《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》5


Y/n pov

"What do you mean tracking you?" Suga asked.

"Think about it, the tracker in the car could have been a decoy, but they knew I was at the store, its in me, it has to be" I say.

"Jin knows a guy, who knows about this stuff, we have to leave or this safe house will not be safe anymore" Jimin quickly thinks.

We all go back to Jin and Namjoon, Jin is sitting up and eating.

"We need to leave, now y/n thinks she's the tracker, that it's inside her" V says.

Namjoon and Jin have a worried look on their faces.

"I can't drive, but we have to go now, I know a guy just outside of town" Jin says and we all get back to the truck

Jin is to my right, Jimin is driving and Namjoon is in the passenger seat and V is to the left of me, the rest of the boys are in the bed of the truck.

We drive a bit and I'm anxious, he's been following me since the start, I'm putting these boys in danger. My leg started to shake, and I was tapping my fingers on my leg. I run my hands in my hair and sigh. Namjoon looked back and grabbed my hand.

"It's going to be ok, I promise" he says and I nod, he didn't let go, he was still holding my hand.

Once we got to 'Jin's friends" place I got more nervous, I felt sick to my stomach. I grabbed Namjoon's hand as we walked in the small building, scared out of my mind.

"David! We need your help" Jin said and a guy comes out and smiles.

"Jin long time no see, how can I help you?" David asks.

"We got into a little problem with El Diablo, we need help" Jin said and David's face was pure horrified.

"El Diablo are you crazy" he says

"This is his daughter, she thinks that he's tracking her from a device inside her body" Jin says pointing to me and I tighten my grip on Namjoon's hand.


"Alright come to the back" he says and we all follow.

"Ok please lay on the table" David says I let go of Namjoons hand and lay on the table, it's metal and cold. I stared at the ceiling scared for what he is going to find.

"Ok so I'm gonna pass this sensor device over your body and when it beeps, it has detected a tracking device" he explains and I nod. David starts scanning by my feet and travels up, nothing yet, pass my thighs, nothing, pass my waist and chest, nothing, he passes my left arm and it beeps around my forearm. I look at the boys who are shocked.

"How do we extract it?" Jin asks.

"Very simple procedure, I will put her to sleep make a small incision and take it out" David explains and I nod.

"Maybe you guys should talk it out-" he says and I cut him off.

"Do it, he can't keep trying to hurt me or them, so do it" I say, he nods and gets up to prepare for the procedure.

"Alright boys, lets give her some space" Jin suggests.

Suga and Jungkook come and hug me and leaves with the rest of the boys. Namjoon stayed and came close.

"I'm gonna be fine, Namjoon" I say and he grabs my hand.

"I know, you're the strongest girl I know" he says and smiles, I smile back.

David come by with a needle, I guess to knock me out, he puts it in my arm and I'm feeling sleepy. My eyes are fluttering.

"I'll be here when you wake up, I love you" Namjoon says and kisses me and I close my eyes.

RMs pov

I cant believe I did that, what if she doesn't remember, I thought to myself and sit down with the rest of the boys.

"She's gonna be fine, RM," Jungkook says.

"I know that, it's just that I kissed her before she went under and what if she doesn't remember, I told her I loved her" I say I see Suga has a serious face, I know he kinda has feelings for her, but I've had them for so long I couldn't keep it in.


"I'm sure she'll remember, we just have to wait" V says.

After about an hour I grew more and more nervous. Finally David comes out.

"Went very well got the device out, she should be waking soon" He says the boys stayed in the waiting room and I go inside and take her hand. I rub my thumb softly over her small hands, she stirs and her eyes flutter open.

"Hey, everything went well, you're fine, I told you I'll be here when you wake up" I say and she smiles and tries to sit up.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I say and she sits up.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" She asks groggily.

"I'll get them" I say and I call the boys and her face lights up when she sees them.

"Hey" she says, and the boys hug her one by one.

"Is it out?" She asks and David comes by.

"Yes is it and completely destroyed, your father won't be able to find you" David says to her and she sighs in relief.

Y/n pov

I wait a little bit before I get up and walk, I have a stitches on my arm, wrapped in a bandage. We all left David's and we are back into the truck. Namjoon to my left Suga to my right, sitting in the back seat. Jungkook is driving and Jin is in the passenger seat, and the rest of the boys are in the bed of the truck.

"Y/n do you remember anything before you knocked out?" Namjoon asked randomly.

"No nothing specific just me deciding to get it removed" I say and everyone is quiet.

"Why what happened?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing important or worth repeating, don't worry about" he replies and I nod.

"Gosh I'm starving" I say trying to release some tension.

"We can go eat somewhere" Jungkook suggests and Jin nods. I open the little door to the back.

"Hey guys we are gonna go somewhere to eat" I say and they cheer.

A little why longer we pull into a restaurant, we all get out, the hostess sits us down, Suga hasn't left my side and neither has Namjoon. We order, get our drinks, laugh and converse about random stuff. Namjoon wasn't talking he was just sitting their, I was worried.

"Hey what's wrong?" I whispered to him, he sighs and when he tries to explain gun shots go off in the middle of the restaurant, all of us get up and Namjoon, V, Hoseok and Suga pulled out guns, I tried running to the bathroom but was stopped by a guy and he points a gun at me, I instantly thought, I was gonna die.

"Y/n!" Namjoon yells grabs me shoots the guy and rushes in the bathroom.

"Are you ok?, are you hurt ?" He asks I nod no as tears run down my face, I was freaking out, hyperventilating, feeling like I couldn't breathe, I was having a panic attack, it happened so fast but it stopped once Namjoon kissed me, we pulled away and, I could breathe again, I kiss him and he kisses back. He wiped my tears.

"Go out the window, and hide in the truck" he says I nod and he goes back to the gun fight. I hop out the window, I go in the truck and hid.

The gun shots stopped. No one came out. I was worried, I rummaged through the truck and found a gun, I checked if there were bullets, got out of the truck and ran inside. There were bodies everywhere, I saw all the boys tied up. Their yells were muffled I look behind me, and there he was.

"Hi my beautiful daughter" he says.

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