《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 3


Sooo after this one, don't forget. You'll have to go to my page for book two. And don't forget to tell me whether the new cover is okay!!! Thanks guys!!! This is kind of short and a bit of a filler, but eh.

We apparated right to the store. Hundreds of familiar faces were milling around, chattering and buzzing. The whole alley was closed down for the most part, everything was dark and all of the boarded up windows were busted, but somehow the twins have managed to make everyone come see them, scary or not.

Molly went ballistic when she saw the big blinking sign in the window. The rest of us had a good laugh about it though. 'Why are you worrying about you know who?you should be worrying about u-no-poo the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!' Classic.

"Okay. Stay in groups! Nat, are you going back to Hogwarts?" Dad looked at her intently. She bit her lip, but nodded anyway.

"After the baby is born. I'm going to be homeschooled till then!" We all nodded.

"Okay. You and Ginny, group A. Ron and Hermione, group B. Harry, take Gracie and make sure she doesn't hurt herself! It's bound to happen. She's a danger magnet!" Dad muttered, rolling his eyes. My jaw dropped.

"I am not! And I can take care of myself!" I huffed, crossing my arms defiantly. Dad rolled his eyes, but Harry snaked an arm around my waist, kissing my forehead comfortingly. "Fine. I'll be a good little girl and do the whole buddy system thing, but just so you know, I'm going to teach Lilly and James every single one of my tricks and such. And Lilly will learn the art of being a teenage girl by the time she's ten!" I huffed, then walked away, Harry chuckling beside me.

"Yeah yeah! Just be back in two hours!" Ron yelled, probably rolling his eyes. I flipped him off.

"Okay. So, lets, OH MY MERLIN!" I gasped, looking at Ollivander's. We walked inside to take a look around.

"Wow. This is awful!" Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. I nodded solemnly, taking in the wreckage that used to be the best wand shop in the world. Then a thought occurred to me.



"Where are Lilly and James going to get their wands when they get older? They're going to be two in September. That's nine years. It seems like a lot, but, it's really not. What if this war isn't over? I, I feel bad, but, I kind of want to grab a couple. Put them in my vault as Gringotts and save them for the twins. And Nat's baby! I just thought about her."


"Your right. Come on. Your wand is similar to your Dad's, and a replica of someone your close too's. Grab some similar to those!" He shrugged, searching through the rubble for unbroken wands. Nat's wand, it's different. Fred's wand is close to hers though, so, maybe some similar to theirs? Their core, it's veela hair.

I quickly located two with the right core. One with Elm and another made of Willow Wood, Nat and Fred's wand types. Okay, so Phoenix something or another. That's what I'm looking for. I found one close to mine, one close to Harry's, some close to Dad's, and a few unicorn hair cores incase they take after Mum. "I have six wands here. Think it's enough?"

"I have another five. I think we're good!" He smiled, taking the boxes from my hands. I smiled, using my wand to put an undetectable extension charm on my bag. He dropped them inside, then kissed my forehead. "Reminds me of second year." He chuckled, taking my hand and leading me towards the door. I raised my eyebrows in confusion while we walked to Flourish and Blotts.

"What about it?" I asked, amused that he'd remember something I don't. Not that he's incapable of doing so, it's just we usually remember everything the other remembers. Then again, he hasn't named a specific memory. He smiled, looking straight ahead while he spoke.

"Oh I don't know. How about how I watched you slip extra money to Ollivander so he would pretend he was giving Ginny her wand on the house and she wouldn't have to pay for it. You flipped when you thought I was going to say something. You were watching out for her." He finished, turning to me with another smile. I blushed, leaning into his side.

"I didn't want her to have to pay for something she didn't need to. Besides, she loves that wand. She still has it and uses it every chance she gets. She does well with it." I smiled back, watching him nod. We got our books quickly, then left. "Need new robes?"

"Nah. I'm good. Do you?"

"Nope. Good, we can skip that. Uh, potions equipment." I sighed, walking towards the shop.

"Er, I don't need any. You need an O for Snape's potions class." He sighed, looking down. I know he wants to be an auror too.

"Harry, it's okay. You'll still be an auror. They'd be crazy not to hire you! And you can make up a year of potions at the academy. If you graduate the other classes with certain grades, then you won't need to take them there." I smiled, grabbing the ingredients necessary for this school year.


I laughed, nodding. "Yeah. Training and stuff. Imagine Moody's class, but worse." I giggled, standing up straight. I pulled my wallet out, but in the time I had searched for it, Harry had already paid for my stuff. He stuck his tongue out, smirking at me. I laughed again, but smacked him playfully. "Meanie! You cheated!"


"And you almost got hurt today." He was suddenly serious, watching me. I tensed, thinking about earlier.

"All I kept thinking was, what if I hadn't asked George to take me to see Ginny? She would have been there alone! She couldn't fight off one, let alone two!" I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I walked towards Gringotts, ready to deposit the wands and get back.

"You did great doll. I just wish I would have stepped in sooner. Nat an Hermione told me to 'let you handle it.' Pft." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist again.

"Gracelyn Black!" I handed the goblin my key and followed him to the carts before continuing our conversation. "I'm okay Harry. They were right. I wouldn't have been happy if someone butt in. Do you know what he said about Ginny? He basically said he could scrounge up someone to rape her! He said he was sure someone would find her 'fun.' Or something like that, I'm not entirely sure, but that is sick! I wanted to kill him. And I tried, but if I really wanted to, I would have. I don't like the thought of killing anyone. But I'll have to get over that. People are going to try to kill us, and I can't be hesitating to fight back. It's just not going to work." I sighed, but I was wary of the goblin. I know he's listening. Why, well, I'm not exactly sure.

"All I know is I'm happy you're okay. But, why were you two alone?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure. No one was running the store, I think George just dropped me off and left. Probably figured if anything went wrong I'd handle it. Now that I think about it, smart thing to do would have been A, stay where we were or hide in the room somewhere, staying quiet. Or B, get Ginny downstairs with wands pulled and use the fireplace to floo to the house. But no, I had to be little miss hero."

"Hey, you were thinking about Ginny. Besides, they would have trashed the house or something. And you did well. Made Ginny stay hidden and stay quiet, you had your wand at the ready, and you were prepared for an attack. You took out two full grown death eaters on your own!" Harry smiled at me, like he was proud or something. I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me. On my own? I took out one. I dueled the other, got put under the cruciatus curse, and had to have a distraction before I could finish with the second!"

"You needed a thirty second distraction. Besides, you were powering through the curse. It wouldn't have taken but that thirty seconds for you to get up and finish him off on your own. Oh, we're here!" I looked over, the goblin was waiting patiently, which is weird, by my vault.

"Sorry!" I smiled sheepishly, climbing out of the cart. He only shook his head, opening the vault. I stepped inside, placed all the wands in a corner, and then stepped back out. "Done! Thank you!" I smiled at the goblin, then climbed back into the cart. I tripped though and landed on Harry's lap. He laughed, holding me there. "Harry!" I giggled, squirming around. He groaned, sending me another glare.

I have got to quit doing that!

"Don't you dare!" He warned, making me laugh. The cart stopped and I got up, skipping out of the building. Nat and Ginny were a little ways ahead of us. I skipped over and began singing.

"I used to think that I was better alone!"

"Stop it!"

"Why did I ever want to let you go?"

"You suck!"

"Under the moonlight as we stare at the sea!"

"Big Harry balls!"


"The words you whisper I will always believe!"

"I hate you so much!"

"I want you to rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!"

"She's talking to you Harry!"

"I want you to rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!"

"Big fat Harry monkey balls!"

"I want you to hit the pedal!heavy metal! Show me you care!"

"Big ginourmous Harry monkey balls!"

"I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah!"

"You suck the biggest, fattest, hairiest, Harry's monkey balls!"

"Oh would you be quiet?!" I snapped, spinning around to glare at her. Both Harry and I's faces were blood red. "I was singing! And you suck elephant balls! And they were so big and gross and hairy, you choked and overdosed on penis!"

Nat's jaw dropped.

Ginny an Harry exploded of laughter.

"I have to pee!" Ginny managed to say before running into Fred and George's store. I smirked at Nat's speechless reaction.

"You, suck!" She seethed, shaking violently. I shrugged, skipping towards the door I walked inside, but not before calling a few more words over my shoulder.

"Yeah well at least I didn't overdose on elephant dick! Are you sure that's Fred's baby?"

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