《My Step Brother Is A Player!©》6- Paradise
Well hello there:P You are about to read chapter 6!!!!! Excited? Yeah I know:P I felt like writing so I didn't have to wait and I finished hw:) Well this chapter is focused on Lucas and Audrey and lots of heated scene and kissing:$LOL That's just how it works *shrugs;) Song for this chapter is "Your heart is a muscle" by Carly Rae Jepsen! yeah whatever! I'm kinda obssesed with her album kiss except for call me maybe-_- that song is just annoying but other than that, her other songs are amazing:)) Post every Weekends;) Comment/Suggest/Vote/Share? Yeah do all those stuff!! Well here y'all go!! Audrey or Lucas in the media, or both:P
Tristan was gone when I woke up this morning, what happened last night was still confusing me and it's hella messed up. I lied on the couch and stared up at the ceiling, just waiting. I don't know what I'm waiting for but I'm waiting. The kiss probably meant nothing to Tristan because he's a player, but me... I'm bemused. Why the hell would he kiss me? I mean there's loads of girls he can kiss but why me?
My belly vibrated as my phone rang, I looked at the screen to see Lucas's name, I immediately answered and sat straight up on the couch.
"Lucas!" I greeted him in a cheery voice.
"Hey Audrey, are you ready?" Ready for what? Then the thought hit me in the head. Right! We're supposed to go to the beach today! I totally forgot because I've been stressing out about the kiss last night.
"Oh yeah! I have to pack my stuff, where are you?" What would Lucas think if he finds out about what I and Tristan did last night? I'm not planning on telling anyone anyways. It's mine and Tristan's dirty little secret. Shhhhhhhh!
"Outside," I peeked out the window to see Lucas leaning on the pillars, I rushed over to open the door and he was instantly a mere away from me, looking hot as always.
"Hey," I said a little breathless, he was wearing surf shorts, Ray Bans, fitted tank that molded his body perfectly and his hair was tousled. Lucas closed the gap between us and kissed me softly which made my eyes flutter close.
"Hi," He pulled back grinning down at me.
"God you're so sexy!" I murmured and pulled his neck back down to meet his lips. His mouth curved up into a smile and I tugged on his bottom lip with my teeth.
"We should go in Audrey," Lucas pressed his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes, I just nodded in response, smirking.
I wrenched him up to my bed room and he pinned me down on my bed as soon as I closed the door. He started teasing my lips then kissed me harder. I twisted him over and he lied down on my bed this time, I sat on his torso as I bend over to peck his lips.
"Tsk tsk Lucas, so naughty," I jeered. He held my hips and his hands travelled down my legs.
"You make me naughty," He said in a seductive voice and I was totally turned on.
"Whatever! I have to get my stuff," I hopped off him and throttled towards my closet. Lucas is all you can ask for in a guy and he's mine. I smiled down at myself and started packing. Luckiest girl in the world!
Lucas drove to a private resort down in South California. We've been on the road for three hours and Lucas kept me occupied by talking about himself when he was younger, I didn't even notice that we've been driving for that long. He seemed popular in the resort because every staff greeted him as we passed by the hotel's lobby.
"Wow, so you come here often Mr. Popular?" I nudged his ribs and he chuckled. The elevator door opened and we stepped inside, Lucas pressed the top floor and I watched the door closed slowly .
"Yes Ms. Beautiful, my dad owns this resort," You're kidding me right? I gawped at him, trying to figure out if he's lying or not. No way in hell his dad could own a freaking resort!
"You're serious?" I said in disbelief. He smirked and nodded. Oh my freaking gosh! My boyfriend owns a resort! Well it's not literally his but close enough.
The elevator stopped on the top floor and the door slid open, my feet was planted on the ground as my eyes take in the view of the whole beach. The whole 30th floor was one room and it was like a condominium. It was amazing! I dropped my bag on the ground and walked straight over to the open view windows. I was speechless and I can't believe what I'm seeing. This was... Paradise!
Lucas hugged me from behind and wrapped his arms around my tummy.
"You always surprise me," I said grinning but I haven't looked away from the beach. Lucas kissed my cheek and this is more than perfect.
"And you love surprises baby," He said hoarsely so close to my ear. I turned around to face him and cupped his cheek, pulling him down for a kiss.
"I do," I said between breaths. I think I'm in love with him and it's not because of his wealth or looks, that's just a bonus, I'm in love with his personality, the whole Lucas.
The resort was busy and everyone was moving around, Lucas gave me a tour around the place and I get to meet his horse when he plays polo sometimes. Most of the employee greeted him and I smiled politely at them when they turned to me.
We walked in the empty side of the beach and just sat there, watching the waves as it crash in the shore. Lucas wrapped his arms around me and I lied my head on his shoulder.
"Lucas?" I spoke out, the waves was quite loud but Lucas seemed to hear me.
"Mhmmm?" I looked up at him and his gaze was still locked on the ocean.
"Thanks for this," I'm really happy when I'm around him.
"For what?" He asked confused, I rolled my eyes and shook my head slightly. If he had a different girl instead of me, I bet she'll faint.
"For this!" I motioned my hand around the beach, next thing I knew his lips was on mine. I leaned him all the way down the sand and hovered above him.
"Well thank you too," Lucas said squinting up at me to block out the sun.
"What for?" I pulled back and sat on his hips. He sat up and embraced his arms around me.
"For this," He pecked my lips and I shoved him back. I stood up and started to jog away from him, let's see if his good at tag. Lucas jumped up and ran after me, I sprinted off with all my strength but he's unfortunately faster and he caught up on me. My pace slowed down as I was panting for breath, he snatched my tummy and tossed me on his shoulder. Lucas ran back to our spot and I shrieked, feeling like he was gonna drop me and fall off.
He lied me down on the sand and attacked my lips. I giggled and kissed him back. "Are ticklish babe?" He asked and I started panicking. Lucas slid his hands from my hips to my thighs, squeezing it slightly and I burst out laughing.
"Stoooooooooooop!" I squealed but he didn't stop, he tickled the curved of my waist and I screamed. "Lucas- Stop!" He lay off me and place his hands up in the air in surrender.
"Remind me not to have a tickle fight with you!" My eyes started tearing out and I heaved out a breath. Tickling is my weakness and I can't resist.
"Ugggghhhh! Lucas! I hate you!" I was still panting and he chuckled at my reaction. It's not funny! He crouched down at my level and hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry babe, love you too," Lucas kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his chiseled chest. God he feels good!
The duration of the day consisted of swimming, water skiing, surfing (I failed epically even though Lucas tried teaching me), and fooling around. I had a great time today and it was more awesome that I spent it with my boyfriend. I like how were in a relationship but act like bestfriends, not taking anything too seriously.
Lucas made me pack a night dress for dinner and apparently were staying here overnight, not that it's a problem, not at all.
I spent an entire hour locked up in the bathroom as I take my time getting ready. I wore my dipping hem dress with metallic trim, toe stiletto pump and high ponytail for my hair, as for make up, I made my eyes smokey, adding a few jewelry that I brought with me and I'm done! Good thing I thought of bringing make up. I threw my phone in my black satin clutch and a $20 bill, I always bring money with me where ever I go, its a habit. I fixed the clatter I made and shoved everything inside my over night bag.
I unlocked the bathroom door and Lucas was playing a video game on the flat screen TV, he was wearing a tux and damn! One fine man! I'm so relieved I chose the right dress or else I will be under dress for the occasion.
"So... I'm ready," I shyly said hating to interupt his game as he killed zombies. Lucas paused the game and turned to look at me and his mouth hung agape.
"Holy mother fucker," He muttered as he look at me from head to toe, jumping over the sofa and walking closer to me. "You're fucking hot Audrey," He caressed my cheek, down my collar bone. I saw his Adam's apple bobbed and I smirked to myself, I'm heating him up, good. He makes cussing sound sexy and my heart thumped faster on my chest.
"Thanks?" I said awkwardly, staring back at him. "You look fine as well," I complimented and he just blinked at me.
"Am I dreaming right now?" He asked, pinching himself. I chuckled and brushed my lips to his, Lucas engulfed my body and held me tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing closer to him.
"Nah, you're awake pretty boy," I pulled back and smiled at him.
"Damn! I'm pretty sure no one can look as hot as you," I wanted to disagree because he looks like a freaking god himself but I was too flattered to say anything. "I just wanna kiss you all night," He added. I bit the corner of my bottom lip to help myself from grinning. "Dammit Audrey! You're killing me!" He groaned.
"I'm sorry," I apologized, pouting my lip out. He was a little breathless and I kinda want to know how I'm affecting him.
"God help me control myself tonight," He prayed out in a murmur and I pursed my lips to prevent from smiling widely. So I'm affecting him badly, mmmm. Lucas held my waist and led me out the hotel room. I prayed the same thing in silence because he is too hard to resist when he's looking like that in a tux. Dayum!
Everyone likes to call me lately because my clutch was vibrating as we stepped in the hotel lobby, Lucas looked worried because everytime my phone rings and I'm with him I have to go home and our date gets cut short.
"Don't worry," I gave him an assuring smile and answered the phone without looking at the screen, "Hello?" It's probably mom because she haven't called today, she's been bugging me for the past days since she left.
"Hey Audrey," Tristan's voice was on the other end instead of mom. My brows puckered because why would he call me?
"Hey... Anything wrong?" He usually calls me if there's an emergency or just to warn me that mom's about to call the police because I've been gone.
"Nope, where are you?" Tristan asked calmly but I can sense the lace of concern in his voice.
"Oh. Well I'm with Lucas in his dad's private resort, I'm not able to go home tonight so if mom call could you please tell her to not worry?" Wow, that's the first time I said please to him and it just slipped out my mouth.
"Oh."He said and there was dissapointment in his voice, I quirked my brow in confusion. "Well have fun," His calm facade turned into monotone and my head muddled at his reaction.
"Yeah I will," I said plainly because he jumbled up my head. Why is he acting like this?
"Audrey?" I was about to hung up but his voice caught my thumb from pressing end call.
"Yes?" My voice was sweet and I don't know why but it was.
"Never mind... Well see you tomorrow, have fun but not too much." Tristan said happily but I know it was forced.
"Okay, Uhm... Thanks, bye," Lucas grabbed my hand and started tugging me out the hotel.
"Night babe, bye." Tristan said then he hung up himself before I could, staring down at my phone. We still haven't talked about what happened last night and I'm guessing it will never be brought up ever because it was a huge mistake and has to be forgotten but I don't think I can forget about it, ever.
I slipped off my stilettos as we walked on the sand. Were eating in the beach? Then why'd we dress up if were eating on the sand? I never asked Lucas because he always make up something beyond my expectations.
"Was that your step brother?" He asked me and I just nodded. "Why'd he call? Anything wrong?" Lucas asked a little worried. Him and Tristan get along just fine and they have a lot in common in the sports department so he has the right to be worried about him, they're actually friends.
"Yeah he's fine, he just called to make sure I'm alright and to ask where I am," I smiled up at Lucas and he looked relieved.
"Phew! I thought I'll have to take you home again," He draped his arms around my shoulder and something near by was floating beside the dock.
"Lucas? Where are you seriously taking me?" I was a little intrigued because there wasn't any restaurants in this part of the beach and it was a little deserted. Lucas grinned at me and fished something off his pocket, he pressed a button and the floating thing I saw was a fraking yacht! It lit up brightly and he hurriedly hauled me towards the dock.
"You're not serious!" I crossed my arms in front my chest and quirked my brows at him. This only happens in fairy tales! It's too surreal for me and I can't believe everything, it feels like a dream. He reached out his hand to help me get on board and I grasp it, too scared too fall down the ocean and drown.
"Oh I'm serious!" He replied and chuckled.
"What next? A private jet that will bring me to New York and we'll have dinner on the roof top of some tall building?" I joked but he smiled and just shrugged.
"Maybe," Lucas was so ammused by me, "You make me happy Audrey, so if you're happy, I am too," Awww. He makes me happy too! I just wanna be him forever and ever and ever...
"You're so dramatic Lucas!" I shoved him off slightly and he smirked, "But you make me more than happy," I hooked my arms around his neck and pressed my forehead to his.
"I like making you happy," He pecked the tip of my nose then he kissed me passionately. With no doubt, I'm in love with Lucas Whyte.
The butler served us the most delicious ribs in the world with mash potatoes and siding of asparagus and barbecue sauce. We talked a little about his lacrosse and Lucas invited me to go to his game next week and I agreed on going. Of course I'll support my boyfriend and I really want to see him on the field, he's probably the hottes player in his team.
My stilettos hung on my fingers as we strolled down the beach hand in hand after dinner, joking and laughing about the most dumbest things in the world. He gives me the awesome moments every time though and that's the important thing, I don't care if we talk about the most random things as long as I'm with him.
The elevator door opened and we were back in our hotel room, I walked in complete darkness and tried to look for the bed. Dammit! So freaking dark man!
"Lucas? Could you switch on the lights?" I honestly don't know where the light switch were located because I was busy staring outside the open view window when we first got here. I found his crystal blue eyes shimmering through the darkness and it was so sexy like oh my god!
The side lamp lit up and he was standing so close to me. I stared deeply in his eyes and I saw hunger in them, he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to meet my lips. I pulled him closer and closed the gap between us, pressing my torso against his.
"I love you," He whispered and I was surprised by it, isn't it too early to confess your feelings? Instead of saying it back, I kissed him forcefully because I feel the same thing to him but I'm too scared to say it verbally.
Lucas entered my mouth and our tongues battled together. My heart pumped rapidly and my tummy decided to take a ride on a roller coaster. He kissed me passionately and held my hips with a grip, I let out a soft moan and his lips curved into a smirk. Lucas found the zipper of my dress and he gently zipped it all the way down to my tailbone, his fingers slid the strap past my shoulder as he trailed kisses down my neck, inhaling my scent.
My insides were exploding at his touch and I held onto him tighter. A whimper escaped me the same time Lucas fully undressed me. Holy crap! His smoldering eyes stared at me and I didn't feel insecure at all.
"Lucas... We should take things slow," I said it before anything gets off hand. He was still in his tux while I'm here in my bandeau and underwear. he lied me down the bed gently as he kissed me hard.
"Don't worry babe, we'll not go far tonight," That assurance was enough for me because I trust Lucas, he 'll not force me to do anything if I don't want to. I smiled and flipped him over, sitting on top of his hips. I tossed my hair in one side and teased his lips, he pulled out my bottom lip and sucked on it. God damn! He is effing hot! I can see that he's controlling himself because I know he wanted to do it with me badly.
My fingers fumbled with his tux, taking it off his perfect muscular body. I threw it on the floor beside the bed as I moved down his pants, he helped me and wiggled out of it, kicking it off. I cupped his cheek and explored his mouth with my tongue. He let out a throaty groan as his hands skim the inner side of my thighs. Ohmigawd! His touch makes me want to do stuff I'm not suppose to.
"Lucas?" I said, pulling an inch back, our lips still brushing each others.
"Yes baby?" He stared deeply in my blue eyes and I glanced down for a second smiling at myself then back at his eyes, he was waiting for me and totally froze. Come on Audrey, just say it, don't be a pussy!
"I think I love you too," I finally said and his brows puckered.
"You think? What are you doubting Audrey?" I fully sat up on his hips and skimmed his abs with my fingers.
"Nothing, I love you Lucas Whyte," I had to pull it out my guts before finally saying it out loud. His fingers traced circles on my thighs and it kinda tickled, I slapped it away and chuckled a bit.
"I thought so," He followed me and sat up too, his lips touched mine and I deepened the kiss myself. Lucas is the one for me and I'm always in paradise when I'm with him. Then something popped in my head, The kiss I shared with Tristan last night.
(A/N) This chapter was a bit short but AWWWWW! They love each other:') LOOL:P Tristan is also acting all weird:$ Why do you think?? And Lucas is the best/awesome/hot/sexy boyfriend ever! Don't you just wish you have that kind of bf? Yeah I know:* OOOOOHHH I wonder how Tristan and Audrey will react to each other when Audrey comes back and she thought about the kiss she had last nightO.O Uh oh! Well okay next post is on Friday night or Saturday morning for sure;) Comment/Vote/Suggest:DD Audrey's full outfit for the dinner date if you wanna check it out: http://www.polyvore.com/audreys_outfit/set?id=73559750
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The Primordial Tower
Link to rewrite Being rewritten, check the rewrite out! It's awesome! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/44458/the-primordial-tower-rewrite
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The 8th Day
One day life is good. The next day it isn't! The boundaries between... well, whatever they're between.. have shattered! Monsters burst out from cracks in the universe, and reality suddenly begins to function similar to a game -- but not a game that anyone knows all the rules about! Magic is suddenly real, but so are monsters and death! Lots of death!And the worst part of it all? I think we did it to ourselves! We invented video games, and personally I think that great Finger-in-the-Sky picked up a console somewhere and started playing them. Since He liked what he saw, he must've declared, """"On the 8th Day, let there be Game!"But what do I know about it all, really. After all, I'm just """"The Witness"""" forced to observe it all.__________________________________________________________________________Author's Note: There's a lot of tales where characters get stuck in a Virtual Reality. """"Sword Art Online"""", """"Log Horizon"""", """"The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor"""". This is a story told with the premise inverted -- instead of a person from reality going into a virtual world, what would happen if the virtual world instead came to reality?I want this tale to speak about the aspects of the game, as it has affected the current reality, but the focus of the story should never be on the """"reality-turned-game"""" itself, but on the characters and their oh-so-human struggles, personalities, and attempt to adjust and live within the bounds of their new existence. Hopefully this won't just be a story of """"reality turned into a game"""", but instead will be something more meaningful such as a story of the strengths, perseverance, and humanity of man-kind as they try to adapt and face the unknown.*** And, most importantly, I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. ***WARNING: RATED MATURE M[18+] FOR GORE, SEX, VIOLENCE. The apocalypse isn't a pretty place to try to survive in, and neither is every scene in a story trying to describe it.
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