《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》Doubt


In the end, you had been worried for nothing at all. The shoot progressed nicely and you improved your posing steadily as you went with the flow. Every time a ray of sunlight warmed your back, energy started to flow through your body along with a happy feeling. The photographer didn't get mad or anything when you moved a bit too much or looked the wrong way, he was quite patient. Sometimes he'd wink at you as a sign when the pictures turned out the way he wanted them to. The staff was nice too since it consisted of two cute girls. They did your make-up and styling and helped placing these white umbrella-like things which should help with light and flashes or something. At least, that's what you heard them chatting about. You guessed they were like 20-25 years old. One of them rocked bright pink hair with some darker shaded locks blended in, making you consider dying your hair the same shade too. Okay okay, forget it girl, you have to dance with the boys for now and not attract any unwanted attention. Even wearing the wrong shirt around BigHit's HQ could attract nasty rumors and haters. BTS's popularity was expanding enormously which didn't only attract new fans, but haters too. So no dying your hair anytime soon. Okay, back to that job. Conclusion: overall, things went well and you even managed to enjoy the work. You'd earned a bit of money which you could use to pay BigHit back for the flight or maybe you'd go shopping on a day off, depending on how things progressed. The distraught and all of your anxieties you felt had faded away quickly after Namjoon gave you that pep talk.

What an incredibly lucky person you were, to be able to hear him talk that way... To be able to hear him talk that way to you and about you nonetheless. But he did even more, after that incident, he didn't leave your side for a minute, better said, not for a second. He just stood right behind the photographer, avoiding too much space between you and him. It was cute, like he was watching over you. Every time a set of pictures were taken, he cheered for you, complimented you, or touched your arm quickly. So hastily, it almost seemed accidental. But you knew better than that. Much better than that. This boy may be clumsy at times, break things when he's not being careful enough, but he knows damn well what he's doing when caring for somebody, especially at moments like these. Though a feeling of doubt came up, you continued your flashbacks to the happy moments yesterday.


She did such a great job yesterday! It was all quite surprising to me, from the sudden request to have her model these clothes to the things that happened. I'm really glad she did this well! Yes, she's an amazingly pretty girl to me, but to be able to see her shine like that... wow. After we talked for a bit about her insecurities, she began to bloom like a flower if that makes any sense. Sorry, my way of describing things makes absolutely no sense at times and I have this habit of exaggerating every now and then. But seriously, I could just feel her energy through every pose she struck for the guys. Made me kind of jealous hehe, wish she could do this for me some time too, it'd be great if I could take some outfit pics of her or anything. You know, in a style like those daily outfit blogs. I just hope she doesn't think I'm a creep though since I've been watching her all the time yesterday. I simply didn't want anything to happen to her, what if anything went wrong? What if she broke down again? Maybe I'm getting a bit over-protective hmmm, I'd better go ask the boys sometime soon. Jimin usually notices when something is off so I guess it would be a nice idea to go talk to him.

Geez, I wasn't able to take my eyes off of her. When I touch her arm or anything I can sense this 'electricity' flow through my vines as I like to call it. I keep trying to accidentally bump softly into her or to make my arm 'accidentally' touch hers, every single time I keep wanting the confirmation this feeling is real, that it's still here. That SHE is still there. Is this what they call addicted? If you'd ask me, it definitely is. While I want to be next to her as much as possible, I'm afraid she's just weirded out by it... Okay Joon, no more hesitation, let's go to Jimin.

You were done with this awkwardness around you and Namjoon. Every time you faced him it got to you and that was too hard for you. The happy feeling you got at those times too when he was around you didn't make things any better. Things got mixed up. I mean, of course, you'd feel happy being surrounded by your bias(es) all day long, but it was just different with this guy. He was different. And you noticed you weren't the only one who had changed a bit during these past weeks. The moment you really began to realize that much was when Joon had hugged you and given you that kiss on your cheek. It was, in a nice way to put it, magical. And thanks to that, Joon had been in your thoughts all day long, every minute, every single day. Besides all the positive vibes you'd gotten from that, doubt made you it's own too every once in a while. Doubt about whether he felt the same or not. Fear of losing this job and opportunity. Maybe you even had to go home if anyone discovered what you were feeling... BigHit would probably not allow anything like this.


What made it all twice as hard was the fact that you didn't really know what to do with all of this. you didn't know whether to talk to Namjoon, talk to the other members or even what to think about it for yourself. Here you were again, alone in the dorm room, having no idea of what you wanted to do at all. After hugging one of your plushies tight, you made up your mind and decided to go search for Namjoon. He was the person who had made your feelings this way in the end, and he was the only one who could tell you what his view was on the subject. The other members probably couldn't ever understand what you meant since they weren't really involved. Besides, the more people you told, the greater the risk rumors had a chance of existing. Not really your goal. You opened the door of your room and stepped into the hall, wondering where to go search first. Okay, so he couldn't be in the dorm because you had been sitting there alone. There also wasn't any music playing in the practice room so he also couldn't be dancing or exercising. Hmm, wait! He mentioned something about Jimin being really nice to talk to the other day. You sped up your pace a bit. You didn't want to hold the conversation off. This was necessary in order to go on normally with your work here. It was weird but you were already getting nervous, and a bit afraid of Joon's reaction. It could be he became scared or even worse, disappointed. No, no, no, hadn't you decided yesterday you'd fight instead of giving up? Right girl, now's the time to prove it.

You knocked and then opened the door to Jimin's dorm room carefully, not wanting to scare anybody off or even interrupt the boys at an unhandy moment. You were indeed right in your predictions, the two boys were here together. What you saw was a bit weird to you though, Jimin had his arm placed around Namjoon's shoulders. Namjoon's eyes were a little watery and he looked a quite surprised, probably because he didn't expect you to come here. Especially since you'd normally use every free minute to focus on your studies. As soon as Joon got a hold of himself, he walked towards you, pushed you outside and then he closed the door. He grabbed your hand and started taking you back to the room you just came from.

"Eh, well, nice weather today isn't it?" you said, not knowing what to do at an awkward moment like this. Namjoon was still pulling you back in direction of the dorm, but you started oppose, not because you didn't want to talk... Wait, what? You wanted to talk while at the same time, you wanted to postpone this conversation as long as possible now. "You nervous stupid girl" you whispered to yourself while still being dragged along.

Namjoon hadn't heard you and kept pulling you further and further n a straight line through the hall. He took large steps, moving his legs as fast as he could with you leaning the other way.

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