《Trollex x daughter reader》The world tour part 2


You were snuggling in your father's chest tbdb in your arms, Trollex had his arms wrapped around you, hugging you close, you were still shaking slightly, you were still terrified. You jumped slightly when you herd muffled Rock music, you clung on to your father tighter, hugging tbdb closer to you. When it stopped you calmed down slightly, you weren't sure how long you had been here, it felt like days. You looked up at your father "daddy? will we see aunt Bliss and the other techno trolls again?" You asked, fiddling with tbdb's antenna slightly. Trollex looked worried for a second, but stroked you hair and replied "yeah, we will sweetie, I promise"

Seven hours had gone by, you mainly heard rock music and yelling from outside during the hours.

You both then heard a door opening, a male rock troll came into view, Trollex hugged you closer wrapping his tale around you to hide you from the rock troll, Trollex glared at him "what do you want!?" he yelled doing his best to keep you hidden. The male rock troll crossed his arms, looking amused, "sorry buddy, but the kid has to be taken to a new cell with other children, queens orders" he said, eyeing you. Yours, tbdb's and Trollex's eyes widened in horror,

"No, NO! she isn't going anywhere with you!" Trollex yelled in rage, he was not going to let him take you away who knows what would happen to you. The rock troll just sighed, "we all thought you'd say that" he muttered, he then snapped his fingers and five other rock trolls appeared, two of them pinned Trollex to the wall while the other three made sure he wouldn't escape (one of them grabbed tbdb). The male rock troll walked over and picked you up. Your tale was still injured, so you couldn't get away, you tried to struggle out of his arms but it was pointless, "no let her go!!" You heard your father yell, trying to struggle out of the rock troll's grip. You reached your arms out to him and cried "daddy daddy help!" Tears of fright rolling down your face, sadly there was nothing both of you could do. The male rock troll went down a few halls and came to a stop at another metal door, he opened it revealing multiple cells what looked to be filled with other children, he stopped at the first cell filled with a few new trolls you'd never seen before, he placed you in there and slammed the cell door making you jump slightly. "Alright kid, your gonna be here for a while, get comfortable" he said, his voice cold and emotionless, once he was gone, you couldn't take it anymore, you wrapped your tale around yourself and began to sob, soon crying your eyes out burying your face into your hands, your home was destroyed, and you weren't sure if you'd ever see your family again. You had completely broken down. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and herd a new voice say "hey, it's ok" looking up in fear you saw a new troll, she had a centaur like body, blue skin, a green nose, and orange hair held up with pigtails. "Don't worry we're not gonna hurt you" she said softly, you saw a small group of eight new trolls behind her, two of them looked like cherubs, they both had golden sparkling skin expect one had white hair with a white gem on its belly while the other had blue hair with a blue gem on its belly, they both had small fluffy wings. There were three trolls that stood on two legs one had purple skin and blue hair, another one had red skin and pink hair and the third had green skin and cyan hair, there hair seemed to stand up straight. And finally there were three more new trolls, they had long necks, and stood on all fours like the centaur troll, one had green fur and darker stripes of green fur on the neck and body along with fuzzy dark green hair, the second one had yellow fur with pink stripes on her body and long pink frizzy hair, and the third one was blue with darker blue stripes on his Body and short dark blue fluffy hair. The centaur troll gave you a soft smile, she held out her hand and said "my name is Clampers Buttonwillow, what's yours?" You took her hand and shook it gently and smiled at her "Y/n, it's nice to meet you" you said kindly, she seemed nice, you felt that you could trust her. "what kind of trolls are you guys?" You asked "I've never seen trolls like you before"


Clampers smiled, "I'm a country troll"

One of the cherub like Trolls said "I'm a classical troll"

One two legged troll said " were pop trolls"

And the long necked troll said "and were funk trolls"

The ten of your talked for a while, you each talked about how you lived and the different music your tribes played, It was so fascinating to learn about different trolls and there music. You were starting to feel a little better, you were still worried about your father, tbdb, your aunt Bliss and the other techno trolls, wondering if they were ok.

Trollex had been rattling the bars of his cell for hours now, yelling for the rock trolls to bring you back to him, he was ignored completely, but he wasn't going to give up, he continued to angrily yell and rattle the bars making them shake, saying that he was pissed was an understatement, he was absolutely livid. Tbdb was on the floor, he had given up yelling for you to be brought back hours ago, now he just sadly stared at the floor, the two were altered when they herd a door opening and a rock trolll came into view. As if to add salt to a already very bad wound, it was the same male rock troll that took you away, the rock troll crossed his arms looking annoyed, "would you just shut the hell up! what do you even want anyway!?" He snapped, sick of hearing Trollex yelling and rattling the bars. Trollex was more livid then before he'd never been so angry in his life, "give me my baby back!" he yelled his voice dripping with malice as he banged his fist against the bars. The rock troll just sighed rolling his eyes "I cant do that, the Queen ordered for all children to be put in a separate cell, but if it makes you feel better she's perfectly fine there"

Trollex glared at him, if looks could kill, the rock troll would have burst into flames "how do I know you haven't thrown off of the prison" he yelled again, Trollex had had it, he was done, they could do whatever the hell they wanted to him, but hurt his kid, his baby girl, and he would raise hell. The rock troll chuckled "hehehe, don't worry we haven't done that, but we will if you won't shut up" he spat, before Trollex could replay the rock troll was called to help Queen Barb with something, as the rock troll left, Trollex heard them talking about a concert he couldn't quite hear what they were saying but it was something about an ultimate power cord and a troll called Queen Poppy. He sighed to tired to think about it now, he sat down on the floor staring at the ground sadly, he hoped that you were ok.

"Do you guys have an escape plan?" You asked looking at the bars to see if there was any way out. Clampers sighed sadly

"we've tried everything we could think of, but nothing has worked, we've tried to get the keys off the rock troll that guards the entrance, but it's hopeless" she whispered making sure no rock trolls heard her. You thought for a few minutes, until you had an idea that hopefully might work, you turned to your new friends and whispered "I have an idea, I think this one might work" interested they leaned closer to you.


The male rock troll leaned against the kids prison entrance, bored out of his mind. He then heard a scream that made him jump out of his skin, swinging the door open and rushing down to the first cell, there he saw you lying on the ground coughing and trembling violently "Y/n Y/n! what's wrong!?" Clampers yelled looking down at you in horror, the male rock troll unlocked the cell door and swung it open kneeling down next to you "what's wrong child!?" He said to you alarmed, he looked up at the others failing to notice clampers wasn't there. "What happened!?" He asked the other children while rubbing your back gently as you continued to tremble and cough, "we don't know" the green funk troll who name you learned was Tony said looking scared, "she was just fine a minute ago!" the male rock Troll sighed, worry written all over his face, "I'll go get a doctor, keep an eye on her" he said rushing out of the prison. As he ran out he forgot to shut the cell door and the entrance door too. Once you were sure he was gone, you sat up and sighed In relief you were 95% sure that it would have worked. They all turned to you and congratulated you, Clampers pushed open the cell door and said "guess we won't need the keys to get out, he also left the main door open too" she walked back over to you and said "can you move?"

You looked at your tale and said "not yet, my tale is still hurt pretty badly" Clampers gently picked you up and placed you on her back, "don't worry, I'll look for some medical supplies on our way out of here" she said

"Thank you" you smiled at her. Clampers went over to the other kids cells and unlocked the doors, the kids immediately rushed out and soon there was a crowd of thirty children, you couldn't see any techno trolls, they must be in a separate room.

"Ok everyone, we've all gotta be really really quiet and find our tribes, avoid any rock trolls you see, and find the keys to unlock any imprisoned trolls, good luck" Clampers said, all the kids nodded and went there separate ways, your friends all walked out of the entrance door (with you still on Clambers back) and you saw dark red and grey hallways all leading to different directions. Weirdly though, the cell you were all trapped in seemed to be the only cell in sight. "Ok, lets maybe go down the middle hallway" the blue haired classical troll (who's name is symphony) said pointing to said hallway. It had been a while of walking and choosing different directions, but you all finally came across a lot of prison cell doors, Clampers and rest of the group walked towards the first cell door, but to everyone's surprise, it was already unlocked. Symphony pushed it open, revealing a room of empty cells, "this can't be right" Clampers said looking confused, "let's try the other cell doors" you said pointing to the other doors, each and every door was unlocked and the rooms where empty, "do you think they didn't need to use these cells because there was enough room for al, the trolls anyway?" Tony said looking around the finale room. Clampers looked deep in thought, until saying "I'm not sure about that, from what I've heard, there's thousands of trolls in just one tribe, and if you add all that six times it's six thousand or maybe more, what I'm saying is that there should be trolls from different tribes crammed up in all these cells, but there's not, I don't get it there is no way that that many trolls can be kidnapped and about twenty cell rooms are empty, unless...."

One of the pop trolls that had purple skin and blue hair who's name is bluebell, said "Queen Barb said something about a concert, she said that it was happening once she got all six strings, I didn't think it would happen this soon though"

You all froze, as a feeling of dread hit you all,

what was Barb planning to do during the concert.

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