《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》Noticed


Left! Right! Left! Down, turn, stand up, jump, bend your arms and legs, stand right again.... While recording your dancing videos, you would always echo these commands through your head so you could focus on your moves and remember them better. Yesterday, when you got back from your stroll through the park, you perfected the last moves, and now it was done... A mashup of all of your fav dances... It took many many hours, but it was definitely worth it! As you were flexibly repeating the moves again and again, you'd feel happy, your stamina had improved drastically these last 3 months and even dancing the entire mashup 2 times in a row couldn't get you panting!

After recording and editing your video, you went to your room upstairs to upload. Uploading would always take quite a while, so you went downstairs and ate something with your mom and dad since it became dinnertime. WHile eating, you quickly sent out a tweet of the video you'd upload today, while asking your viewers to share it and give their opnions on it. Afterwards, you went immediately upstairs again so you could see if the video was uploaded and to see if there were people who already saw it and maybe even left a comment for you. Your eyes widened and your mouth even opened a bit when you saw the results of your hard work these past weeks. 10.000 views, in 20 minutes. Mind. Blown. You sat there in front of you laptop for 3 full minutes, totally stunned by what you just saw appearing on your screen. This couldn't ever be true. It would be too good. Too beautiful. They even left 1189 likes for you! There were comments too, saying things like:

"Wow, this girl really has some talent, wish I could be this good at dancing!"


"How did she do that footwork? :O"

"Should we all help to retweet this? Maybe BTS sees it!"

That last comment really did it, you immediately grabbed your phone and smashed the Twitter-icon. As the video was being watched and shared more and more each minute, there was something that distracted you even more right now. The BTS official Twitter account had RETWEETED. YOUR. VIDEO. Which meant more and more and more people were going to see you now. For a moment you sat there in complete silence as you cheeks turned red. Then all of the thoughts in your head suddenly stopped and it felt like your body was being shut off. After that, in 0,5 seconds, it all got back, at once. You immediately realised what was going on and while you were processing all of this, taking it in, a scream escaped your mouth. After that, the fangirling begun. You screamed in your pillow and pushed some plushies to your chest. Then you heard footsteps on the stairs and shortly after that, the door of you room was smashed open and your parents stood there with a concerned look in their eyes, they were probably worried about your screaming.

"What was going on?!" Your mother tried to ask, but it sounded more like screaming.

"Are you in pain?" Your father asked.

"No, no," You replied "I'm just unbelievably happy right now."

While trying to explain, you showed them your video and the retweet from the official BTS account. Your parents didn't directly understand what was going on, but when they got it, they got almost as excited as you were. Tomorrow, you'd have a long day at school so your parents told you to got to sleep for now and see what you could do with all of this attention on social media the next day. You'd try to get some sleep so you could funtion normally in school tomorrow. As you were tumbling and turning in bed from excitement, sleep slowly got to you and made your body its own.

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