《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 13


For the last week or so, everything been pretty boring. Snape still hates me, but has moved on to Harry. We talked to Hagrid and he let slip that that dogs name is Fluffy. And that he owns it. And that what ever he's guarding, has to do with Nicholas Flammel. We've been studying like crazy.

Tonight's the Halloween feast. We sat with the twins an were pigging out on candy and other stuff, but I felt bad. Ron made Mione cry and now she's in the bathroom, crying.

"Ron you had to be a git, didn't you?" I snapped, shoving away all my food and laying my head on the table.

"What?" He asked, looking at me like I'd grown three heads.

"Don't give me that! You made Mione cry!" I hissed. "I'm going to find her!" I jumped up and ran out of the hall, not waiting for a response. On my way I passed Professor Quirrell. He looked freaked out, as usual. I ran into the bathroom. "Mione! I've given you enough time! Now come out and talk to me!" I heard her giggle, then she unlocked the door. She came out, swiping her eyes, but she stopped in her tracks and screamed. I twirled around and there was a troll. A full grown mountain troll.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" We screamed, spinning around and hiding in the stall. I had left my wand in the common room. Bad mistake. Bad, BAD, mistake! We locked the stall door not that that's going to do much! He swung his club and tore the tops of the stalls off. Mione screamed again.

"Gracie! Hermione!" Ron and Harry burst into the bathroom, staring at the troll.

"Do something!" I yelled, scurrying under the sink. Mione stayed hidden in the stall. He swung his club at me so I threw myself sideways, just barely avoiding getting hit. Harry jumped on the troll, but his wand got stuck in its nose. Gross. It almost hit Harry with its club when I heard Mione talking to Ron.


"Wingardium Leviosa!" The club flew out of the trolls hand and plonked him on the head. He fell with a loud 'thud', dropping Harry in the process. I stood up and ran to him, making sure he was okay.

"Are you alright?" We chorused. I giggled a bit and nodded, then hugged him tightly. "Thanks Harry!" He hugged me back.

"Your welcome!" Then the professors walked in, so we stepped away from each other.

Long story short, Mione took the blame, I said I freaked out and ran after her, Mione said it was to stop her and we told them Harry and Ron saved us. Harry, Ron, and I earned five points each, and Mione got five taken. So really, we gained ten points! Wicked!

That night, after Mione went to bed, I decided to write back to Dad.

Dear Dad,

Sorry it took so long to write back! Things have been boring lately though. Until tonight. I almost died. Scared the crap out of me! A troll managed to get into the castle. A mountain troll! I say it's a prank. Or something else. I'm not sure, but it was no accident.

Ron had hurt Mione's feelings, so I went to the bathroom where she was hiding to get her to come out, and right when I did, BAM! Troll in the bathroom! Harry saved my life and Ron knocked the troll out with its own club. With one of the simplest spells in history! Ladies and Gentlemen, Wingardium Leviosa! Yup. That itty bitty spell.

Anywho, on to the match! I scored at least four times and helped Angelina an Katie each of the others. I also broke my arm and saved Harry. Cus I'm awesome like that. I had the quaffle and the other team captain and I had a miniature war going on, he was a chaser too. Anyway, he hit my with a bloody bludger! Then Harry's broom went haywire, Mione says Snape was jinxing it. Apparently he was mumbling the curse under his breathe and never breaking eye contact. I didn't have to jinx him or hex him, Mione set his robes on fire to make him stop!


We took pictures for you! I'll send them with the letter. Thanks for telling me my name by the way! It did help and I'm looking forward to seeing the last name,

So. School. Boring. Snape is a git. I wrote an essay and he accused me of having help! He docked points for 'lying' because I said I didn't. Then McGonagall had him give me Vertaseum, which proved I was telling the truth, then I got the points back. Yay!

The boys are taking care of me and your right, Harry is protective. He made me promise to be careful and he was just as mad as my brothers when I got hurt. He yelled at me, 'you promised you promised!' I know I promised, but I can control it if I don't see it! I dodged one that was aimed at my face. The captain got a bludger from Fred for that one!

Anyway, write soon! I love you dad



I sent the letter to Dumbledore along with all the pictures. Mione curled my hair again before taking my individual picture. She made me fix my make up too. I did it though because I wanted to look nice for Dad. They turned out well, but they move so it showed me blushing with Harry in his picture, Ron and I looking awkward, me an Ginny squeezing each other tighter, me and Mione laughing and me smiling and laughing in my individual. I laughed because something Mione said.

I miss Dad so much. But one day I'll see him!

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