《My Sexy Babysitter》Chapter 3


He ran to the living room and I chased behind him. He ran and ducked behind the couch and acted like I didn't see him.

"Ohhhh Jacob. Come out, come out wherever you are." I said walking around the couch to the front.

I heard him giggle and I ran behind the couch and grabbed him. He jumped and screamed then poked his lip out.

"That wasn't very nice, Taylor." He said putting a hand on his hip.

I smirked and went into the kitchen and there was a knock on the door. Jacob started talking to what sounded like a girl.

I frowned and went into the living room and stood against the doorway in the kitchen.

There was a girl there and she had her arms around Jacob's neck and Jacob had his hands on her waist.

He smiled at her and leaned in and kissed her. I felt my blood rise up.

He's been sitting here calling me princess and all that but yet, he's got a girlfriend? Cheaters these days.

I cleared my throat and Jacob jumped back and the girl looked at me and frowned.

"Uh who is this?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Jacob wiped his lip and took a step back and the girl flipped her hair and smiled at Jacob.

"This is Violet. My uh, my girlfriend." He said giving me pleading eyes as if he can read my mind.

"Oh how lovely. I'm-"

"Taylor right? Yeah I've heard. You're 17 and you still need a babysitter." She said snickering.

Oh it's on.

"First off, I don't need a babysitter, thank you very much. Second off, my parents made me get a babysitter." I said standing straight.

She looked at me and snarled her nose. "You honestly think I believe that? You know how many girls want him? You probably want him too."


I was boiling at that point. If only she knew the way he talked to me earlier and the way he talked to me yesterday.

"I don't want him!" I said as my face felt like it was on fire.

"Violet, I think its time for you to go." Jacob said as he backed her up out the door.

She looked at me and then looked at him.

"You want him? You can have him! Jacob, were through!" She screamed at him and slammed the door shut.

He sighed and I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Jacob. I wasn't-"

"Sorry? For what? I was tired of her anyways. I was actually about to break up with her." He said smiling.

Not weird at all. Awkward.

"Oh uhm, your welcome?" I said. "But wait, wasn't you just kissing her?"

"Well yeah but, its a long story. Anyways, thanks. Now I'm single!" He said plumping on the couch.

I laughed and sat in my chair. I call it my chair because ever since my mom bought it, I've took it over and now its mine.

"You wanna play a videogame?" I said as I went and plugged up my Xbox.

"Sure. What games you got?" He said coming next to me.

I handed him my stack of games and he put some to the side and kept some in his hands. Finally he smiled and handed me, what he calls, his favorite game.

Call of Duty 3.

"That's your favorite game? That's mine too. I've been all of them, to be honest." I said smiling.

He smiled and I handed him a controller and we went and he sat on the couch and I sat beside him in the floor.


We started playing and then sometime during the game, he moved over and sat behind me and put his controller right in front of mine.

(A/N: profile picture of this book)

I got killed a couple of times and he never died. He must really love his game to never die.

"Welp, I'm done. I keep getting killed." I said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

He paused the game and followed me.

"I'm hungry!!" He said whining.

I ignored him and got a drink. He kept on calling my name and I kept on ignoring him.

"Taylor!" He said.

"What?!?" I yelled.

He smirked and put a hand on his hip.

"Be nice or I'll leave." He said.

"I could care less. I don't need a babysitter." I said rolling my eyes.

"Ohhhh someone is getting annoyed." He said winking.

"Yeah I am." I said walking out and going to my room.

"So what do you wanna do now? Play COD again?" He said plumping on my bed.

"Go call your girlfriend." I said turning on my TV.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but I have a girlfriend." He said smirking.

"I'm not kissing you." I said snickering.

"Oh but you did yesterday." He said smirking.

"Only because I was getting you back." I said. "Don't act like you didn't like it."

"Oh I liked it." He said winking.

"Perv!" I said throwing my pillow at him.

"Oh thanks for that. Imma lay beside you." He said crawling beside me. "If you don't mind."

"Fine. But stay on that side." I said pushing him over.

We layed there and watched a couple of movies and he kept on poking me and poking me.

After hours and hours of watching movies and being poked, eye roll, I cut the TV off.

"Go to your bed." I said trying to pull him out of mine.

"Please Taylor. I get lonely!" He said.

"One night." I said rolling my eyes.

He smile and covered up with my blanket. I went to my closet and pulled out another blanket and handed it to him.

He frowned and took it and put my cover on my side and covered up with his.

"Goodnight Angel." He said hugging me.

"Goodnight Jacob." I said sighing.

I rolled over and faced the wall and he turned and put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

I didn't even bother to move because I was too tired. Plus being in his arms felt so right.

Wait, did I just think that? Oh no, I like Jacob? No it can't be right. I don't like him. He's annoying.

But he's cute when he's being annoying. No Taylor. Stop. He's your babysitter for crying out loud.

Well I mean, I like him. Okay fine. I'll admit it. I do like him. And I was jealous he had a girlfriend.

It did feel so right to be in his arms. I just don't know if he feels the same way about me. Oh who am I kidding?

I'm 17 and I'm crushing on my 21 year old babysitter. And its legal? Not that I know of. He just wanted a kiss.

I shuffled around and finally settled and closed my eyes. I felt him kiss the back of my head and then put his head back down and we fell asleep.

Or at least I did. I don't know about him

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