on, get serious. He’s just a friend. I’ve told you this already.”
She grinned. “I know. I just thought you were trying to cover up your feelings for him, but I guess not. He’s a sweet guy though.”
“Yes,” I agreed. “He is sweet. He’s also smart and funny, and honest. These are all very good qualities in a person. But I’m just not attracted to him.”
“Okay,” she nodded dropping the subject of him. “So if not Jonah, than who?”
“What do you mean?” I asked her cautiously.
“You like someone. I can just tell. You give off a certain vibe.”
I furrowed my bows. “No. No I don’t.”
Definitely not say anything about my Deacon!
“Okay, don’t tell me,” she says. “But just remember, secrets always have a way of coming into the light.”
Damn. I know she’s right, but I just don’t want to talk about it. But I guess if I have to, Farrah is the best person to talk about it with.
“If I tell you, you have to swear to me you won’t tell a living soul.”
She perked up. “Of course. I swear.”
“Grace probably wouldn’t be happy if she found out.”
Her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “Grace? Why would Grace get upset? Do you like the same guys or something? It’ not like she’s… wait!” She paused when realization dawns on her. “Oh my gosh. You like Deacon don’t you?”
I could only blush and look down at my hands in response.
“Oh my, Olivia. You are so bad,” she giggled. “You know he’s got a girlfriend though, right?”
“Not anymore.” I shook my head. “Nope, they broke up.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Well that certainly makes things easier.”
“Not really. I know nothing could ever happen between us. He’s way too old for me and plus, I don’t think he thinks of me that way. Grace would have a cow if she knew I was crushing on her brother.”
She smiled and shrugged. “You never know until you tell her.”
Well, that’s true I suppose, but I’d hate it if she was angry with me over it. I know I wouldn’t be happy if she had a crush on my brother. Okay, so my brother is twelve, same diff. It would still apply if he were twenty.
I was elated when the day was finally over. I trudged to my locker, killed from today’s physical activity in gym and began pulling out my books. Thankfully I didn’t have much homework tonight so hopefully I wouldn’t be up to late. After gathering my things I spun around quickly ready to go find Grace and get the hell of school.
Upon my surprise, I froze at what I saw across the hallway from me.
Thomas was leaned up against a set of lockers talking to a raven haired, tall leggy girl. She was beautiful, that was for sure. I tried to push down the foreign feeling of jealousy that ran through my veins. So what if he was talking to another girl. Why should I care?
He can talk to whomever he wants. I’m not his keeper.
She laughed loudly at something he said and returned her laugh with one of his own. He quickly threw his arm around her shoulder and led her away from the crowded hallways and out one of the side doors close by.
I hated the feeling he left me with.
I mentally slapped myself for letting him get to me and turned on my heel and paced toward the same door he left through. Grace was probably waiting on me in the lot. I didn’t want to keep her waiting.
When I got to her car Farrah and Megan were already waiting for me as well. Farrah sent me a knowing smirk. No doubt she was thinking about our earlier conversation.
I got in the back with Megan and Grace quickly sped through the parking lot at an unsafe speed. It seemed she was just as eager to get of here too.
I watched as Thomas and the girl from the hallway made out by his car before we were out of sight.
What the hell? He has a girlfriend and he has been seamlessly flirting with me? Does he know no bounds? What a jerk.
I strange feeling of sympathy for the girl came over me. I think I will tell him exactly what I think of him tomorrow at school. After all, he has this one coming.
At Grace’s house we sat on her bed after finishing our supper. Deacon was downstairs playing the 360 with some of his friends and I was desperately trying to avoid him. Grace, I think, was just wrapped up in an episode of Grey’s anatomy.
I scanned over my homework one last time before putting it away in my bag. Well at least that was all done. Now what?
I pulled out my phone and began checking my Facebook notifications. I was shocked to see a friend request from the one and only Thomas Cavanaugh starring me in the face. He seriously friend requested me? Why? We don’t even like each other. At least I don’t.
Yeah, Olivia. Keep telling yourself that, my subconscious sneered at me.
I rolled my eyes. It’s true, really.
For some unknown reason, not just to see his own Facebook wall, I accept and immediately navigate to his page. There wasn’t much activity to display to my disappointment, but I was delighted to see his relationship status was set to “single.” That’s something at least. Then my thoughts wonder to tall, pretty and tan in the hallway today and I frown.
So who was she? Just one of his friends with benefits? That thought left a bitter taste in my mouth. That was something I preferred not to think about.
I smirked while thinking of something I could send him that would certainly pay him back for the detention and the excessive and inappropriate flirting he had given me.
Not thinking of the consequences, I put in the text that made up the message and hit send. There, that will teach him.
I didn’t bother to wait around for a reply from him. Instead I stood up from the bed and made my way down to Grace’s kitchen in search of something to drink, not thinking about Deacon and his friends sitting in the room I would have to pass through to get there.
When I saw them sitting there, I walked as fast as I could, hoping I wouldn’t be spotted. Maybe with a little luck they’ll be too distracted notice me.
I sighed when I successfully made it to the kitchen with no one behind me. However, my relief was short lived hen I bumped into something hard. I flushed as I looked up at the person who I had run into like an idiot.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he smiled his dazzling smile.
“Um…yeah. I was just getting something to drink.”
I had yet to run in with him. He only arrived once Grace and I were safely tucked away in her room. I only knew they were n the house when she returned from a bathroom break and told me there was company down stairs. Avoiding him did not go as well as I thought.
“By all mean, don’t let me hinder you,” he said moving out of my way.
“Sorry I ran into you,” I apologized taking a bottled water from the fridge.
“No harm done,” he chuckled. “It wasn’t so bad.”
I didn’t miss the underlining in his tone. I stared at him in surprise.
“Hey, Deacon man, what taking so long with the food?” The tall blond haired guy paused when he saw me and looked taken aback.
“I was distracted,” Deacon said to his friend.
Tall blonde smirked at me. “Nice distraction.” He stepped forward and held his hand out to me. “I’m Chris. I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m sure I would have remembered you.”
Oh no. Is he actually trying to hit on me?
“Olivia,” I said barely taking his hand and releasing it quickly. I wasn’t exactly sure how to react to him. Beside’s Thomas, I wasn’t used to such forwardness from guys.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he replied.
“Okay, Casanova, don’t scare her off. I’d actually like for her to keep coming back here,” Deacon replied. I nearly fell to the floor.
Um okay….wow. Should I read more into that or not?
“Tell the guys, I’ll bring the food in a minute,” he told his friend send him off into the other room. When he aced me her looked apologetic. “I’m sorry about Chris. He really has no shame when it comes to pretty girls.”
Pretty! He just called me pretty.
I flushed. Holy crow. What do I do with that?
While I stood there like an idiot trying to come up with a coherent reply he grabs the food off the counter and walks from the room before sending me one last smile.
Okay, what the hell was that? Was he flirting or was that just my imagination? I shook my head. I couldn’t be too sure. I was stellar at making myself look like an idiot in front of people and I wanted to avoid that at all costs.
I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding and turned quickly from the kitchen pacing quickly up the stairs to Grace’s room. My mind was running rampant with possibilities he would be flirting with me. He couldn’t like me. It was just not possible.
Finally reaching her room I came to the conclusion I had imagined the whole thing up and try to push it from my mind. No need to raise any suspicion to Grace. She’d flip.
Maybe with a good night’s rest I can forget this whole thing and put a stop to these vivid hallucinations. Hopefully I won’t have any more run-ins with him tonight.
This was not good. I should not like my best friend’s brother. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.
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