《Just My Type》Chapter 1- Hot Or Not, I Do Not Need A Stalker!
Chapter 1- Hot Or Not, I Do Not Need A Stalker!
The lines of the text book laid out on the table before me were nothing, but blurred lines on a piece of paper. I could no longer differentiate between the sentences as they all seemed to run in together. Who cares about the difference between all purpose and self raising flour? It’s all the same to me.
I’d much rather be actually cooking than having to learn the basics from a text book first. Though, I guess they sort of go hand in hand. Maybe I wouldn’t be so irritated about it if I had gotten more than four hours of sleep last night.
I blame it on that stupid English paper that kept me up all night. I hope I never have to write another book report again. I know that’s high hopes coming from a high school student with more than half a year left to go.
Crap. Someone is talking to me.
I snapped my head in the direction of my name and saw Mrs. Hughes standing in front of the dry erase board with a marker in her hand. She, along with all the other students in the class, -to the exception of the blond headed guy who was staring out the window in a daze- was staring at me. I blushed.
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat the question?”
She gave a heavy sigh with a disappointed look and turned around to write something on the board.
“You guys will never learn this if you don’t pay attention,” she stressed. “I know you want to engage in some hands on learning, but you have to know this stuff first.”
At least I wasn’t the only one being lectured.
At the classes end the bell rang and I was more than happy to gather my things and make it to last period. Before anyone was out the door Mrs. Hughes called out to us that tomorrow we would make the simplest of things, spaghetti. That would determine if everyone was ready to begin learning more challenging recipes. Thank God for elective classes. It severed as a much needed break from things like science and the anatomy of the human body.
In P.E we had to run laps until our legs fell off. Okay, so maybe I’m being melodramatic. My legs didn’t actually fall off, but they felt like they could. I think I burned off most of the calories from those two Chocolate Chip cookies I ate for lunch today.
Curse Farrah for giving me those stupid, delicious things. Now all I wanted to do was sneak back into the cafeteria and buy two more. I’m supposed to be dieting. I guess that’s out the window now.
“What are you gonna do this weekend?” Grace asked me in last period.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. “Probably the same thing I do every weekend. Get caught up on homework and waste away in front of the television.”
“Sounds better than my weekend,” she sighed. “Can I come?”
“If you don’t mind hearing my parents bicker, than sure.”
She looked at me sympathetically. “Are they still at it?”
“Yep,” I answered in boredom.
It was getting pretty old actually. Every night and every day they were constantly arguing. If it wasn’t about the finances, it was about the late night hours dad spent at work or the new boat he most recently splurged on. That definitely was not in the finances.
I’m pretty sure he’s going through a mid life crisis. Mom needs to face the music.
“I can live with it,” she answered. “It beats spending another weekend at my grandma’s watching westerns and Jeopardy. I’ve seen ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ so many times I have half the lines memorized. It’s unbearable.”
“Then you’re officially invited.”
Poor Grace. Though, if my parents keep at it like they have, I may be willing to switch lives with her.
“Thank you,” she said overjoyed. “I promise to let you come over to mine anytime you want.”
“I just might take you up on that,” I mumbled. I’m not sure she heard me though.
“So, we’ll carpool again tomorrow and I’ll bring my bag.” She said.
I nodded to her and went back to chewing on the end of my Bic pin. It looked as if a rabid animal had gotten hold of it. I should definitely get some new writing supplies soon. It probably wouldn’t hurt for me to stop chewing on them either. They might last longer if I did.
Hold habits die hard.
The rest of class I did my best to take notes on the new material Mr. Sullivan was rambling on about. It was hard to do with my ADD. So maybe I diagnosed myself with it, but that doesn’t make it any less true. And just to prove to you hove true it is, I’ll give you an example of how my mind works.
Take puppies for example.
Brown puppies….I love puppies and brown is such an amazing color. Like on shoes. Oh! My favorite shoe store is having a sale this week. I really need new shoes…and new clothes. Maybe I’ll go to the mall this weekend. The last time I was at the mall, getting a new pair of skates for my sister, I saw Chelsea Toms making out with her boyfriend Dakota Evens in the food court- in front of everyone. I lost my appetite. Then I realized how I didn’t have a boyfriend and got depressed. I want a boyfriend someday. I’m not rushing it though. It would just be nice to eventually find someone.
See where I’m going with this? From puppies to boyfriends, does that sound like someone who doesn’t have ADD?
At the end of class I collected my books and threw my poor mutilated pin in the trash can. I think it had more then served its purpose in life. Time for a new one.
At my car, Megan and Farrah, my other two besties, who also car pooled with Grace and me, spilled about their day as they got inside the car. As usual, Farrah gushed about her boyfriend Blake and Megan talked about the most recent gossip in yearbook class. Apparently they find a lot of time to talk in that class. Every week there seemed to be a new bit of gossip that Megan felt compelled to share with us. Most of it never held my interest for very long.
It was always about who was hooking up with whom; what football player broke a girl’s heart and who was caught cheating last.
Once I dropped everyone off at their homes I was finally free to go to mine. When I got there, as expected, Mom and Dad were arguing again. This time it just happened to be about dad’s sudden business trip that was taking him out of town for a week. My mother was not happy; especially since he was leaving tomorrow.
“Hey sweet pea; we’re just preparing dinner,” he greeted me as soon as I entered the kitchen.
Mom went back to preparing dinner acting like they had not been arguing for the last twenty minutes and sighed.
“Hi daddy.” I smiled taking a seat at the counter. “What are we having?”
“Lasagna and salad,” he answered placing some garlic bread on the table.
I guess that means I’ll be having the salad. I thought regrettably. It sucks being on a diet. Mom rarely ever made my favorite. I just needed to lose five more pounds to be able to fit into the new jeans I bought a week ago and I’d be fine. It was an impulse buy and they didn’t have my size. I loved them too much to pass on them.
Dinner passed by quickly with not much conversation from my parents or siblings. My sister was too busy talking on the house phone with one of her friends to notice the tension in the room and my brother was at a friend’s house.
It sucked being the oldest of three. I never had anyone to talk to with my life problems. Most of them, they wouldn’t even understand if they tried. I often caught myself wishing for an older brother or sister. Pathetic, I know. I should really learn how to be grateful.
The next day was a little better than the previous. It was Friday. That made everything better. The day everyone looked forward to during the week. I wore my new shirt that I bought the same time as the jeans that I was almost into and a pair of flip flops. It went really well with the skirt I decided on. It felt like a warm day so that alone was enough to lift my mood about having to go school. Lunch outside will be nice.
Today was Farrah’s day to drive so I patiently waited for her outside my house this morning. Grace was already with her and Megan was not attending today, due to a dentist appointment, so the chatter in the car was a little lighter today.
I watched with envy when, as soon as we got to school, Farrah leaped into Blake’s arms. I was just a little bit jealous of her dating one of the hottest guys in school. Meanwhile her friends were the losers who couldn’t even get the attention of a single guy here. Well except Jonah, but he didn’t count.
He was my art buddy, I guess you could say. I’ve sensed that he’s harbored a slight crush on me since the beginning of the school year, but the feeling wasn’t mutual. He’s cute and all, just not my type. I’m not even completely sure what my type is to be honest, but I do know it’s not him. I do hope he finds someone though. He’s such a sweet guy.
“Are you going to quit gawking and walk with me to class?” Grace interrupted with a giggle. “I’m envious too,” she added.
After I came out of my reverie I blushed and giggled too. “Some people have all the luck. Maybe he has a friend.”
“Maybe,” she agreed.
Our walk to first period was a short one and would have been even shorter if people knew what the meaning of personal space was. I don’t understand the point of crowding the entrance to school every morning.
“Get the hell out of the way!” I yell that everyday….inside my head.
I try to exercise good manners, to the best of my ability, but sometimes it becomes increasingly hard. I don’t have a lot of patience. A lot of people have told me that including, my family, my friends, and even complete strangers. Like that Starbucks lady down the road from my house for example. All because I told her if she did a little less time gossiping and spent more time getting people’s orders then line wouldn’t be so long. It was just a friendly suggestion.
People get so defensive about the littlest things.
English was very unexciting, much like the class afterward. I wasn’t completely happy until I was at lunch. The sun was still shining, like it was this morning, but incredibly warmer. I loved the heat. I could lay in the sun forever if I knew I wouldn’t get sun baked.
“Feels great doesn’t it?” Farrah asked sitting on one of the tables outside during lunch.
I nodded. “Can we just skip the rest of the day and hang out in the sun?”
She giggled. “We only have half a day left. Stick with it.”
“You’re only saying that because you have the next class with your boyfriend,” Grace added.
“That too,” she agreed and smiled. “He’s taking me out tonight.”
“I hope you’re talking about me,” the topic of conversation, Blake Coleman, interrupted.
“Of course I’m talking about you,” she grinned turning around behind her. I laughed when she jumped off the table and almost knocked him over when she grabbed him. “Unless you know another hot guy that asked me out tonight.”
“Funny,” he chuckled holding her against him the releasing her. “If anyone even tried that, I would know.”
When the bell rang, everyone quickly dispersed as did Farrah and Blake. Thankfully I remembered my textbook for Food 1 before lunch so not having to fight the crowded hallways would save me some time.
I spent a couple more minutes enjoying what was left of my lunch period after my friends had gone then grabbing my books off the table and rushed towards class. I might be a little late, but better late than never, right?
It’s not like it matters anyway. Mrs. Hughes was always late to class herself. I can’t remember a single day that she was there before the last of the students arrived. That’s probably because she always spends her lunch hour with her husband who’s also a teacher here. They’re still newlyweds.
I quickly spun around the corner just before the classroom door and collided with a very hard surface. Man, did I hit a wall?
I was taken aback for a second as I gathered my thoughts and began picking my books up off the floor. A few of the papers I had stuck between the pages spilled out of the book as well and the wall bent down to help me pick them up. I froze.
The wall was in fact a guy, and a hot one at that.
I swallowed nervously when recognition swept over me and the green eyed, blond haired hottie smirked at me. Oh Jeeze. Of all the people I had to run into today, why him?
I do not associate with trouble and I’d like to keep it that way.
As I struggled for right words to make up a proper apology he quickly spoke up.
“Distracted?” he guessed, the smirk not wavering from his lips.
“I…I wasn’t looking,” I blushed fervently. “I’m sorry.”
Maybe if I got away quickly he wouldn’t kill me for running into him like some kind of maniac.
His muscles flexed as he picked up the heavy books and brought them to him. I was watching, quite possibly, with drool running from my mouth. Why did all the bad guys also have to be the hot ones? I’ve heard the stories. I’ve seen the evidence. I know better than to get involved with guys like him.
Just look away, Olivia, before he notices you ogling him. I quickly obeyed my inner voice.
“No harm done,” he chuckled, picking up the rest of my things and handing them to me.
Both of us rose and stood at the same time, neither of us breaking the staring contest we were now holding. Gosh, he was big. Like, really big. No, intimidating big. No wonder most people feared him.
“Yeah, because you’re built like a mountain,” I mumbled. It was too late to take back the words that escaped my lips once they were out. Why did I say that? He’d have to be def not to hear that. I’m such an idiot.
I blushed yet again. “Is there any chance you didn’t hear that?”
“Not even a little.” He wore a look of amusement on his face as my blushing became increasingly more obvious.
Can you die from embarrassment? Right now, I’m not so sure I’d fight it if it could.
“Do you often make it a habit for checking out people you run into?”
My mouth almost hit the ground. Is that what he thought I was doing? It was nothing of the sort. I was simply making a statement. There IS a big difference. His incredibly good looks had nothing to do with it.
I mentally slapped myself. Stupid, Olivia. Very stupid.
“N-no.”I stuttered, failing to sound strong as I’d meant to. Not a very convincing argument on my part. “I wasn’t checking you out.”
“And I’m not Thomas Cavanaugh,” he stated.
I felt angry at his insinuation and huffed. “Are you calling me a liar?”
“I’m just stating the facts sweetheart.”
I gasped in disbelief. He can’t be serious. I wouldn’t check him out if he were the last person on earth. I don’t care if it were to save the human race.
Though, I’d hate to get on his bad side, so I’ll just keep that to myself for now. I may be nervy but I’m not dense.
“Look, Thomas, I’d really love to stand here and have it out with you about this, but I’d rather attend class if you don’t mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
I pushed past him without a second thought and continued towards the classroom door. It was only a moment before I realized I wasn’t alone. My head snapped to the person beside me and I groaned. I could see now that getting rid of this guy was not going to be easy.
Hot or not, I do not need a stalker.
“Please don’t tell me you stalking me now.”
He grinned. “Don’t flatter yourself. It just so happens that I have this class as well.”
I stood flabbergasted. “What? Since when?”
“Today,” he said matter of factly. “Just transferred in.”
I let out a short laugh until he walked in ahead of me and dropped off a paper slip on the absent teacher’s desk. Despite the shock I felt, I forced myself inside after him and took my usual set in the kitchen where all the supplies we’d need today was scattered on the table.
I looked at the empty seat next to me and sighed. Great, I guess this means I’ll be cooking on my own today. Where was Tracey when I needed her? She spends just as much time out of class as she does in it.
She’s lucky her dad is assistant principle. I don’t know of anyone else who misses two days of school a week and still passes their classes.
While I was envying her, I didn’t even notice when Thomas walked over to my table and dropped down in the seat across from me. He rested his muscular crossed arms across his chest and propped his feet up under the table on the seat beside of me. And again, I was not checking him out; just simply making an observation.
“What are you doing?”
“Sitting down,” he said slowly. “I’d think you’d know that considering you’re doing it.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him. “No, I mean, why are you doing it here, at my table?”
“Because I can,” he stated. “Is that a problem?”
I swallowed. There is that intimidating stare of his again. The one that anyone dare not mess with. I wasn’t sure why he was looking at me so intently, but it made me nervous all of a sudden. Damn him. “No. It’s not a problem.”
“Good.”His face lightened and he grinned. “Since we’re gonna be spending the rest of the semester together I think we should get to know each other, don’t you?”
He winked at me and caused the air in my throat to get stuck. What is he bipolar? I looked behind me just to be sure it was in fact directed at me and felt even more embarrassed. No one was behind me. It was just him and me…sitting here…all alone.
Good grief.
So, here is the start of the spin-off. This story takes place just a few weeks before TBBIP starts and then will merge with the story. And once again, you are not required you read TBBIP to understand this book.
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