《Taming the Wolf (A Hobbit Fanfic)》Chapter 24
Frêllian half listened as Fíli told her a story about one of his journeys. She knew what he was trying to do, but it wasn't working. Her mind continuously wandered to her hobbit friend.
Bilbo had ventured deep into Erebor after Balin had shown him the way, in search for the Arkenstone. With no knowledge whether the fire drake was still alive or not.
She had wanted to go with him. To protect Bilbo at all cost. But he had insisted on doing this alone, much to her dismay. A determination in his eyes, she had rarely seen in the hobbits eyes.
'It is foolish to harbour romantic feelings for the hobbit,' a voice suddenly spoke from behind her. 'They do not live as long as a ferian, it will result in a heartache.'
Too shocked to speak, Frêllian turned around to face Thorin. His eyes still held a strange glint in them as he looked at her now flushed face. His stare penetrating as he stood before her. Though his eyes softening slightly.
'I can assure you there are no such feelings. A strong bond, yes. I love Bilbo, yes. But there is no romance, only a strong friendship.'
At this, Thorin just nodded with a hum. It almost appeared as if he had expected such an answer, but just needed the conformation from the young ferian herself.
'I know you have a strong bond, but you must not forget, you are the queen of ferien. And as a queen, you will have to place your duty before your own desire. For an alliance through marriage if needed. You cannot have your hobbit friend hold you back.'
At this she scowled at the dwarf. She didn't understand why the dwarf would think she harboured romantic feelings for Bilbo, when there where none. She only saw him as a dear friend. Her dearest friend!
But for him to lecture her about how to lead her people as well? Sure, he had quite the experience as a leader, having lead his people for decades. And Frêllian respected the dwarf for his leadership he had shown thus far.
But where Thorin always had had his people supporting him, Frêllian had been on her own. Growing up with traitors didn't really give one the urge to lead their people.
And even after her encouter with other ferien, Frêllian still was in no hurry to lead her people. All she wanted is revenge. To make those traitors pay for what they did to her mother. To have her uncle's head.
But lead the other ferian? What good would that do? She could bring them their doom, with how inexperienced she was. And how would she gain their loyalty? There were different packs spread all over middle earth, from what she had heard. Who was to say they would all fall in line once she announced herself as the alpha supreme?
And to form an alliance, with whom? An alpha from one of the packs? A beta? And if so, which one? And would talkative even help her restore the damage that had been done in the past?
Frêllian opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly the ground started to shake, a rumbling sound was heard from inside the mountain. Frêllian averted her eyes from the dark haired dwarf, to look for her father. While she heard Dori questioning whether or not it had been a earthquake, she knew it was something much more terrifying.
'No,' her uncle told him softly. 'That, my lad, was a dragon.'
Frêllian had to suppress the urge to growl as she held onto something while the ground shook. If that serpent was awake, then Bilbo was in danger! But with the ground trembling beneath her feet, she couldn't even move from her spot.
But as soon as the shaking stopped, Frêllian wasted no time. With a quick glance, she checked if everyone was alright. But before she could run into the mountain, a hand firmly wrapped itself around her arm.
Effectively stopping her from leaving.
And doing something stupid.
'Perhaps it would be wiser to think things through,' Fíli stated upon seeing her glare. 'I think we should think of a plan, before heading into the dragon's den.'
He was right, she knew he was right. But that didn't mean she liked it. Bilbo was down there, probably facing Smaug right now. How was she supposed to protect him, when she was out here?
'We will think of something,' Fíli promised. 'Trust me. We will think of a way to get Bilbo out of there, without sacrificing anyone.'
'No, we will not!'
But the dwarf ignored Fíli. His eyes dark as he looked into the tunnel. Telling them they would give the hobbit more time. He even growled in anger at Frêllian as she protested, startling her.
As Balin and Thorin argued, Frêllian just sood there. Silently agreeing with Balin as he practically scowled at Thorin for not being himself. She had noticed it too. The dark look in his eyes. The way he addressed Bilbo as simply the hobbit. And a couple of times he had called her ferian again.
Was this Thorin slowly going mad? Was this what dragonsickness was? And was the strong leader really being affected by it?
A soft squeeze in her hand, made her turn her attention to Fíli. The drawf had yet to leave her side, probably feeling how tens she had gotten after the revelation of Smaug being awake.
'Will you be able to pick up Bilbo's scent?'
She nodded slowly. Her clouded mind unable to really register what he was saying. It might take a little more time in this form, but she should be able to pick up his scent through the stench.
'If you were to shift, how quick will you be able to find him?'
'I would be much faster and my senses would become much more sensitive. But I dare not shift while the dragon is still in there.'
'If you want to save the hobbit, send down the ferian runt,' the voice of Thorin boomed angrily, earning an angry growl from both Frêllian and Dwalin.
The stern yet caring voice he had used with her had completely vanished and instead there was a erratic tinge to it. His eyes now void of kindness.
'What did you call me, drêgasen,' Frêllian demanded, her blue eyes slowly turning golden.
Even Fíli glared at his uncle for his statement. But Thorin was blind by the angry stares, as he continued his outburst.
'I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar.'
That did it. Frêllian didn't even need to pull her arm away from Fíli. The dwarf had already let go of her as he scowled at his uncle. Telling him that burglar was named Bilbo.
But Frêllian did not hear him stand up for her friend as she dashed off into the mountain, ignoring the multiple voices that called out for her. She needed to find Bilbo! She would not let him die while she was still around!
As she turned a corner, she noticed her senses had become much more sensitive again. Even more so then in her wolf form.
Which meant she was in het alpha state. She wasn't sure how she had been able to do so, but it mattered not. In fact, in this state she would be able to find Bilbo even faster!
'It's Oakenshield. That filthy dwarvish usurper!'
Bilbo stared at the serpent-like dragon as he circled around the structure Bilbo was hiding. How did he end up in such a perilous situation? Well appart from entering the mountain where Smaug had been asleep not too long ago.
It had not been his stealth. No, Bilbo took great pride in his stealth. Even a ferian had trouble hearing his soft footsteps. No, what had awakened the great fire drake, had been the simple act of Bilbo picking up a golden goblet.
That had put him in this predicament. Picking up a goblet! How was that even possible? It wasn't like he had made a sound while picking the damned thing up from the ground!
'He sent you down in here for the Arkenstone, didn't he?'
'No, no, no. I don't know what you're talking about.'
He needed to stall. He needed to get Smaug to turn his attention elsewhere. He needed to get out of here!
Suddenly he saw it. The Arkenstone, the shining gem, too beautiful to describe. Surrounded by gold and other gems, the kings jewel really did earn its name.
Without thinking, Bilbo started to sneak over to the Arkenstone. But as Smaug looked beneath the structure, Bilbo was forced to hide behind a pillar.
'Don't bother denying it,' the dragon snarled darkly. 'I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. But it matters not. Oakenshield's quest will fail. There is a darkness coming and it will spread to every corner of the land.'
As Smaug moved, Bilbo remained hidden. He did not understand what the dragon was saying, but he did know he needed to stay out of his sight.
'You have been used, thief in the shadows.'
His voice was dangerous and deep, yet soothing in a strange, twisted way. 'You were only ever a meant to an end. The coward Oakenshield had weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing!'
Upon hearing the hissing statement, Bilbo couldn't help but disagree. Though his voice had started out weak and trembling, he had found the strenght to speak up. But he quickly discovered his error as Smaug started to mock him
'What did he promise you? A share of the treasure?' Bilbo heard him move, as the dragon started to climb up the structure. 'I suppose you got got fair price for the cup you stole last night? Come now, did you? Nothing? Well, thief Barrel-rider, that's just like them, is it not?'
He moved through the room, his golden eyes searching for the hobbit who now hid behind a pillar underneath a platform.
'And he is now sulking outside, while you have to do all the dangerous work,' the dragon continued his mocking. 'Take what you can while I'm not looking. And then you'll get your fair share? As if it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it!'
Bilbo eyeed the Arkenstone again, weighing out his chances. At the same time he tried to block out Smaug's mockery. One wrong move and he'l was a dead hobbit.
Then he started running. He could make it, he would make it! With the Arkenstone only a feet away, a sudden swishing sound was heard and he was sent flying with a yell.
Smaug had used his tail as a whip, sending Bilbo, the Arkenstone and gold flying down the mountain of gold.
'My armour is like tenfold shields,' Smaug gloated. 'My teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt. My wings are a hurricane!' His voice suddenly lowered dangerously low as he finished. 'And my breath death!'
With that said, the dragon displayed his large wings. But as he did so, he unknowingly showed Bilbo the missing scale on the left side of his chest. A small detail the hobbit did not miss as he muttered to himself about what Bain had told him.
'What did you say?'
Quickly Bilbo began flattering the dragon again. Slowly backing up while doing so. He noticed he was out in the open and Smaug faced him. This was most definitely not the safest place to be! But he also noticed something lying just a few feet from him, his eyes lingering the object fow a little while longer.
'I'm almost temoted toblet you take it,' he heard Smaug say, making Bilbo turn to look at the dragon again. 'If only to see Oakenshield suffer, watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad.'
By now, Bilbo was panting in fear. He had nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. And as Smaug began to rear his head, his chest started to glow from the inside.
'But I think not,' Smaug continued. 'I think our little game ends here. So tell me, thief, how do you choose to die?'
Like a snake, Smaug his head dashed forward at an alarming rate. His jaws open, ready to eat Bilbo. But the quick thinking of the small hobbit saved him at the last second as he put on his ring. Disappearing from sight and Smaug closed his jaw in anger. Then the dragon raised his head again with a roar, before letting out a massive wall of fire where Bilbo had been standing moments ago.
Frêllian almost let out a scream of surprise as Bilbo suddenly appeared before her. His big brown eyes stared up at her in fright and relieve at the same time. His breath coming out in shallow gasps as she stared down at him.
'Little rabbit, thank Lüna you're still alive!'
He smiled at her, then frowned as he looked at her eyes. But she quickly grabbed his arm, before he could utter a word about them. Her keen ears had picked up the sound of something big coming closer. She could hear him, the fire drake. Which meant he could probably hear them too. But most of all, she could smell him. His foul stench coming closer and closer.
She must bring Bilbo back to the others. Then she would question him and was he free to ask about her change. But for now, she would presume he was fine, a little shaken up, but fine. Until he collapsed of course. But until that happened, he could run a little while further.
As silently and as quickly as Bilbo could, she guided her little hobbit into a tunnel. Hiding there for a moment to listen. And then they continued.
She helped Bilbo onto a overhang, when she heard quick footsteps coming their way. Recognising the scent, she growled lowly.
'You're alive,' he breathed out in surprise after a moment of just looking at all the gold surrounding them.
'And no thanks to you,' the ferian growled once more, her hand gripping Bilbo's hand tightly. 'Did dear ol' daddy sent you after me?'
But the dwarf ignored her. Instead his dark blue gaze rested solely on Bilbo. Demanding from the hobbit whether or not he had the Arkenstone. But Bilbo evaded the question by telling him the dragon was coming.
'The Arkenstone,' Thorin demanded yet again.
This time Frêllian warned the stubborn dwarf about the approaching dragon. Making her way over to the entrance of the tunnel Thorin had come from. But the dwarf blocked their way. His eyes never leaving Bilbo.
'Did you find it?'
Frêllian sighed impatiently. She now knew for sure that Thorin was slowely losing his mind. But they had to get out if here, right now! They did not have time to ask useless questions. She can hear Smaug approach them!
'Right now, the Arkenstone doesn't matter,' she hissed as the two males stared at one another. 'Unless you don't care about your crown anymore!'
With that said, she brushed passed Thorin. Surprised he would even let her pass. But as soon as Bilbo followed after, Thorin lifted his sword. The blade pressing against Bilbo and the hobbit stumbled back.
'Are you mad?'
But he ignored her angered outburst. His sword still touching Bilbo. Bilbo tried to reason with the dwarf. Fearfully calling out his name.
Still, Thorin remained the same. His face blank of emotion as he glowered at Bilbo. Pushing the ferian away as she placed a hand on his shoulder to try and get his attention towards her.
Then, it was too late. Smaug had appeared from over the mountain of treasure. Golden eyes met, one pair frightened, one pair shocked. Then Smaug turned his attention to Thorin and snarled at him in anger.
Suddenly the others had made their way out of the tunnel. Their weapons out as they faced Smaug. A hand wrapped itself around her wrist, pulling Frêllian with them as she was dragged into the tunnel.
She could hear the angry outburst of Smaug as he stated they would burn, before she was pushed down a staircase. With a yelp of surprise, she landed on a pile of gold. Then she stood up again, looking around to see if Bilbo had made it out as well.
But once again she found herself being dragged into another tunnel.
'The hobbit is fine, lass,' she heard the gruff voice of Dwalin say as he continued to drag her through the tunnel.
As they reach another room, Frêllian was finally able to see if Dwalin is right. And to her relief, he was. Following closely behind Fíli and Kíli, Bilbo ran into the room as well. A look of pure horror on his face as he looked at her. But then he nodded, silently telling her he was unharmed.
'Come on,' Thorin said, taking the lead.
And they continued to run once again.
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