《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》First preview


Son was a nice guy and the afternoon went by in a haze. He told you what the schedules for this and next week would be and surprisingly, it wasn't really that shocking to you anymore. After having your ultimate bias taking the plane all the way from South-Korea just to see you, which was followed by meeting all the members of you bias group, this didn't really have such a huge load of impact on you anymore. What worried you more was your schoolwork. Homework, studying, you had to do all of that besides the dancing schedule that was made for you. Your parents gave you permission to go to South-Korea for such a long time, but after all, if you'd fail tests, this journey wouldn't last long. So here you were, at 0:30 AM, trying to make a schedule which would be able to shoulder the two big tasks you were given. The boys decided to switch dorms so you and Namjoon were paired up. They said it would be best for you to have someone with you in case you needed anything or were afraid of the darkness. That wasn't really the case, you were more worried about interrupting Namjoon's precious hours of sleep.

Namjoon wanted to sleep on the top bed and since you were afraid of falling of the stairs or anything, you decided to sleep at the bottom bed, just in case. The dorm was quite small with white walls and a white ceiling and floor. There were no windows, but there was a big lamp in the middle of the room and smaller lamps at the sides of each bed so you could read something before going to sleep. The room was quite cold actually, not that it wasn't warm enough, but it just didn't féél warm. But the simple fact that you could hear Rapmon breathing right this moment made everything so much better. You knew there was still work you had to do.so you got a small lantern out of your suitcase with which you were now shining light on a blank sheet of paper on the small table in front of you. Even the table was simple and felt cold...


Okay, so today was Wednesday, it would be best to make a schedule for until next week Friday. Let's see... You'd have lunch break every day at 1 PM and it would last for an hour, so you could eat while studying and do some homework, you'd probably need another hour, one was too little time for an entire day's worth of an average amount of work. So in the evening, after training, you could do some more work and the remaining stuff could be done in the weekends. This seemed like a good plan, now to put it in practise... "Let's try this for a week," you thought "if it doesn't work out, I'll try something else." You'd probably manage fine, as school was never really a problem to you.

Today had been a lot of fun, especially the parts where you'd get to dance. BTS's practise room was really the best thing ever and you got easier in the flow than ever before. Son had you show to him what you could do and he seemed content with what he saw. Then he had you dance together with BTS for a while and made them adjust to a set-up with 8 dancers instead of 7. That also worked out pretty well and was the most fun part of the day. For the last exercise, Son made you learn a new dance while he was your teacher, to see how quick you could pick up new things, put them to work and give your own twist and emotion to them. That was the hard part. It was quite the challenge, but that was what made the thing fun. You had to put everything you have into it and in the end, you were totally exhausted. Exhausted but smiling like an idiot. Never had your days been this much fun. You were able to do what you liked to do without people telling you were messing up all the time, without people telling you you danced to weird, stupid music. No, these people were able to understand you and even support you. They wanted to help you as much as possible so you could eventually help them when it was your turn.


The first two weeks here would be for getting yourself to match up to their dancing level and after that, you'd get to work with choreographers and see how things would work out yourself. Tomorrow, you'd have to get out of bed early to do some stretches, but after those annoying practises, the whole bunch of you would go shopping for some nice sports clothes. YUSH!

Already looking forward to all the fun you'd soon have, you stood up from your seat while leaving your pen and paper for what they were, you'd put them in your bag tomorrow. You quickly changed into your PJ's and silently crawled into your bed. A small sigh escaped your mouth before you knew it, the bed was perfectly soft and if felt like you were falling in some clouds or something. You got a stuffed animal out of your handbag. You had been debating with yourself whether to take it with you or not, but in the end decided that you really couldn't go anywhere without it and it reminded you of your home. So the thing ended up in your bag, but Namjoon wouldn't have to know that of course. While sorting your thoughts one last time, your eyes slowly closed themselves, leaving you peacefully asleep.


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