《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》Shine


Camera's were flashing all around you, they sparked like fireworks almost. More importantly, they freaking blinded you. You couldn't see for shit and tried really really hard not to fall on these high heels despite totally losing your sense of direction. Nice. Couldn't anybody maybe have quickly explained to you red carpets were this much of a slaughter? Left and right celebrities were being hurried to make way for even more stars while you just stood there. You were standing there, proud and confident but a bit confused. This was definitely not the kind of spotlight you had expected when you got the invite for being a backup dancer.

While the flickering mess that was your eyesight became a bit less dramatic, you stood stronger on your feet. Slowly all of the sparkles and glitters that had blocked your view faded. Hmm, this event was actually pretty cool. Behind you, there was this huge banner which functioned as a background for the celebrities who posed quickly. You shot a somewhat frightened gaze towards all of the photographers surrounding the building you were about to enter. There were people with big telelenses, others had a more modest sized camera. Above them was a bright blue sky, so why were these guys even flashing? There was enough light wasn't there? Sigh, they didn't have to blind you as badly with lighting this great. Underneath your beautiful long gown and high heels, there was this bright red, velvet-like carpet. This exact color made you feel like absolute royalty and nothing less. Just a few centimeters in front of you, Namjoon was smiling and waving at the cameras. Along with the boys he was striking poses left and right. Then one of his fansites called your name. O gosh, they must have figured it out already. They told Namjoon to give them some fanservice or anything, you couldn't understand exactly what they meant. Joon moved back to you, wrapping his right arm around your wrist, telling you to smile. For a moment you were even more confused than when you had entered this carpet. Okay, girl. This is the ultimate chance to prove yourself. After blushing for a few seconds you straightened your back and shot a dazzling smile over to the cameras. The face of the person behind it was totally hidden by the gigantic lens pointed at you. Scary. But damn that felt awesome.


Okay, so, how did we end up here? Well, let this old wise lady aka the writer of this story telling your life (lol) tell you ex-act-ly what happened. Or well, as close as I am able to get without cringing too hard at my own story. LEZ GO

After your hug which had probably lasted for a few minutes, Namjoon broke loose and looked at you. You could've sworn these eyes made your knees weak in like 0,009832 seconds. Jeez, could he maybe point these deadly weapons away from you for a moment?

He looked so cute in his oversized shirt. What he was wearing, wasn't exactly a sweater, it was, in fact, a shirt. But with sleeves that were just a bit too long. You knew that's why he wore it in the first place. During these months of hard work, you secretly got to know this boy quite well. Funny how fast progress is made sometimes...

"O shit," Namjoon suddenly realized you two weren't the only thing going on in the world "I've got an appointment! I'm so so sorry, I'll be back as soon as I can." And he left. You almost saw a cartoony little fire behind him because he ran away so fast.

You went back to your dorm. The contrast between his soft and warm embrace and this empty, silent room was a bit too much for you to take so suddenly. You knew Namjoon hadn't meant to do anything that could possibly have hurt you. But it did not feel nice he had to leave so suddenly. It was not the fact that he left. It was the fact that HE left. If anyone, you wanted to have HIM close to you after admitting how you felt. It was all a bit confusing to you.


You put on a lofi playlist to calm you down. It was soothing. You felt less alone and warmer right away. You pulled the fluffy sheets up to your cheeks. Anything to imitate the delicate moment of just now felt like heaven. No more practices for today. Rather a bit of time to process. In the end, it would be better than to mess up your carefully built up dance routines.


You woke up to Namjoon's closed eyes. Perfect. Less deadly. Wait. HE WAS HERE.

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