《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》13


8 months pregnant

Y/n pov

Namjoon and I just got done with a birthing class, preparing us for when I go into labor and how I have to stay calm and everything else we need to know.

"The boys are over at Yoongi's and Jungkook's house, I think they are having a lunch get together there, you hungry?" Namjoon says pulling out of the parking space and driving into the street.

"Uh yes when am I not hungry" I say and we both laugh. We pull up in the boys drive way and go and I knocked on the door. Jungkook opens up and greets us and leads us to the back yard.

"Surprise!!!" The boys yelled out and I tear up.

"Guys what is this" I say hugging them.

"We planned a little baby shower for you, well the baby" Taehyung said.

"You guys are the cutest" I say hugging each of them.

They play little baby shower games, the last one they are currently playing is blindfolded diaper change: which they all failed.

"Remind me to never let you guys change the baby's diaper" I say laughing as the take off the blindfold looking at the mess they made.

"Ok we have gifts for the baby, we suggest opening them with out Namjoon, since he still doesn't know" Jimin says as the boys put gifts around me.

"You guys are the best, the baby has the best uncles" I say thanking them.

"Well uncle kookie is the best watch" jungkook says and the others disagree.

"The baby hasn't met the best of them all" seokjin says pushing jungkook lightly.

"Yeah right we already know who's the best one that's me right y/n" hoseok says.

"You are all the best" I say to them.

"She's hinting at me that I'm the best" taehyung says and I shook my head.

"All of you are equally the best" I say once more.

"We know we're just playing, let's take these to your car" Yoongi says and they all pick up the gifts taking it to the car. We say our goodbyes and leave his house drive down the street to our home.

9 months pregnant

It's been a long pregnancy, in just a couple days this little angel will be out in the world. I was currently watching tv when Namjoon busts through the door with the other boys.

"Hello to you guys" I say laughing confusingly.

"We found someone to help you" Seokjin says excited, I get up rather quickly for a pregnant woman.

"Slow down baby" Namjoon says and I hug Seokjin.

"You guys found someone to take it out, I will live? The baby will be safe?" I ask numerous questions.

"Yes y/n I told you, you and the baby were gonna be fine, I told you I would do anything" Yoongi says and I hug him as tears run down my cheeks.

"We can go right now" Taehyung replies.

"You're serious?" I ask happily

"Yes now lets go" Namjoon says rushing me into the truck.

"Like old days" I smile at the boys.

"Yeah like old days" Namjoon says helping me in the truck. Yoongi to the right of me, namjoon to my right. Seokjin driving and jungkook in the passenger seat as Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok in the back of the truck.


We drove for about an hour and the baby started to move.

"The baby is having another party" I say rubbing my tummy.

"Cause the baby is happy that you're gonna be ok, both of you will be ok" Namjoon says kissing me.

"When the device is out of you, I want to know what the baby is" he says and I smile a nod.

We finally got to the building, we all got out of the truck and walked inside. We open the building doors and there's a dead body on the floor.

"Y/n go back in the truck, go back in the truck now!" Namjoon says as we all turn around to open the doors but they are locked, the lights go out and my mouth is covered and I'm blindfolded and I'm taken away.

Namjoon pov

I couldn't find y/n, everyone is here but her. I was freaking out, this was the one thing that can save her, what the hell is going on. Where is my entire world, my fiancé and my unborn child.

"Y/n!" I yell and punch the wall as the lights flickered on.

"Who the hell took her what do they want" Yoongi says.

"The only thing it could be is another mafia" I say.

"We have to find them fast, Y/n and the baby's life are in danger" Seokjin says and we run and start looking for her.

"I didn't even bring a weapon, I wasn't thinking" I say running my hands through my hair.

"Don't say that, you didn't know what was going on" Taehyung says.

"Here I brought 3 guns" Yoongi says handing me a gun.

"Your the best Yoongi thank god" I sigh in relief.

As we go to higher floors the more guards we see and kill. It's hard to see myself kill people. I've been keeping a father figure I want my child to see, no violence, always there for my family, hard working.

Y/n pov

I was unmasked and there he was, my father. I didn't know what to say, I thought he was dead this whole time.

"You're supposed to be dead" I finally speak up.

"Yeah those Bangtan Gang should know about bulletproof vests" he spat back.

"Please just let me go, the baby isn't born yet" I begin to cry, tugging on my chained wrists.

"I could care less about your bastard of a baby, see the thing is I paid a lot of money to keep me very hidden so you all think I'm dead. Still keeping my drug and gun trading and losing more money because of that. I'm broke and I have until today to give the money to who's gonna come after me. I thought to myself my daughter dead and my grandchild dead or me? That was an easy choice, I'd rather live" he says and I look at him in disgust.

"So you'd rather kill your own daughter and grandchild, you're disgusting and sick" I spat at him.

"David come on out" my father says.

"You said you wouldn't hurt the baby! You fucking promised!" I yell and he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.


As David unchains me and almost plunged a needle in me, a gun goes off and David lies dead on the floor.

"You just won't quit huh?" My father says and I turn to see Namjoon pointing a gun at my father.

"Baby are you both ok?" He asks and I nod.

"So he's the father of this bastard child" my father says swiftly taking out a gun pointing at me.

Namjoon pov

"Don't you fucking hurt her" I yell at him.

"Drop your gun" he says and I put my hands up and put my gun on the floor. As he still points the gun at the both of us he kicks the gun away. I swiftly take yoongis' second gun and shoot him and he drops his gun and falls to the floor.

"Go to hell" I spat at him as he breathes his last breath.

I run and hug y/n and she cries and I just hold her.

"You're ok, lets get out of here" I say grabbing her hand and leading her out quickly and I hear a gun shot. I look at her father with a gun in his hand.

"If I can't have the money no one can" he says and dies. I turn around and y/n holds her chest and she falls and I catch her.

"Baby no, please no don't leave me" I cry out. The boys run in and are in shock, jungkook has tears down his face.

"Save her... you can save her" she says softly.

"A girl" I say crying.

"Please save her.... I love .... you" she lightly speaks her last breath as she passes away. Tears pouring down my face, clutching her body to mine, not caring if her blood gets on me.

"We can save your daughter, we have to take her to the hospital" Seokjin says as tears run down his face, I nod in agreement as I carry her lifeless body and quickly and speed to the hospital.

I barged into the hospital blood everywhere.

"Please help, my fiancé died please just save the baby" I cry out as doctors take my whole life away. I couldn't help myself, I flipped coffee tables and chairs and punched the wall.

Yoongi stopped me and held my wrists.

"Pull your self together, you have a daughter in there who could still be alive, she fucking needs you" he yells at me seeing tears come down his face as well, he lets go and I hug him.

"It hurts, it's hurts so fucking bad" I cry out.

"I know it does" he says and we sit down.

It was taking so long, please god save my little girl. I couldn't take the wait I got up and went to the bathroom. My eyes red, my hands and arms and clothing covered in blood, I wash off what I could and I hear a knock on the door I open it and it's Jungkook hand me a clean shirt. I take off my shirt and put the new one on and I toss the old one in the garbage. Jungkook just stares at the garbage red eyes like mine, I pulled him in and he starts crying.

"I know, it's hard to believe" I say trying hard not to cry again. We pull away and sit back down. The doctor comes and I get up fast and go to him.

"I'm sorry for the loss of your wife, but your daughter is ok she made it just in time, you can go see her" the doctors say and I call the boys and the doctors leads us Into the room. A nurse hands me my daughter, I look at her in awe.

"Hi princess, you look just like your Eomma, beautiful, Kim Ja-kyung" I say kissing her forehead then the room door busts open and it's the police.

"Kim Namjoon, you're under arrest for the murder of David Shapiro" one of the cops say as I hand my daughter to Yoongi.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used in a court of law" the cop says putting handcuffs on me dragging me out of the room.

"Yoongi... Please keep her safe, make sure she has the life she deserves, make sure she knows about her mother and me" I yell as being dragged out into the hallway.

Yoongi pov

I stared at her little face, she was beautiful just like y/n. She looked just like her. I couldn't stop looking at her, the boys gathered around me and looked at her.

"She looks just like y/n" Jungkook says tearing up.

"Sir I understand that the mother has passed away, and the father is well in a difficult situation, but we provide a adoption agency and the baby can go to a loving-" one of the nurses say.

"No I'm the father" I say abruptly.

"Oh ok well just sign the birth certificate and her name and congratulations on your little girl" she says and I carefully hand Ja-Kyung to Jungkook.

I signed the birth certificate mother: y/n y/l/n

Father: Min Yoongi Child's Name: Min Ja-Kyung. I finished signing it and hand it to the nurse and she leaves the room.

"Yoongi, Namjoon is her father" Jimin says.

"I know, they both told me if anything happened to do anything I can in my power to keep her safe, to make sure she has a good life. I'm doing this for her, it's gonna be better for her. She may not be physically my child but I will protect and take care of her like my own" I say taking Ja-Kyung into my arms.

"You're gonna have some serious Daddy Issues" Hoseok says.


My first BTS fanfic is done :) I'm so happy. I hope you like the ending..... well for now. There is going to be a sequel called "Daddy Issues". If this book gets to at least 50 reads I'll post the sequel. Please share with your friends. Thank you so much ❤️

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