《Trollex x daughter reader》The pranks go too far



You were on a school trip with your friends, it was too a snowy area, your dad had volunteered to help out so he was there with you,

You were a little jealous when other kids hugged him and he talked about how adorable they all were but you brushed it off and had a snowball fight with your friends, and your dad joined in too, you built a techno troll snow man and made a little igloo, it was fun. You had never seen snow before, so it was fascinating.

You along with everyone else were on top of a cliff overlooking snowy mountains and forests, it was so beautiful.

"Ok kids, let's head back to the caterpillar bus, it's time to go" the teacher said

Everyone awed in disappointment and reluctantly walked back, you tried to move but you couldn't.

Looking behind you, you saw a rope tied around your tale, and the end rope was also tied to a large stone.

What the hell!?

Suddenly a familiar tiny cloud appeared in front of you

"Heeey Y/n" Jr. Said

You sighed "Jr. Please untie me"

"Haha no way, remember the rainbow incident, you have to find a way to get out of it yourself~" He said

You groaned, but suddenly you felt yourself getting slowly pulled back

"Stop it Jr. That's not funny" you growled glaring at him

He looked confused "that's not me pulling you"

you looked behind you to see the stone slowly sliding over the edge


Oh no

It got faster and faster

No no no!

You looked over at the others, they were twenty feet away, Unfortunately, your dad was too busey talking to the teacher he didn't notice you almost hanging off of the edge.

Jr. Himself looked panicked, he was desperately trying to untie the rope around your tale


"Help!" You managed to shout, causing a few kids to look over at you

But it was too late

you slid of the edge

The last thing you heard was a few trolls gasp, sounding horrified

You fell down at a rapid speed and landed into freezing cold water. Luckily there was no ice, but the impact hurt.

And the shock was so bad that you felt as if you could not breathe at all.

You felt like someone had just squeezed the air out of your lungs. the cold water was too overwhelming, you panted, managed to breath.

You then felt two pairs of arms wrap around you, and pull you to the surface.

When Trollex broke to the surface, he ignored the horrible cold feeling and flew back up the cliff with you in his arms,

Once he got to the top of the cliff, all the trolls came rushing towards you, asking if you were alright.

Your friends along with the others took there scarfs and coats off, wrapping you up so you could warm up.

The teacher came back with some warm water, your dad managed to get you to drink some, hopefully making you better.

You slowly began to warm up, you were still shivering but you were slowly getting warmer.

You opened your eyes, causing everyone to sigh in relief. Your dad hugged you gently, relief flooded over him.

"Y/n what happened?" He asked softly

You were about to answer but then you saw Jr.

He was Floating a few feet away, a look screaming regret and quilt on his face

"Uh...too far?"

At the sound of his voice, your dad snapped his head round and looked Jr. Dead in the eyes.

"He roared his voice sounding like a glitchy computer.


Jr. Froze at the look of anger on Trollex's face, floating back slightly in fear.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" The king of techno yelled, saying that he was angry would be a understatement,

Trollex was livid.

"K-king Trollex I'm sorry, it was- I didn't know that- I just-" Jr stuttered

Trollex cut him off by raising his hand, signalling for him to shut up

"Save your lies for someone that's stupid enough to believe them, I don't want to hear whatever pathetic reason you have. you seriously thought that tying a rock to her tale near a cliff edge was a good idea"

"I'm sorry!"

"You think Sorry is going to fix this!!? You almost killed her!!" Trollex yelled,

Jr opened his mouth to respond but no words came out. He didn't know what to say.

"And if your going to apologise to anyone, apologise to Y/n, not me" he commanded coldly, his voice was stern but still sounded angry.

He glared at Jr as the cloud looked at you, also getting angry and disappointed looks from your friends and the others

"Y/n, I'm sorry, seriously I am. I'm so sorry for this, I didn't know that something like that would happen, I just wasn't thinking properly and now.....I hurt you."

You had your face buried in your Dad's chest, you fin like ears raised a little to show you had heard him, but you weren't in any mood to listen to an apology right now.

Trollex shot Jr a angry and disappointed look before turning around and floating back to the group.

"We should leave" he said, looking down at you sadly.

Everyone nodded and entered the caterpillar bus, glancing at you sadly,

You were getting a little warmer now, which was good at least.

After the incident; your dad had taken you to the doctor for a checkup; once he saw that you were completely fine, he calmed down a little; though he was still angry at Jr.

hopefully Jr. Wouldn't do so, anything like this again.

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