《My Step Brother Is A Player!©》16- Vogue headquarters


"Audrey? Baby?" Tristan's groggy voice woke me up. His arms was wrapped around my waist and his legs was strangled with mine. He planted a kiss on my shoulder and I twisted to face him.

"Morning," I said raspy. He grinned and sat up on the bed. Tristan looked so hot with his hair tousled and his morning face. Ugh. I glanced over the digital clock and it's almost 10 am.

Tristan stared at me for a moment and I sat up, fluffing my hair a bit. He leaned down slowly and caught my lips, making me lay back on the bed. His hands skimmed through my legs and my heart flipped.

I pulled back and locked gazes with him. "What are we doing?" I asked. I swore that I will forget about what I left in LA and I'll keeping it that way.

"Living life baby," He bit my bottom lip and tug it out, that made me turn on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. Tristan teased me at first then he kissed me harder. His hands snaked in the hem of my underwear and I gasped.

"Haha, going too far," I smiled and caught his wrist, preventing him from going somewhere deep.

I recalled him last night telling me that he likes me and that made my cheeks heat up but I have to act like I didn't hear it from him... Oh shoot! I have to go to Vogue today to check out the fashion line.

"Hmm, I have to go to Vogue," I pushed him back, but his lips traveled down my collar bone. I grabbed his shoulder and shoved him, pinning him down the bed. "Getting worked up Tristan?" I smirked at him and he licked his lips. Oh my god I just can't... He broke free and gripped my waist.

"You work me up baby," What does this even mean? Are we like dating? I have to keep my eyes open because I can't fall for this, he might be just playing with me. If I'm not paying attention, I might end up like a used toy, but for now, if this is a game, I'll play along.

I grinned and hopped off his hips. I don't know if my relationship with Lucas is over but this is just wrong in many levels, it's like I'm cheating on my boyfriend and I'm making out with my step brother. Nope, no it's not! I'm leaving my messed up LA life behind. I'm following my guts and heart, nothing else matters.


Tristan tagged along with me and we both went to the head quarters of Vogue France. Can he even keep a real relationship? Or just a one night stand? Can I change him? Questions rushed in my head but I pushed it aside and focused on modeling for now.

"Hi, I'm here to check in please," I smiled at the receptionist and she quirked her brows at me.

"Vous avez rendez-vous?" She spoke in french and Tristan smirked at her. Nope, he can't keep a serious relationship.

"Pardon me?" I had no idea on what she said. Yes, I took french but I'm not fluent, maybe if I had a dictionary I'll probably get her.

"Do you have an appointment?" Her accent was thick that I hardly understood her.

"Oh, well yeah, Audrey Jennifer?" I said, she scrolled through her computer and her eyes widen.


"Oui, oui, straight ahead," She pointed out the hall and I smiled at her one last time. I walked towards the room and Tristan caught my waist, wrapping his arm around me.

"French girls these days," He shook his head in disapproval. I raised both my brows. Really? It's not like he doesn't like french girls.

"Shut up! You like french girls!" I nudged him even though it felt like shards of glass sliced through my throat when I said it. I'm not jealous!

"I like brunettes that came from America," He turned my shoulder to face him and stared straight at me seriously, I rolled my eyes. That's what they say...

A middle aged woman sauntered over to me with big bright emerald eyes and she looked too far excited.

"Audrey Jennifer?" She greeted out with this cheery smile which reminds me of mom.

"Yes mam," I flashed her a big smile and she squealed.

"Bonjour mademoiselle Jennifer, Je m'appelle Patricia," I really need to work my brain into understanding french language. I glanced at Tristan who was frowning with a weird expression on his face.

"Hello Patricia," I waved at her and she grinned. Patricia nudged her head to indicate to follow her and I did.

"French people are so weird, that's why I'll stick with my brunette," He whispered so closely while he trailed beside me.

"You're so rude!" I swatted his arms but he smirked. We entered a bright white room where every furniture was all white too. There was a cart full of clothes and dresses and I just waited. Patricia picked out clothes off the cart and shoved them to me, like literally shoved it.

When I was holding about 100 dresses she pushed me to the change room located at the side of the room. Geesh! Are we in a hurry? I changed into the first outfit which was Dolce & Gabbana floral fitted dress that fit perfectly and some high heeled sandals.

I stepped out the fitting room and Tristan's eyes bulged out of its sockets. Patricia was grinning and she pulled me towards the accessory booth, handing me a teardrop necklace in coral. I put it on and looked at the mirror. Oh my god. I look high class.

"Wow," I breathed out, turning side to side to check out my outfit.

"Dayum babe," Tristan leaned his arms down on his knees to look at me closely.

"Oui, est-il votre garcon ami?" Patricia spoke in french again. I traded glances with Tristan and he quirked his brows at me.

"Huh?" We said in unison.

"Are you dating her?" I'm sure that isn't what she said but the question was directed to Tristan.

"Oui," He replied. Does he even know what 'Oui' means? Doubt it, but Patricia smiled at us widely.

"Lucky man," Her accent was thick, just like the receptionist. "Next outfit mademoiselle," She nudged her head towards the fitting room and I walked back in.

The next dress was Alexander Mcqueen crepe bustier dress with matching black platform heels. It looked like a classy dress and it hugged my body perfectly, just like the previous dress. It pushed up my bust and it looked like a have big boobs. Er... I wonder what Tristan's comment for this outfit.

I opened the door and Patricia smirked at me. I didn't look at Tristan because this is overwhelming for me.


"God damn..." He muttered, I turned to look at him and his jaw dropped on the floor, his eyes wandered all over my body.

"Ici," Patricia put on a gold necklace on me and I looked at the mirror again. I can't believe I can look this hot.

"Pick up your jaw Tristan," I teased and winked at him. I'm just kidding around.

"Can I go in the change room with her?" Tristan turned to her and asked. I giggled and shook my head. I'm enjoying this outfit testing cause all the clothes are awesome!

6 outfits later....

I mostly tried on every dress Patricia gave me and I just have to try on one last outfit, Ralph Lauren Blue ruched wrapped around dress in velvet red and red suede platform sandals. Last one and I'm done. We've been here for the whole three hours and I'm starving.

I walked out and looked straight at the mirror. Can I like keep all the dresses? This is awesome and it looked so pretty. I was waiting for the jewelry that matches with this outfit then Tristan appeared behind me, holding a silver rhinestone necklace. I stared at him through the mirror and he stared back.

I moved my hair to the side and he put on the necklace gently. He locked out the hook and placed both his hands on my arms.

"You're perfection baby," Planting a kiss on the nape of my neck. I grinned and looked back at my reflection. That meant a lot to me, him complementing me meant the world.

"Aww, perfect couple," Patricia said out loud. I crack on a smile while Tristan grinned proudly. Are we really going through this? Is this a real relationship?

"Well I better go change, I'm starving," He smacked my ass before I head in and changed. I was back in my jeans and loose v-neck shirt, sliding my aviators down my eyes. I didn't bother bringing out the dresses because I'm sure they can fix it themselves.

"Mademoiselle Jennifer, merci beacoup," Patricia shook my hand eagerly and I painted on a smile.

"Du rien," At least I know some french. Tristan laced my hand with his and tugged me towards the exit.

"Mademoiselle Jennifer?" She said before we can leave.

"Oui Patricia?" I'm getting the hang of speaking french, well I'm staying here for almost a month after all.

"Fashion week is this week, runway show on Wednesday? You're part of the walk," She reminded me. I nodded.

"Yes I am," She skidded over and gave me a huge hug.

"Merci," I hugged her back and it made Tristan step back. I pulled away to face a extremely happy Patricia.

"No problem, alright we have to go now, bye," I started walking and waving her good bye. Geesh she reminded me a lot of mom.

Tomorrows Tristan's fashion check in Hugo Boss and I'm excited to see him play dress up. I laughed out loud at the thought of it and Tristan looked at me weirdly.

"Are you turning into those french girls?" He puckered his brows and I chuckled.

"No dumb shit!" I feel the most comfortable when I'm around Kris and now with Tristan, it's like I can do anything I want without him judging me. When I'm with Lucas though... It's like I have to meet expectations...

"Why'd you laugh then?" He pulled me into this fancy pizza place and the waitress lead us to a booth. I sat across from him and looked at the menu.

"Because I can imagine you playing dress up tomorrow," I chuckled and he looked at me without a hint of humor.

"Haha very funny missy," He He rolled his eyes for the first time! This is the first time he looked annoyed and I'm enjoying this.

"Puis-je obtenir de votre commande?" I didn't really get that but I figured she asked if were ready to order because the waitress hold up a pad and pen.

"What did she say?" Tristan looked lost and I laughed at his expression.

"Can I have a pepperoni slice with black olives, white onions and mushrooms please," She listed it out then turned to Tristan.

"Oh! She was asking for our orders!" He said dumb founded. I raised my brows and nodded. Wow. "Oh I would like pepperoni pizza with pineapple and onions please," He smiled up to the waitress and a blush formed on her cheeks. I need to get used to this.

"Boisson?" She asked.

"Uhm... Root beer?" I said and she wrote it down.

"Do you have red wine?" Tristan asked and the waitress nodded. "Can I have red wine please," I quirked my brow at him and he smirked at me. After she got our orders, she throttled away and I looked at Tristan weirdly.

"Red wine? You're taking advantage of this aren't you?" I played with the fork placed on the side and glanced up at Tristan who was staring.

"Of course," He grinned at me and I looked away. He is just unbelievable. "Was Vogue fun?" He asked randomly. I met his gaze and smiled.

"Yeah, it was cool," Our drinks came and I got my root beer while Tristan got a wine glass and a bottle of red wine in a cooler bucket. I feel immature right now. "Thanks," I said to the waitress, her lips turned up slightly before she left.

"Well I had fun watching you wear those outfits that fit perfectly on your tight body, I can imagine stripping them of you," He said without care if anyone can hear him. A few people glanced our way and I smiled at them politely.

"Shut up Tristan!" I widen my eyes at him and he chuckled. Not funny!

"Calm down! Their french, they can't understand," I leaned back and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"There's this thing called 'tourist' honey, and most of them came from America," I explained and Tristan grinned when I called him 'honey'.

"So?" He shrugged.

"I think you're already drunk," I took a sip of my drink and stared at him. He tilt up the wine glass and gulped down. Damn! Take it slow buddy!

"I took one gulp, and it's wine, it doesn't make me drunk," He took another sip. I'm curious about it and mom is not here so maybe... It was like Tristan read my mind because he pushed the glass over to me and nod.

"Uh maybe not," But I really want to taste it. Root beer's close to beer so I'll stick with it.

"I know you want to Audrey," I know he's right. I grabbed the neck of the glass and tipped my head back, taking a small sip. It taste okay, a little bitter but its alright. I placed it back down and masked on a sour face. After a while, the after taste remained on my tongue and it tasted sweet.

The pizzas came and I want wine now. Ugh! I'm blaming Tristan for this! I bit the tip of my pizza and chewed. I stared at the wine and my mouth started to water. I'm craving it.

"Can I have another sip?" I asked him shyly and he smirked at me. He called out the waitress to ask for another glass and she came with it immediately. Tristan filled it up half way and handed me it.

"Look at little miss goody-two-shoes," He chuckled. I glared before drinking it down.

"Since how old were you when you started drinking?" This is like normal for Tristan while I'm on level starters.

"I don't know? 12 years old?" He shrugged and chewed on his pizza. I choked on the wine and stared at him.

"You've been drinking since you were 12! What the hell," I gulped down the remaining drink in my glass and finished off my meal.

"Yeah my dad gave me a bottle of bud light and I finished it all," He finished off his pizza too and called for the check.

"I wanna see you drunk," I grinned at him and he smirked.

"Nah, I'm used to it so I don't often get drunk," Tristan paid for everything then we left the restaurant. The alcohol was kicking in and I was feeling light headed.

"Tristan?" I spoke out and my vision was doubling.

"Yeah?" I squeezed my eyes shut and I stopped walking. Dammit! Why did I drink? I would've listened to my mother.

"Catch me," I said in a low tone. My head was pounding and its killing me. I felt someone caught me by my waist and I was being hauled in a cab. Dammit! Lesson learned, don't drink alcohol with experienced drinkers or else it's just embarrassing...

If you want me to read your romance stories, message me:) but if it only catches my attention or interesting:D No: Paranormal/girlsxgirls, boyxboys/ fan fiction but other than that message me;)


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