《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》Chapter 18
Astrid sat on a couch behind Niklaus as he was painting. He was peaceful which is rare.
"Looks like a giant snowflake" Stefan said as he walked in the room.
"I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism" Klaus replied.
"Stephanie!" Astrid laughed.
"Its Stefan... and what do you have against me?" Stefan asked.
"I just don't like you. Really don't like you" she told him with a smile as she drank whiskey from a glass.
"You said it was urgent?" Some guy said as he walked inside, winking at Astrid.
"Yes. Take this to the mystic grill immediately." Klaus smiled and grabbed his neck. "never wink at my little sister again. Understand?" Klaus asked and the guy nodded.
"You want me to be a delivery guy?"
"What I want is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude"
The guy sighed and picked up the painting. "Be careful with that" Klaus told the man. "It's still wet."
"Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know." Stefan said.
"What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximise the benefits of free labour?" Klaus asked, clearly annoyed and Stefan chuckled. "What are you doing here?"
"Elena is sired to Damon." Stefan said as he walked towards Nik.
Astrid laughed at Stefan "I was wrong Nik. This town isn't so bad after all." Stefan glared at her.
"I intuited as much" Klaus told Stefan, smiling.
"Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever, and here you are making post-modern snowflakes"
"I delivered. I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy, which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunters mark. You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark" Klaus said as he cleaned his hands from the paint.
"Oooh... Stefan. You're failing at your job. How truly pathetic." Astrid fake cried.
"Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us." Stefan clarified.
"Sounds like quite the chore, which is why I feel perfectly justified in doing a little charity work." Klaus told the vampire.
"Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword" Stefan said and Astrid vamp sped to her brother, standing beside him.
"Or maybe you have to start doing your bloody job, ripper!" She shouted at Stefan.
"Calm down sister" Klaus said as he grabbed her hand. "Now, why would I lie to you, Stefan?" He let go of Astrid's hand and began walking to another room. "We're in this together." Stefan and Astrid followed Klaus and saw him open a safe.
Klaus took out the sword "the hilt acts as a cypher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo when he's killed enough vampires to complete it." Klaus sat on a couch and Astrid sat next to him.
Stefan picked up the sword, inspecting it.
"I heard you moved out of your house. Bit of a martyr move, hmm?" Klaus said and Stefan looked up at him.
"I'm not here to bond, Klaus."
"Oh, on the contrary, I think right now I'm the best friend you've got."
"Hmm... I'm going to walk around town while you boys work this out. Okay?" Astrid said as she got up, leaving the men.
"I'm sick of taking his crap!" Adrian, the hybrid who took the painting said as he entered a cave where Tyler and a woman stood. "I should rip his throat off, see if he can boss us around without a Larynx. His sister is also here, apparently she's a hybrid too. I don't think this can get any worse" he said, unaware that Astrid is even stronger than Klaus.
"You won't have to take it much longer" Tyler Lockwood said.
"You keep saying that, but here we are, hiding, plotting a revolution thats never gonna happen" the woman said.
"Never say never." Hayley said as she walked inside the cave. "And never say I don't pull through. I found the witch that's gonna save your lives. And yes, he does have a hybrid sister. Apparently they're really close."
"Are you serious?" Adrian asked.
"We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond. Now Hayley and I are going to do ours. Also, try not to get on Astrid's bad side. She's stronger than the other Originals... She's a tribrid." Tyler said.
Astrid walked through the town but stopped when she saw Caroline on the phone with someone. She began walking towards her.
"We need to get that sword today. Tyler and his hybrids are taking out Klaus tonight" she heard Caroline say and she furrowed her brows.
"Umm... not they're not!" Astrid said, smiling at Caroline.
"Is that Astrid?" Stefan asked over the phone.
"Yes Stefan. Thats me" she said as she took Carolines phone, ending the call.
"It's nice to see you again, Caroline. You're as pretty as ever" she smiled at the blonde.
"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked.
"Well... right now I'm just walking around." She smiled at the blonde vampire.
"Why did you come back?"
"Believe me, I didn't want to come back but Nik persuaded me."
"Ugh... why didn't he just dagger you."
"You're forgetting that the dagger doesn't work on me, love"
"Right. You're the second hybrid" Caroline stated.
"Tribrid, actually." Astrid smiled at the blonde.
"Right, you're the biggest abomination... Now, I have to go. Have fun, I guess" Caroline told the original as she walked away.
"I really don't understand why my brother likes you so much" Astrid muttered.
Astrid went back home, Stefan was walking around looking for the sword.
"I haven't found anything" he told Damon over the phone.
"Try the sock drawer" Damon joked.
"Yeah, you should. Try my panty drawer as well." Astrid laughed and Stefan turned around.
"Is that Astrid?" Damon asked.
"Unfortunately, yes" Stefan replied.
"You know what, Stefan." Damon said, "Kill Tyler before he goes to Klaus, or, since Klaus has suddenly become MVP in our race for the cure, tell him about the hybrids. He'll kill Tyler."
"Nobody's killing Tyler" Stefan said as he was looking through some drawers.
"I'll kill Tyler" Astrid volunteered. Stefan glared at her while looking though some of Klaus' old letters.
"Look, I know it's a touchy subject, but do you know where Elena is today?" Stefan asked his brother.
Astrid zoned out, not wanting to listen to that conversation. She rolled her eyes as she waited for Stefan to finish the call.
"Right, if you're not going to tell Klaus, then I will." Astrid said, walking away from Stefan. He appeared in front of her.
"You're not going to tell him anything" he said as he stepped closer to her.
"If you're trying to be intimidating then you're failing, love." Astrid told Stefan and she felt him put a hand on her chest. "Sorry, Stefan but I'm take-" Stefan ripped her heart out before she could finish her sentence.
"Did you find the sword?" Caroline asked Stefan as she walked towards him. He was standing outside a cafe where Klaus was.
"Nope." Stefan told her.
"What are we gonna do now?" Caroline asked.
"I don't know. But, Astrid won't wake up for another couple of hours." Stefan told the blonde.
"What do you mean?" She asked confused.
"I ripped her heart out. She'll wake up soon and when she does, she's going to tell Klaus everything but... Klaus is our only shot of finding the cure anyway. We need him. Tyler has to call it off."
"Well, thats not gonna happen" Tyler said, standing behind the two vampires. "You told him? I've had 12 hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives, and you're blabbing my plan to him?"
"Look, all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time, ok?" Stefan told Tyler.
"How long? An hour, a day? Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, they're at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them up for Jeremy to kill. I don't owe you anything. I'm taking him out" Tyler said as he walked away from Stefan and Caroline.
Stefan appeared in front of him. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that." Stefan told him. "I'm sorry but I can't."
"Stefan!" Caroline said, looking behind him. He turned around and saw a pack of hybrids standing behind him. Caroline also turned around and there were a few standing behind her as well.
"I'm sorry, man, but you don't have a choice." Tyler told Stefan.
"Tyler!" Caroline warned as Tyler took out some chains in the cave. He threw them on the floor.
"Keep them down here until we're ready to bring Klaus in." Tyler told the hybrids. "Use these if you have to"
"Come on, Tyler, this is bigger than you. It's about more than revenge for us." Stefan explained.
"I know what it's about for you, Stefan" Tyler told him. "Its about the cure. You know what happens to a hybrid when he's cured of being a vampire? We go back to being werewolves, turning on every full moon. We could give a rat's ass about the cure"
"Tyler, come one" Caroline said softly.
"I needed you on my side, care" Tyler said to the blonde.
Astrid gasped as she woke up. She saw a hole in her shirt and she got up, quickly changing the shirt. "Prick..." she muttered and she ran into town, looking for Klaus.
"Klaus, where the hell are you" she muttered as she entered a cafe.
"I'm right here, sister" Klaus said, standing behind her.
"Oh, thank God" she said as she hugged her brother.
"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.
"No." She answered and Klaus furrowed his brows, looking into her eyes. His green eyes full of concern. "Stefan ripped my bloody heart out and your stupid hybrids are after you." She told Klaus. "Oh, and Stefan was looking for the sword."
"Well, we have to do something about that, then. Don't we?" He smiled at her softly and she nodded with a mischievous smile.
"Bonnie, I need you to think fast" Caroline told Bonnie, her witch friend, over the phone. "I know the daggers don't work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence into Rebekah? It'll work, right? Say it'll work."
"Slow down. Slow down. What's happening?" Bonnie asked confused.
"Just come on Bonnie, will it work?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
"Oh! Bonnie Bennett I love you!"
"Do you need my help? I can leave Elena here with Jeremy."
"Elena? She's there too?"
"Yeah. She came with Damon. Who's being slightly less horrible than usual."
"You know What? I can't deal with this right now." Caroline said as she ended the call. She turned around to look at Hayley.
"So... what are we going to do about Astrid?" Hayley asked. "She's a hybrid too, right?"
"Tribrid" Caroline corrected her. "We'll think of something later..."
"What do you mean tribrid? Tyler didn't have time to explain it."
"I'll tell you later. Let's g-" Hayley snapped her neck before she could leave the bathroom.
Astrid walked up to Klaus and soon Stefan walked towards him too.
"Oh look, Stephanie's here" Astrid said, arms linked with her brother.
"She doesn't like me much" Klaus said, referring to Hayley who was talking to him before. "Where have you been all day?"
"I've been around" Stefan replied.
"Hanging out with hybrids I'm guessing? Plotting..." Astrid added.
"Do you have something to add, Stefan?" Klaus asked the Salvatore.
"I broke into your safe to find the sword" Stefan confessed.
"Why?" Klaus asked.
"Because I don't trust you."
"Fair enough" Astrid muttered as she took a sip of champagne.
"I showed you the sword" Klaus said. "I explained it's value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood handshake?" Astrid chuckled.
"I found the letters" Stefan added. "You have a few pen pals over the centuries?"
"Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so different from writing their names on a wall, like you did, ripper?" Klaus asked with a wide smile. He saw Adrian behind Stefan and immediately stopped smiling. He unlinked his arm from Astrid's and began walking towards the hybrid. "Loneliness, Stefan" Klaus said, turning around to look at the vampire. "Thats why you and I memorialize our dead. There's the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands, and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing" Klaus looked at Astrid "almost nothing. So keeping their letters or writing their names on a wall is a reminder that in the end were left infinitely and utterly alone." He added and walked away.
"Did you have to bring them up?" Astrid asked and Stefan turned around to look at her. "The letters". Stefan didn't say anything, he just stared at the blonde in front of him. "We have feelings too, Stefan. You of all people should know that we're not just some heartless, blood-sucking monsters." Astrid added, walking away from Stefan. "Now I'm going to follow my brother. You know, to make sure those puppies don't succeed."
"Stefan! It's me, that little werewolf slut had lost her mind" Caroline told stefan over the phone as she woke up. "Go to the Lockwood Cellar and make sure that Rebekah's body is still there. I'm gonna find Tyler. Hayley is trying to screw this up."
Klaus and Adrian appeared near the pack of hybrids.
"Nik, wait for me" Astrid told her brother.
"Oh. How nice for you to show up." Nik smiled at his sister.
"Now go to them, chop chop" Nik told Adrian. Adrian vamp sped towards the pack.
"Kim...uh!" Adrian stuttered. Klaus then ripped his heart out.
"No!" Kim, the hybrid, shouted.
Adrian fell on the ground and behind him stood Klaus, with his heart in his hand. Astrid stood next to him, smiling and waving happily at the pack.
"This is the part where you run" Astrid whispered and the pack started panicking.
"Stay here sister." Klaus said as he attacked Kim with the Hunter's sword, killing her instantly.
Other hybrids attacked him as well but he killed all of them using the sword.
Astrid watched him as she leaned on a tree in the forest. One of the hybrids ran into the cellar, crying. Klaus followed her.
"Where is Tyler Lockwood?" Klaus asked. Astrid vamp sped to the cave as well. She stood in the entrance. "You'd do well to answer me, love" Klaus said, pointing the sword at the hybrid. "Where is he?" Klaus shouted, even Astrid flinched slightly.
"I don't know" the hybrid replied, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Wrong answer" Klaus said as he killed her with the sword. Blood was all over his white shirt, jacket and face.
He looked at his sister as he sighed loudly.
"Hey..." she said softly as she walked towards him. "Its going to be Okay, I promise... Now let's go." She added as she took the sword out of his hands. "Remember that I'll always be here for you" she put a hand on his cheek, smiling. "I love you, Nik... I always will. Always and forever"
"Hello, Carol" Klaus said as he walked towards Tyler's mother. Blood covering his upper body as he held a champagne bottle in his hand. "You're looking for Tyler. I'd like to have a word with him myself."
"Klaus, please" Carol begged. "He's my son. He's all I have."
"And you're all he has." Klaus said in a calm tone. "There's a beautiful symmetry to that, don't you think?" Klaus added as he grabbed her neck. He pushed her head into the water that was behind her, drowning her. He let go of her neck when she stopped struggling and when her heart stopped beating. He walked away smirking slightly.
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