《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》The first meeting


You woke up, a bit later than yesterday, but still quite early. The difference was that you felt way more relaxed than you did yesterday. It was really strange, but in less than a day, you simply got used to the attention and popularity. Not that you weren't grateful! No, the exact opposite was the truth, you posted a large amount of more thank-you-notes on your social media accounts and yesterday kind of went by in a haze. It was all so weird, that last line of the message of one of the boys of BTS totally really knocked you out for a bit. 'I'm sure we will meet sooner than you think!' was what it said. Most girls would probably do the same, but you just lost consciousness as soon as you read it out loud. It was just too much. You felt guilty for dropping out in such an instant, but people weren't mad, just worried. After you woke up (a couple of minutes later) you walked to your locker and got your books for the next classes. The nurse offered to take you home, but even though it was so tempting to go dance again, you felt like you had to get those good grades in order for your parents to keep approving of your dancing and the many hours you put into that and the videos along with it. Classes yesterday weren't as hard as you expected them to be and the ambiance in the class was positive. It gave you energy, and that was exactly what you needed. A shock and all of the emotion surrounding in were really tiring, you were a sensitive person after all.

Now you were just here in your bed, staring at your phone again. You were a lot calmer than yesterday, but it was still amazing how fast it all went. Today, two teachers were sick, so that gave you two freee hours, and you already knew exactly where you wanted to spend them. You worked extra hard yesterday so that you could now go wherever you wanted to and do whatever you wanted to do. Your friends would probably want to come along, but if you told them you needed some time to think, alone, they would probably let you go quite easily. You grabbed your phone and decides to read a fanfic before you had to get out of bed.


Whe you got out of bed, you decided to wear the same outfit you wore yesterday. It was comfortable, didn't really stand out, and was kind of similair to the one you wore in the mashup. You applied a bit of eyeliner with a small wing and packed your books for today, you'd have only three classes, and after that, two hours of freedom plus a lunchbreak, which left plenty of time for you. You got down the stairs and wished your parents a nice day before getting your bike. It was quieet on your way to school. Most people hadn't got any classes this early which meant you hadn't have to slow down for groups cycling before you. The air was quite fresh which you enjoyed after the warmth of yesterday. A cool brease caught up with you and your hair played with the wind. It would be a pain to untangle later, but for now, it felt like the best thing in the world. Fields with flowers and vegetables flashed by. You got used to biking after a couple of weeks and now your tempo was faster than anyone at school. In only twenty minutes, you got at school, almost two times as fast ass when you begun with the cylcing everyday. Hard work really pays off.

After your first classes, you immediately took your bike again and rused to the park with the flowers you loved so much. As usual, it wasn't busy there and there were plenty of free benches. You sat down and got your earphones out of your pocket and plugged them in. As soon as you heard the first chords of "War of Hormones" you felt insanely calm, and while you quietly sang along and looked at the perfect blue sky, you didn't notice someone was looking at you. Someone who slowly got coser and closer. Someone who confirmed it was really you and then calmly walked up to you. Someone you had admired for so long. Someone you looked u to for so long. Before you could process what just had happened, you stood eye in eye with Namjoon.

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