《Taming the Wolf (A Hobbit Fanfic)》Chapter 16


As Fíli, Kíli and Dwalin joined the fight, Frêllian only had eyes for a certain ferian. Her golden eyes were fixed on him, as the frightened male snarled at her. She knew he was just pretending, buffing himself up to make him appear larger. But she wasn't afraid of him, nor was she intimidated!

She could smell his fear, just like the others appeared to fear her. And she had a feeling she knew why. Something had changed. She had noticed her sight had become keener, as had her other senses. It was almost like she had become a wolf again, without shifting.

As she circled around her uncle, Frêllian smirked. So it seemed the legend was true. The power of the firstborn was true. And that meant she might actually had a chance against the white warg. Not that she was concerned about that right now. First she would kill that filthy mutt and save Thorin!

A dangerous growl escaped her throat as Frêllian suddenly leaped towards Fêrram. Her movement faster than before. She could never match her uncle before in speed, but now it seemed he was only just a bit faster. Too bad.

Instead of hitting him with a fatal blow, he got away just in time. Her sword barely scraping his skin as he jumped out of the way. Still, she was able to draw blood and the male ferian yelped in pain. With a smirk, Frêllian looked at the wolf-like creature before her. Fêrram might be quicker, she had always been the one with the better stamina. All she needed to do, was to wear him out.

She striked again, this time missing the ferian. But just as she was about to strike again, her sensitive ears heard the soft grunt of her dearest friend, stopping her in her tracks. Seeing an opening, Fêrram leaped forward. But it was already too late. Frêllian was already at Bilbo's side, raising her sword at the warg that had flung him in the air.

'Will you look at this,' Matriarch snarled, snapping her yaw at the ferian. 'My little pup is growing up.'

Ignoring the warg, Frêllian could hear Bilbo getting up again. She knew she would have to be careful with the white warg and her rider. Together they were a dangerous pair and Frêllian did not know whether or not she might be able to defeat the pair right now. Besides she didn't want any of her other friends getting hurt either.

She had forgotten about them for a moment, but the grunting sound of Bilbo had opened her eyes. They were surrounded by wargs, ferien and orcs and the only thing protecting Bilbo from the white warg, was Frêllian.

Suddenly a new sound caught her ears, followed by yells of fear. Daring to turn her eyes away from Matriarch and her rider for a moment, Frêllian froze as she saw giant eagles had appeared. She could duck her head just in time as one flew over towards her, his sharp tallons reaching out for something near her. Then there was a loud yelp as the eagle grabbed a warg, throwing it over the cliff.

Watching in horror as the giant creatures attacked their enemy mercilessly, Frêllian reached out her hand to grasp Bilbo's. The hobbit as terrified as she was herself, standing as close as possible as he watched the eagles with big eyes as well.

An eagle then suddenly landed behind them and Frêllian quickly turned around just in time to see it wrap its talons around the unconscious form of Thorin. She wanted to protest, demanding the eagle let go of her leader. But then Frêllian noticed some of the eagles were carrying away the dwarves and one was even carrying Gandalf on his back and she stopped.


As Thorin was being lifted into the air, Frêllian was forced to turn her attention back towards Azog and Matriarch. The orc roared in frustration, his icy eyes trained on Thorin. Then the orc was forced back as another eagle headed straight for an alarmed Bilbo – the hobbit had yet to figure out the eagle was rescuing him – snatching him off the ground. It released Bilbo midair, causing him to scream loudly as he fell down again, before landing on the back of another eagle. After that, the eagle returned, picking up Frêllian from the ground right before Matriarch was about to leap at the ferian. Missing her target, the warg growled in anger. Her golden eyes trained on Frêllian as the eagle flew off with ferian between his talons.

While the eagles were elegantly gracing the sky, the terrified ferian had a firm grip on the eagle that was carrying her. Why was she forced to do all these unnatural things in one day?! Climbing a tree, while wolves don't climb trees, that was one thing. But to fly? No, that just wasn't natural. No wingless creature should be able to fly. Flying meant you had been grabbed by a flying predator and well… Being caught by a predator only meant one thing, you're dead.

These giant eagles may just as well have saved them, only wanting an easy meal. Who was to say they were not bringing them to their nest up high in the mountains? It was the season for chicks to be ready to fly out, right?

Frêllian was so caught up in her own world – and fear of falling – she didn't even hear the worried cry of Fíli as he called over to his uncle. Nor did she hear the worried hobbit asking her a question. Only the sound of the singing wind reached her ears. And the occasional screeching of an eagle.

In her fear of falling, Frêllian had closed her – once again blue – eyes, not daring to look down at the moving ground below her. Way, way below her!

Ground! Thank Lüna! Ground!

The moment the eagle has landed, Frêllian jumped off its back. Too scared the creature might lift off again with her still on its back. No, she would not have that! So instead she scurried away, a cautious glance over her shoulder as the eagle flew away again. She didn't even bother with formalities as she moved closer to the others.

'The pup,' she heard a weak voice say as she stopped next to a concerned Dwalin. 'Where is Frellian?'

'It's all right,' Gandalf tried to reassure Thorin as the dwarf tried to get up. 'She is here. She's save.'

'And the hobbit?'

By now, everyone had landed, surrounding the wounded dwarf. With the help of his nephews Thorin was able to get up. However, once he was up, he shrugged them off. His eyes scanned the faces of his company. Searching.

His eyes landed on Bilbo first, probably because Dwalin was blocking Thorins view of Frêllian.

'You,' he bellowed as he approached the scared hobbit. 'What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!'

Frightened of the dwarf before him, Bilbo took a step back. His eyes wide in fear as he waited for what was to come. Upon seeing this, Frêllian growled in anger. She would not allow Thorin to hurt her friend!

'Now wait a moment!' The angry voice of Frêllian echoed as she stepped from behind her father. 'Don't you dare scowling Bilbo for his bravery! You would be dead if it wasn't for him!'


'And you!' It was not what he said, but more so the look he gave Frêllian, that made her stop in her tracks. 'You foolish girl! You risked your life for me. Why? After all that I have said about you, you still remain loyal. I was wrong about you. I was a fool, blinded by hatred.'

Not knowing what to say, Frêllian glanced over to Dwalin. The dwarf being equally surprised as she was. His hand still lingering on the hilt of his axe, betraying his readiness to interfere with violence if needed Not that she could blame him. Dwarves were known to protect their women like a wolf would protect her pup.

'Can you forgive a stubborn old dwarf for letting his judgment being guided by hatred?'

A small nod was all Frêllian could offer right now. Her mind still processing what was happening – and trying to forget her aerial experience! But the small movement of her head was all Thorin needed as a rare smile graced his lips for a moment. Then he turned to face Bilbo again.

'And now back to you,' he began. His voice and expression stoic. 'Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?'

By now he was standing right in front of Bilbo. With Bilbo sending Frêllian a frightened look, the ferian felt helpless. Though she doubted Thorin would actually punch Bilbo, she still worried for the small hobbit. And she was not the only one, for all eyes were now focused at Thorin.

'I've never been so wrong in all my life!'

Without a warning, Thorin grabbed Bilbo and embraced him deeply. The hobbit was shocked by this action, not knowing how to react, as the others cheered loudly – except for Frêllian, who was just as shocked as Bilbo. Then finally Bilbo returned the gesture.

'I am sorry I doubted you,' Thorin said as he released Bilbo. His eyes now on Frêllian. 'Both of you.'

'You better be,' Frêllian muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. As shocked as she was, she wasn't going to forgive him just like that. Her alpha instincts wouldn't let her.

'No, I would have doubted me too,' Bilbo said, sending a warning glare to the ferian that was now standing next to him. 'I'm not a hero, or a warrior.' He paused for a moment. 'Not even a burglar.'

This earned a chuckle from the company. Even Frêllian smiled at this as she placed a hand on his shoulder, agreeing silently. Though the ferian had to disagree on one thing. After what he did today, he was a hero. At least in her eyes, he was. Then the attention was turned towards a screeching eagle. The giant bird soared through the sky, following its comrades.

Relief washed over Frêllian as she watched the last eagle turn into a small spot in the sky. That was one experience she would never do again. Then her attention was turned to someone moving. Thorin was now gazing at something in the distance and the ferian followed his gaze. There, on the horizon, was an outline of a single, solitary mountain. The rising sun giving it a golden glow, making it appear magical.

'Is that what I think it is,' Bilbo questioned as he too stared at the mountain.

'Erebor,' Gandalf answered as he took a step forward. 'The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of middle-earth.'

'Our home.'

Frêllian turned her head slightly to her father as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She could see the longing in his eyes. The same longing she had heard in Thorin's voice when he had spoken a moment ago. Then she turned her attention back to the mountain. Home. Is that what the mountain would be for her as well? A home? Is there where her future lied? Living behind walls, hidden deep within the mountain where Lüna's light would never shine?

Suddenly the air seemed dens as she continued to look at the mountain. Her breathing became shallow as anxiety took over her. Trembling, Frêllian took a step back. Could she live the rest of her life behind walls? Wouldn't she need her freedom? She needed to be able to run free, to run through the forest. To watch Lüna at night and bathe in her light.

Then her eyes shifted between Balin and Dwalin - her only family. They would want her to stay with them. She belonged with her family, didn't she? And they were her family. Besides, she was planning on finding her father, wasn't she? And the plan was go stay with him. Had she really thought her father would be the exception and live in the forest, while every other dwarf dwelled deep inside their mountain.

Then her eyes spotted Bilbo. The hobbit seemed to be talking to Thorin though she could not seem to hear him. Her own thoughts blocking out all sounds. She liked the Shire. The hobbits were a friendly folk and they had warmed up to her. True, they though she was just a dog. But at least she could roam freely. Perhaps she could return with the hobbit. They were close friends, were they not? Perhaps he wouldn't mind?

Besides, she would be close to Canwrîf and the pack. Seeing that she was the Alpha Supreme, meant that she needed to lead her people, right? And how was she suppose to do that when she was leagues away? While Bag-End was only a day away when traveling at full speed. So that would be much more logical, right? Besides, was she even ready to lead? Did she even want to lead? Never before had she given much thought in whether or not she wanted her title. All she had wanted, was to get away from the pack.

But to lead meant she would leave her family behind. Was she really willing to give up on her family? Could she not have both? Her family her freedom and her responsibilities?

She jumped as she felt a sudden pressure on her shoulder. As she turned turned her head, she came face to face with a concerned Fíli.

'Are you all right,' he asked once he had her attention, to which she nodded. 'Are you sure? You don't look like you're all right.'

'Of course,' Frêllian told him, flashing him a smile to prove it. 'It's just... It's been a strange day.'

Fill nodded in agreement, appearing to buy her excuse.

'It's a strange feeling, isn't it?' She looked up a the male next to her, as he started to speak again. 'To not know where you belong, I mean. You don't know what to do. You belong with your family, but you also being to that pack we met at Rivendell.'

Shocked, the ferian looked at the male next to her. Though he was facing Erebor, his eyes shifted over to look at her for a moment. Though he wore a playful smirk, she could see the concern in his eyes. When she didn't answer, he turned his head towards her again, his smirk slowly fading as his expression matched his eyes.

'I know how you feel,' Fíli told her, confusing her even more. 'Not exactly, but I do know the feeling. I have lived my life at Ered Luin, that is my home. But at the same time I feel like Erebor is my home, for that is what uncle has always told me.'

Frêllian nodded, signaling him to continue when the young dwarf-prince stopped for a moment.

'In your case you've never had a place to call home. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the closest thing you have ever had for a home, was at the Shire. A safe place where you could come back to every day, a friendly face to greet you. And most importantly, a forest to roam through, to hunt and run.'

'How did you know?'

She had wanted to say it out loud, but the words had barely come out as a whisper. Still Fíli had heard her and he smiled at her. A small gesture that made her feel light in the head once more. Like the eagles had come back to lift her up in the air once more.

'It doesn't take a genius to know you need a place to roam freely, Frey.' He placed his big hand on her delicate shoulder, the sudden warmth and pressure causing her to snap out of whatever it was she was feeling. 'I'm not blind, you know. I have seen how you seem to enjoy to run around the forest. Well, that and I have overheard a conversation between Gandalf and Bilbo,' Fíli added, rubbing the back of his neck.

Frêllian chuckled at his honesty. At least someone was watching over her.

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