《Falling in love. NamjoonXreaders》Date night


Its been a week since that party me and Namjoon started dating everything has been great!

Tonight Rm is going to take me out so im getting ready,

Im going to wear a cute black dress and a hat with convers. 

I was all dressed when i heard the door bell ring.

I ran to the door to see Rm in a cute suit he looked so formal

"wow you look beautiful"

I started blushing at his words

"thank you"

He grab my hand and we got into his car.

"where are we going?"

Rm smiled at me

"a place"

as he put his hand on my thigh i started to blush

we were driving but then we stopped at his apartment building rm took my hand and lead my up to the roof

He opened the door 

I saw candles and a table in the middle there was rose peddles everywhere

i smiled at Namjoon.

when we were done eating rm started rapping a love poem he had wrote for me.

I started crying a bit this was just one amazing night.

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