《you tricked me (namjoonxreader) Ambw》that girl


Time skip to when you met then in the 9th grade.

Y/n p.o.v

Oh shit! Oh fuck! I cant fucking take this bullshit! I dont want to go to another public school!! Plus I dont have Jasmine with me this year, arrrhhhhhhh!!!! I stood outside the classroom door and took a deep breath, then opened the door and took a step in.

" Hello class today we have a new student. Please treat her with respect. miss would you introduce yourself???" the teacher said

I really didnt want to tho. Cause me and my twin sister where kinda known as emos at our other schools. At our old schools we hardly talked to our other classmates we got bullied bc we were emos. But my twin jasmin she got bullied more than me so she got home schooled.

Im scard rn bc i wad standing in front of 14 people.....that is alot of people yall. but I spoke.

"H-heL-llo m-mY-y Na-A-aMe IS-s y/N hIL-l-L" I Said as my voice and my STUTTER got worse!! I felt so dumb. Some people in the room started laughing at me then more, then more, until EVERYONE was laughing, EVEN THE GODDAMN TEACHER!!! I want to fucking go home and be with Jasmine!! I feel like im going to cry. I quickly ran to a empty desk in the far back of the room. As I put my head down on the desk on I felt a tap on my shoulder and lefted my head up to see a boy my age with black hair in front of me.

" I'm Min Yoongi but you can call me suga. Don't worry, everyone here is a asshole." He said smiling a bit. I smiled back until I saw 3 of the boys who were laughing at me came and stood beside him. I tried to put my head back down but suga gently grabbed my chin and slowly pulled my head back up by my chin. yoongi looked back at them angrily. I looked up at them as one of them tried to explain there actions and introduce themselves.


" Hi new girl! I'm Park Jimin, just call me Jimin if you'd like. These two fuckers behind me are Taehyung but he likes to be called V and Jungkook the ultimate the awkward one. There pretty cool but back on point, we're super sorry for laughing at you and your stutter/voice crack. They" -punched- "well 'i' found it funny and asked them to laugh with me so I didn't look like a asshole to much. I'm super sorry new girl. Please accept my apology new girl!!" The boy asked. Should I accept his apology? It didn't sound half-assed like all the other apologies I got at my old school......I'll accept it and hopefully we'll be friends!!!

" I-I'll AcC-cEpT iT!!" My voice cracked again.

This time the boy min yoongi or suga started to chuckle. I turned red and relised that his hand was still on my chin so i pushed it off and put my head down.

He was tapping me but i didnt respond to it.

After class i was wondering around the school building until i bumped into a tall person.

He was a boy

I was expecting to get an angry expression from him.... But i didnt.

I apologies to him by bowing and saying i was sorry.

But then he put his hand on my shoulder causing me to stop before i could bow

"Its ok you wasnt looking were you were going. I wasnt either. So you are ok. Btw my name is namjoon and my friend here name is jin we are college students in the other building. Whats your name??"namjoon said

That made me smile that he wasnt mad.

"HeLlO NaMjOoN, AnD JiN mY nAmE iS y/N HilL. I'M A 9Th GrAdE StUdEnT. I Am A nEw StUdEnt And thAnK yoU FoR NoT bEinG MaD aT mE, FoR Bumping Into U" I said with a smile.


"I hope we can be friends hill y/n!!" He said with a smile. and he chuckled

"Me too, btw do you know your voice is cracking?" jin asked

"YeA I kNoW It HaPpEnS W-W-W-When I'm Nervous."

they smiled

"Ok well see you later!!" I said.

"See ya later" they said

I saw the the two boys, jin and namjoon. The other boy laughs and namjoon slapped him.

I was walking down the hall with jin and I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings so a girl bumped into me.

I thought she was in the 7th grade group or something.

So then she started bowing to me and saying she was sorry.

I stopped her

I told her it was my fault and I told her about me and that I hope we can be friends.

She said ok and bye I said bye.

When we were walking away jin was messing with me saying, that I liked her and I slapped him and then he cursed at me.

I noticed something about that girl she looked sad and so I wanted to be her friend.

There was something about that girl.

________________________ the end___________of the chapter__________

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