《Promisory Note (namjoonxreader)》♪S.T.A.R.T♪


It all started 10 years ago....

"Y/N-nie~" Little 8 year old Namjoon said, running over to his friend at the bottom of an old apple tree with a piece of paper in his little hands.

"Ye?"she replied when he sat infront of her. She used her sweater paws to wipe off the sweat down his face.

"You lobe me right?" He asked, Y/N giggled and smacked his head lightly.

"Of cwourse I do." She replied before shyly fiddling with her fingers." How about you?" Their eyes met. "Do you lobe mwe?"

Namjoon nodded and flicked her forehead playfully.

"Yes yes yes!" He replied. Then their gaze averted to the paper in his hands. "By the way, I hweard Appa twalking about a pwomisowy note"

The girl tilted her head in confusion as she registers the words he said.

"Pwomisowy note?" Namjoon nodded, both are innocent about this particular thing. "Is that a note where you make pwomises?"

Then that made Namjoon thinking. He wanted to ask the older people around them but he chose not to, he believes he's a big boy and can understand certain things.

"I guess so"he replies shortly, flapping the paper in his hands as Y/N innocently nods.

"So?" She replied, mind wandering about this note Namjoon is blabbering about.

"Do you remember my pwomise Y/N?" Namjoon suddenly asked, making the girl go in a thinking position before chuckling.

"Which one?" Well let's say, Namjoon has many promises to her that she can't count with her fingers.

"My pwomise to mwarry you when we get owld enough." Her mouth formed and 'o' shape as she nodded, Namjoon showing her the paper which has words in it written with a blue and pink crayon, Y/N not missing the two figures at the bottom of the paper and Namjoon's name under a criss cross style of lines she can't ponder. "I wrote it down you see, I already have my signature only yours and our parents haven't swigned yet." He replied his eyes blinking like stars twinkling in the night.


"Really? Lemme sign it" Y/N said and grabbed the paper letting Namjoon turn around so she can use his back as a desk, Namjoon didn't complain at all cause he finds it cute and got used to it already. Y/N grabbed a pink crayon and wrote her name, chanting the letters of her name while writing, then she scribbled lines on top of her name and smiled at her accomplished work. "Signed! Read it to me Joonie!" She said enthustiastically.

The aformentioned nodded and looked at her before reading.

Promisory Note

I,Kim Namjoon solemnly swear to marry Kim Y/N when we get older and are legal. I promise to take care of her and give her a happy life and will help her take care of our future kids and grandchildren. I promise to protect her from any bad people or things. This I promise and will forever be remembered no matter what happens. Thank you for your kind consideration😁

"Wow! Where dwid you get all of that?" Y/N said while clapping marvelously at how Namjoon is good with words and sentences.

Namjoon blushed and scratched his nape, his dimpled smile showing making Y/N's heart feel all giddy.

"Just read it last nwight!" Then Namjoon stood up and grabbed Y/N's hand, helping her up her feet. "Come on! Let's go!"

She nodded and hand in hand they skipped happily across the streets of their village.

"I lobe you Y/N-nie~" Namjoon said kissing her cheeks, making elder people coo at their cuteness.

"I lobe you too Joonie~" she replied back as she also kissed his cheeks, making people coo at them again.

"Y/N-nie~ and Joonie~ sitting on a tree, H-A-P-P-Y, Happy!"

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