《Just My Type》Chapter 3- She Had More Enemies Than Hitler
Chapter 3- She Had More Enemies Than Hitler
The weekend went by entirely too fast for my liking. It was already Sunday night and Grace had gone home and hour ago, leaving me all by myself. Now I was positively bored. There was nothing good on TV and no one was worth talking to was on Facebook.
I had tried to get into a good book, but my mind kept wondering elsewhere. After every page I would space out about random things on my brain and forgot what I was reading about in the first place. I read the same page three times. That’s when I got annoyed and decided to try reading again when I was more into it.
Around ten o’clock I painted my nails. At ten-thirty I updated my profile picture on Facebook to a self portrait I had taken with my phone. At Ten forty-five I called Farrah to talk about her date Friday and at eleven thirty I decided to make a quick run the twenty-four hour mini mart a few minutes from my house. I needed some ice cream. I was really craving some fudge mint. Being on a diet was not working out for me right now.
I live such an exciting life, don’t I? Well it did kind of feel exciting that I was defying curfew and rebelling against the parentals. But in my defense, my Mom went to bed with a migraine at nine o’clock and I thought it would be rude to wake her just to ask if I could leave.
My brother and sister were both in the bed and I was the only one awake, so nothing was keeping me home on this dark but very clear night.
It only took me five minutes to reach the convince store from my house. It was mostly deserted except for a couple of cars that were there. One was sitting at the gas pump while some woman, that looked like she just came off the night shift from the hospital, pumped gas into it. The other was parked in front of the entrance doors to the building.
I dug in the pockets of my New England Patriot pajama bottoms- my dad gave me them for Christmas one year all because I watched one game with him- and pulled out my money. I counted the money to make sure I brought enough and came up with fifteen dollars. If that doesn’t buy a tub of ice cream then someone is seriously ripping me off.
I killed the engine, climbed out of my blue Honda Accord, and started toward the store. Thankfully there wasn’t anyone around to notice my comfy nighttime attire or else I might feel pretty embarrassed right now.
Once inside, the scary looking, bored cashier eyed me as I walked across the store. I tried not letting it creep me out when his eyes followed around the store.
In the front cooler by the register they kept a small freezer section of individual servings of ice cream. I scanned over the varied selection until I came across what I was looking for and I lit up. They only had two tubs left and I gleefully took them both.
When I sat them on the counter the red headed guy with the tattoos stared at me with the same expression he wore since I walked in. I offered him a friendly smile, only because he looked slightly intimidating, and pulled my money out. He reached his muscular tattooed arm out and grabbed one of the ice cream containers and scanned it twice then placed them in a brown bag. His eyes never left mine once.
His constant stare, on top of him not speaking to me, kind of threw me off. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to act in front of him. He wasn’t exactly being all that friendly for a cashier. In fact, he looked more like the type of person to be hitting up a minimart instead of working in one.
I grimaced. Okay I just totally stereotyped him didn’t I?
Now I just felt bad. He could be a very nice, genuinely good person and I would never know. I have no right to judge him. In fact I’m going to be the first to speak to him.
I looked at the register for the total and handed him the money. When he opened the register that was the first time he had taken his eyes off of me since I got here.
His fingertips brushed the palm of my hand when he placed the change in it and with that he cracked a smile. He still never spoke to me.
I grabbed the bag off the counter and muttered a soft thank you before I anxiously made my way toward the exit. As I got to it, I decided right then and there that I wouldn’t be making anymore late night trips to the minimart anymore. Well, not alone at least.
I placed my hand on one of the metal double doors and pulled on it only to realize it was locked. Or maybe it was stuck I’m not sure, but it frightened me. Scary guy was still staring at me. I panicked and pulled on the door a little rougher, but to no avail. It still didn’t open.
Oh God. I’m gonna die in here aren’t I?
My panic worsened when the guy stepped from behind the counter and began walking in my direction. Oh no. No. No. No .No. Don’t kill me. Not yet. I’m too young to die. I’ve barely lived.
My heart thumped louder the closer he got. I thought it was going to pop out of my chest and make a run for it all by itself.
Then he reached me. I could only imagine what my expression was. Did it give away how freaked out I was right now? He then slowly lifted his hand high above my hand before quickly bringing it down. I closed my eyes.
Oh no. He is going to kill me. I knew it. He looked like he had a lust to kill in his eye the moment I walked in here.
With a loud bag I jumped nearly out of my skin.
I silently waited for the pain to come from the injury I had sustained, but it never did. Then I waited some more and still nothing happened. At that point I decided to open my eyes and view the damage. When I did, I blushed.
I’m such an idiot. Right in front of me scary guy was standing at the door holding it open for me to exit. He wore an amused grin while watching me viably relax.
“It gets stuck sometimes,” he said. “Giving it a bang helps.”
I giggled to cover up my stupidity, but not successfully. “O-oh right, of course it does. T-thank you.”
“No problem,” he grinned and looked down at my pants. “And nice choice, I’d have gone with the Patriots too.”
“Yeah they’re awesome,” I agreed like the idiot I was before making my way out the door. They’re awesome? Really? I couldn’t tell you the first thing about them. The only thing I knew was that they were a football team, nothing more.
My dad bought me these in hopes we had found something in common, but it was only one game. I’ve not watched another on since. I’ve never really been into sports.
When I got to my car I sighed in relief that I hadn’t died. I’m lucky to have made it out of that one.
After I got home, I didn’t even bother with the ice cream. I placed it strait in my freezer and climbed in the bed. I never wanted to leave it again. And that included tomorrow for school. Too bad I couldn’t just ditch. I liked having a perfect attendance record too much to ruin it though.
I pulled the heavy comforter over my head and sank into the comfort of my mattress. I breathed in the familiar scent and smiled. I was home, safe and sound. No more late night minimart for me. Happy being in my comfort zone, I yawned and snuggled into my bed, letting sleep take over me with thoughts no more thoughts about scary guys for the night.
It was Monday again. I groaned. They came every week, but yet I was never ready for them when they arrived. Luckily though, my monthly curse ended Sunday. That’s one good thing I had going for me today.
This morning I decided I was going to hang my head high as I walked into East Jefferson High School. I would not let what happened Friday, get to me today. I would walk into third period today and I would hand Thomas his shirt and act like nothing ever happened. It was as simple as that. Just watch me.
Farrah greeted me at my locker before first period and gushed about her weekend with Blake. Apparently he was perfect because he sat through a ninety minute chick flick with her and kept his arm around her through most of it.
Lucky girl. Blake seemed like such a good guy.
In second period Megan asked about my weekend. “What did you do this weekend?”
The teacher was discussing last night’s homework while we rambled on about our eventful break from school. Megan apparently spent most of it in bed, doped up on codeine while healing from the root canal she had Friday. Sucks to be her I guess.
“Farrah had a date didn’t she?” she asked suddenly.
“Yeah, Blake took her to some chick flick in town,” I replied.
“Of course he did,” I could have sworn I heard her mumble with a certain bitterness. However, I could have been wrong. She would have no reason to be bitter about Blake and Farrah’s relationship unless she’s just envious like the rest of us. Yeah that’s probably it. She didn’t have a boy friend either and she was upset.
When class let out, she followed me to my locker and saw the white shirt I wore yesterday sticking out and grabbed it.
“What’s this?” she asked unfolding it the material.
I tensed. Oh no. She’ll get the wrong idea if she see’s that shirt.
“N-no. It’s nothing. Give it to me.”
I reached for it, but she quickly pulled it back revealing a smirk on her face. “Now I’ve gotta see it. Why are you so uptight about it anyway?”
I blushed when her eyes read across the shirt, but did my best to keep calm.
She looked from the shirt to me and raised her eyebrow. “Thomas Cavanaugh?”
“Yeah, like I said, it’s nothing.”
I grabbed it from her quickly.
“You’re seriously trying to pass that off as nothing?” she teased. “You have a shirt that belongs to bad boy, Thomas Cavanaugh. That is the opposite of nothing. That is huge. I didn’t think bad boys were your type.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. Just what was she getting at?
“They’re not. I wouldn’t be interested in him if he were the last guy on earth. I would be interested in him if it would help save all of humanity. I wouldn’t be-”
“For someone who is denying something so much you seem to be holding on to that shirt awfully tight,” she sang.
“Yes, because I’m annoyed at your assumptions. I can’t stand that guy.”
“You know what they say. There’s a thin line between love and hate,” she smirked. “Plus he can’t be too bad if he lent you his shirt.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “Okay, I can’t talk about this anymore. I need some lunch.”
“Sounds great. I hear we’re having burgers,” she said interlinking our arms as I closed my locker. She spun us in the direction of the cafeteria.
Mystery meat, yum. I think I’ll have the salad today.
Blake and a few of his friends sat with us at lunch today and dominated most of the table conversation. While they rambled on about football practice I let my eyes travel across the room. In the past month that school had been back in session, I hadn’t ever noticed Thomas or his goons in here before.
I silently wondered where he spent his time.
Halfway through lunch I realized that I didn’t have my book for Food1 and my locker was on the opposite side of the school away from my next class. I did not want to fight the crowds after lunch ended and so I decided to go get it now.
By the time I was getting up to leave the table, Farrah, Grace and Megan were the only ones sitting there chatting. When I told Grace I’d see her in P.E and Farrah and Megan after school, I continued to my locker. Megan quickly caught up with me before I was even outside the cafeteria door.
“Where are you going?” I asked her.
She shrugged. “I’m meeting someone. I thought we’d walk together.”
Hmm…she hadn’t mentioned it before. I wonder who she was seeing. She’s showing all the signs of a secret boyfriend. I nodded, but didn’t question her on it and walked with her to the east wing of the school. My locker was just past the office area inside the door.
“This is where I leave you,” she smiled. There was a certain amount of excitement behind her smile that didn’t go unnoticed. “I’ll see you after school.”
“Okay,” I grinned. I was just dying to know who the mystery guy was. Maybe if I bug her enough she’ll tell me who it is.
She quickly disappeared from my view at the lockers. I quickly put in my combination and pulled open the metal door to retrieve my book. I scrolled through my carefully organized locker and pulled it from its assigned spot. I also grabbed my small bottle of perfume and gave myself a quick spray before closing my locker back.
As I turned around I wasn’t expecting the person I bumped into.
“Oh hey, Jonah. I’m so sorry. I never watch where I’m going. Are you okay?”
He chuckled and nodded. “I’m fine. No harm done.”
“Are you just getting here? I didn’t see you in art.”
He scratched his curly brown hair and yawned. “Yeah, I overslept. I only woke up an hour ago.”
“It shows,” I giggled.
He looked like an advertisement for someone who desperately needed an energy shot.
He dropped his hand and shoved them in his pockets looking around the hallway nervously. He acted as if he felt out of place in the empty hallway. He hadn’t made eye contact with me in the last minute. I was beginning to become suspicious.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
He laughed just a nervously as he seemed before looking at me again. “I was just thinking.”
I smiled and nodded. “Oh, okay.”
“Yeah, I was actually wondering if… you were busy this Friday.”
He looked like he was almost sweating.
“Um…I…” I was scrambling for words. Was he asking me out? It made me feel awkward. I thought he knew I only saw him as a friend.
“If you’re not busy I thought you might go to the homecoming dance with me.”
I giggled awkwardly and even I could tell I sounded off.
“Um actually Jonah, I can’t because-”
“She’s going with me.” Thomas interrupted.
What? Where the hell did he come from? Is he stalking me again? Before I could turn around and spot him I felt an arm wrap around my waist pulling me a rock hard chest. It sent tingles up my spine, something I was definitely not used to. That must be what happens when you’re thoroughly repulsed by someone. Gross.
You’re a terrible liar Olivia.
Jonah’s eyes bugged out of their sockets at how close Thomas was holding me. His warm hand was burning against the exposed flesh below my shirt. I tensed. How do I react?
“O-oh,” he mumbled, nearly shaking form nerves. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.”
“Well she is.” Thomas interrupted, glaring at him. “Now beat it.”
That was all it took to send Jonah practically running down the hallway to safety. After this I’d be lucky if he ever spoke to me again. He’ll probably be afraid Thomas will decapitate him or something.
I turned to Thomas and glared. “You didn’t have to do that you know. I was handling it.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “It looked like you were.”
The bell rang then, sending everyone into the hallways while Thomas and I continued to stare at one another. No one seemed to notice us in passing.
“Well I was. Now you probably scared him to death.”
“Did I?” he questioned amused.
“Yes. You tend to have that effect on most people,” I stated placing my hands on my hips. I tried to look intimidating but I don’t think I pulled it off. I was about as intimidating as a Chihuahua.
“It’s not my fault the kid is scared of his own shadow,” he chuckled again.
I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of me. “You know, I’m not going to the dance with you, right?”
“Like I would be caught dead at some lame after school event. I don’t think so. Don’t flatter yourself sweetheart. I attend dances for no one,” he smirked.
“Then why did you do it?” I challenged.
“Because you needed help and I’ve not threatened anyone today. I was going through withdrawal. Sue me.”
Of course he was.
“Well, the next time you decide to help me, do me a favor and don’t help me. You’re scaring off my friends.”
I really wasn’t as angry as I let on, but I would never let him know I was grateful for his help. He may have been a little rude about getting rid of Jonah, but I’m glad I wasn’t the one to let him down. It’s never fun being rejected, I know. I still remember crying over my seventh grade crush for a week when he turned me down to go with Alyssa Evans. I suppose, in the end, Thomas did spare him some heartache.
“You two, what are you still doing here?” The familiar voice of our vice principal asked.
I quickly looked away from Thomas startled by her appearance and saw the now empty hall. Great. Just great.
“What does it look like we’re doing? We’re talking,” Thomas said in an offhand tone.
Shut up Thomas. Just shut up. You’re going to get us both in trouble.
She narrowed her eyes at his disrespect and placed her hands on her sides. “Watch your tongue Cavanaugh, before you land yourself in detention again.”
“Yeah, shut up,” I whispered to him.
Her eyes then met mine with surprise. “Miss. Harris. I’m surprised at seeing you here. I hope this isn’t the company you’re keeping now.”
“I just lost track of time. I’m sorry,” I replied.
“Skipping class is an automatic detention,” she stated pulling a pad of detention slips from her pocket. “That will be one for each of you.”
“That’s not fair! It’s his fault I’m even late in the first place.”
She handed them to us with a smile of her face, ignoring my statement. “I expect to see you both there. Don’t be late or it’s another day of detention.”
This woman was truly the devil. Not only had she just sentenced me to detention, but she sentenced me to detention with most troublesome, annoying person of all, Thomas Cavanaugh. I’m never gonna make it through this alive. One of us will end up killing each other by the time it’s over.
“To class,” she ordered one last time before turning away.
She was a’ no bull’ kind of person. This isn’t anyone in the student body who likes her. She had more enemies than Hitler. Okay, that may be stretching the truth a little bit, but I do believe they were, in some way, related. They had to be.
“This is just great,” I groaned. “I road with Farrah today; how am I suppose to get home now?”
“I’ll take you,” he smirked. “Only if you ask me politely.”
Hell no.
“No thank you. I’ll take my chances walking.”
“In the rain?” he challenged.
He looked towards one of the school exits still smirking. And sure enough, he was right. It was indeed raining cats and dogs as they say. I’ll be drenched for sure.
I knew when I was defeated.
“Alright smarty pants. I’ll ride with you. It’s the least you could do for getting me detention.”
He held his hands up in defense. “I didn’t force you stand here and talk to me. You did that of your own free will. Don’t place the blame on me.”
“If you would have left well enough alone, I wouldn’t have argued with you in the first place.”
“Fine, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart,” he said with a casual shrug.
I wanted to scream. Why do I let him get to me?
“Whatever. I’m going to class. Goodbye,” I snapped power walking towards the other side of the school.
“Good. Tell teach I said hey. I’ll see you detention Harris.”
So he was ditching? Of course. It would be asking too much of him to attend everyday wouldn’t it?
I ignored his little comment and kept on my way. He’s already hindered me enough for one afternoon. Whatever else he had to say to me could wait until later. I have a class to pass.
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