《Tharntype ♥️》3. Type's place


Pa: Here we are.... (pulls the brakes and stops the car. Looks at the hotel) 'Paradise'... hmm... great name! (Looks at the back seat to his kids) Seems like we will be having fun in heaven! Ha. Okay boys let's get going!

Tharn: (mumbles) Paradise!? I feel like I'm in hell. Don't let me see you Type. You better be dead! (Angry looks)

Thorn: Tharn....( signals to get out) get out.

Tharn: Ah! Kharb. (Opens the door and gets out. Looks around and puts a mask and a sunglass) P'... think of a solution na, na, na. Type didn't receive my call. What should I do??

"Welcome...Welcome to our paradise!" Type's dad came to receive the new guest and Tharn tried to hide himself behind Thorn.

Thorn: Act normal. Don't panic.(clears his throat) Swadee kharb

Tharn and Thanya joins their palms too to greet the owner.

Thorn: Pa, I will get the luggage. You can go.

"Hello beautiful" someone said from the back of the car.

Thorn looks up and sees a handsome guy waving his sister. Thanya too was so shy with the compliment.

Thorn: (hides his sister behind him) Who told you to talk with my princess? Step out. Why are you here? Wooing my princess??

Handsome guy: (acted as if he was afraid and shocked with Thorn) Ah, khotkun kharp. I didn't know she is a princess. (Winked at her and smiles) I called her beautiful. Sorry princess. (Bends down to match the level of eye with Thanya)

Thanya : swadee kha. I'm Thanya. ☺️ He's my .....(gets mouth blocked by her brother)

Handsome guy: (looks up to Thorn) Oww.. why do you do that? (Smiles) swadee khrap. I'm Tiger. (Intimates growling) Errr....

Thorn : We have nothing to say. Can you leave now. Huh??

Tiger:(gets up) kharp! Let me help you then. (Takes the heaviest bag and walks towards the hotel before Thorn can even utter any words.)


Thorn: I hate him.

Thanya: I like him.

(They spoke at the same time and Thorn was taken back by the words of Thanya)

Thorn: Princess... how can you like him?? Don't get fooled by those people. He is of no good.

Thanya: (shrugs her shoulder 🤷‍♂️) I like him because he likes you P'.

(Thorn puts Thanya on the ground and says to walk by herself as a punishment for uttering a complete nonsense)

Thanya: Oh! I guess I should be cupid for my brothers. Uff... seems like I would be busy! 🤫

(Meanwhile Tharn went after his parents. He prayed that Type's dad won't recognize him.)

Type' dad: (stopped in front of the room) This room is for parents. That next is for kids. Please Enjoy.

Pa: Thank you. (Looked to Tharn)

Tharn: ( don't say my name... don't...don't)

Pa: Tharn!

(Everyone's eyes were on him but his eyes were on Type's dad. All scared!!) 😱😱

(A/N : Hello everyone, how are you all and how is quarantine life going on? Please be safe na... stay home, wash your hands and take care of yourself. Much love! ♥️♥️)

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