《Trollex x daughter reader》The ultimate prank



You woke up to see the beautiful blue sky and the sun shining down on you.


Wait what!?

You shot up and looked around, you saw your friends and a multiple coloured ground, you were also quite high up.

Wait a minute

Oh no

You were on a rainbow!? (

How on earth did you and your friends get up here!?

You felt arms wrap around you, turning around, you saw the Jr.

"Heeeeyyy princess~" He said in a annoying sing song voice

You glared at him "you did this!?" You yelled causing your friends to wake up

Jr. Chuckled and suddenly Windy and Stormy appeared out of thin air

"No no no, we did this" he smirked and his sisters laughed

"What in the world is going on!?" You heard Clampers yell and your other friends gasp, they must have realised the situation.

"Our sleep paralysis demons did this" you said pointing to the three clouds

It took a few seconds for your friends to process this having just woken up. But when they did, the look of anger on everyone's faces actually scared you a little.

Oscar stomped towards them and yelled "take us down or I will throw you all in a lava pit!!!"

The clouds seemed to be unfazed. Jr. Suddenly disappeared and then reappeared right next to you and gently tugged on your fin like ear

"Ha no, we're not taking you down, you'll have to figure that out yourself, consider it payback for the prank you pulled on us" he said now playing with both your fin like ears.

Before you could slap both of his hands away he disappeared along with his sisters.

You and your friends groaned in frustration.

"Ok, I have an idea, Cloud, Y/n, Symphony are you able to carry us down the rainbow?" Oscar said gesturing to your flightless friends


You and the two classical trolls nodded

"It may take forever but it could work" you said picking Dexter up.

It took an hour but you Symphony and cloud had managed to get everyone down.

You collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

"The next time I see those fluffy demons I'll kill them!" Clampers yelled, enraged.

"Princess Y/n, there you are!" You heard a female voice say

You looked over and saw a female pop troll

"Is everything ok?" You said

"Your father has been worried sick about you, he sent out a hundred search parties, are you alright where have you been?" She said looking worried

"It's a long story, but I'm ok" you said, still tired.

"Ok, I'll take you to your dad" she said

You said goodbye to your friends and left with the pop troll

You arrived in pop village/trollstopia and saw your dad with the leaders, he looked frantic.

You thanked the pop troll and flew over to him

"Daddy!" You called

At the sound of your voice he looked up, and the second he saw you he sped forward and scooped you up into a hug.

"My baby where did you go I was so worried" he said rapidly

You looked up at him

"I'll tell you later, but I didn't run off again" you said closing your eyes tiredly

"Ok sweetie" he said and let you sleep in his arms

The last thought you had before drifting off was

The prank war has begun

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