《HOBBIT X OC - Elastic Heart》Chapter 21 - Melethril
My eyes open and i look around to see the familiar sight of my balcony back home in Eregion. The pain of being stabbed was gone and my long auburn hair was back flowing from my head like fire. "Melethril?" I hear a familiar voice call out and I smile as I turn to see my father standing a few feet behind me his arms open to me.
"Ada!" I cry out tears in my eyes as I run into his arms. "I missed you so much!"
"And I you,"
"It is good to be in your arms once again." I say as I hold tightly to him not wanting to let him go.
"Melethril I hate to bring this up but you have a choice to make here." He says as he slowly pulls away from me until he is at arm's length.
"What do you mean?" I ask curiosity full in my voice. He takes my arm before he leads me over to my balcony and points down to the ground. I follow his finger to see myself lying lifeless on the ground below with Thorin and the rest of the company save for Fili and Kili, surrounding me tears in their eyes. Thorin was cradling my head in his arms, tears falling from his eyes down onto my cold cheeks. "Why are you showing me this?" I ask as my heart clenches.
"Like I said, you have a choice to make."
"I don't understand?"
"You have to choose my dear daughter, to leave things the way they are and pass into history along with me; or to return to those who also love you dearly." As he finishes his sentence he points back down and I follow his gaze and suddenly see Fili along with his brother, Tauriel, and Thranduil along with Frieda come into view. They were happy about their new found victory. My heart clenches as I see Fili start to walk toward my lifeless body but Dwalin stops him.
"Dwalin what are you doing? Let me pass." Fili says as smile on his face and I lean forward and place my hands tightly upon the railing of my balcony. "You don't need to see this laddie." Dwalin says and I bite my lip to keep from crying.
"What are you talking about Dwalin? Let me pass." Fili says his smile fading as his look turns to one of concern.
"I'm afraid I can't laddie." Dwalin says as Balin walks over to stand beside his brother as he says, "He's right Fili," Suddenly panic fills Fili's face as he starts to realize why they were keeping him away.
"No..." He cries as he slowly starts to stumble backwards until he backs into his brother. I glance over to see Thranduil's face blanche as he holds tightly to the little girl in his arms who is now trying to get free from him to run to my side. "Randir!" I hear her cry out and my heart breaks.
"Hush little one," Thranduil says as he turns her head into his chest. Tears pour from her eyes as she turns to cling to his neck. Then it suddenly hits me, "Where is Mahrie?" I ask my father and his face turns sad as he says, "She did not make it. She died so that her daughter may live."
My eyes widen as I cry out, "No, No, no, It wasn't supposed to end like this! I was supposed to die not her! Take my life and give her her's back!"
"Randir," I hear a familiar voice say and I turn to see Mahrie standing a few feet away from my father.
"Mahrie, you should be with your daughter. If I have a choice to live or die take my choice and choose life so that you can be with your daughter again." I say as I run over to her side.
"I'm afraid it does not work that way my lady. I have lived a full life. I had a great love and out of that love came Frieda but she needs someone who can protect her and love her more than I ever could. When my husband died a piece of me went with him. I could no longer give her the love and attention she needed, what you gave her when you rescued her from the fire."
"But you are her mother, she loves you not matter what."
"I know she does but only you can give her the love that died in me. I am not telling you to choose life but if you do will you please give all the love to my child that I never could?"
I glance back at my father and tears fill my eyes as I say, "Why do only I get a choice?"
"Because we want you to have one." He says and suddenly my mother appears between him and Mahrie. Her long milky hair waving down her back like cream.
"Nana?" I say as I feel my heart lift in my chest.
"Hello my child," She says as she slowly walks over and wraps her arms around me. I clench tightly to her as I take in her heavenly smell. "Melethril, the three of us want you to return to the land of the living so that you may finally live in happiness. You my child have witnessed such hardship and pain it is time that you got the happiness you deserve."
"Even if it is with a dwarf." I hear my father smugly say and I chuckle.
"Come now dear, we can't choose who our hearts want. I fully support their relationship. It's high time the two races mixed." I feel my face flush at my mother's words and I gently pull away from her as I say, "Nana!" She lets out a melodious laugh before she walks me back over to the balcony and looks down making me follow her gaze.
I now see Fili bent over my dead body his hands clutching tightly to my hands as they lay on my chest. "Please come back to me!" He cries out and I feel my heart break.
"Melethril, like your father and Mahrie said the choice is completely up to you; however I believe you made that young man a promise; and the descendants of Fëanor always keep their promises." She says and I feel tears fill my eyes as I wrap my arms around her and say, "I love you and one day we will meet again; but I wish to return to Fili. He needs me and I need him."
A bright smile covers her rosy lips as she leads me back over to Mahrie and my father before she says, "Then take this gift we give you and return to those who love you most my child." My mother takes one of my hands while Mahrie takes the other, and my father smiles brightly at me as he gently places a hand on my head. "Fare the well my child and shall we meet again." He says and I suddenly start to feel my body heat up under their touch. "Gods relieve my child's pain and allow her to return to the land of the living so that she may live a long and prosperous life."
All I felt next was a pulsing reverberate throughout my body making me close my eyes and the next time I opened them I was staring face to face with a shocked Fili. "Randir?" He says and unbelieving in his voice. I give him a bright smile as I brace myself up on my elbow and using my free hand reach up and grip tightly to his shirt as I pull him down until his lips crash upon mine. It took him a minute to comprehend what was happening but when he did I felt him kiss me back as his arms wrap tightly around me.
I suddenly hear loud cries of happiness sound around me and I pull away from him to give the rest of my friends a happy smile. Fili smiles as he quickly helps me to my feet. As he does something catches my eye and I feel tears threaten to fill my eyes. My hair was long again, cascading down my back once again. I reach up to find the place Fili had braided and I let out a giggle as I realize that it hadn't grown back. It still remained as I reminder of what I had been through.
"I guess I have more hair to braid now." Fili says and I let out a melodious laugh before I am quickly surrounded by my dwarven friends as they altogether engulf me in a giant bear hug. "Randír!" I hear Frieda call out and I quickly and politely pull myself from my dwarven friends and run over to her and Thranduil. If it had been any other day I would have just waited for Thranduil to let Frieda down but not this day. I quickly engulfed both of them in a giant hug. I hear roars of laughter behind me and I could only assume they were laughing at Thranduil's expression.
I slowly pull away and I bite my lip to keep from laughing at Thranduil's shocked expression. Frieda, taking advantage of his current state quickly climbs from his arms to mine. "I will protect and love you for the rest of my life, young Frieda." I say as she wraps her arms tightly around my neck.
"I love you Randír," She says as happy tears fall from her eyes.
"And I love you too." I say as I give her a quick squeeze. I open my eyes to see that now Thranduil's expression has changed from shocked to happy and I smile. "Nae saian luume', Mellonamin." He says and I gently reach out and touch his cheek as I say, "I have missed you." Suddenly I feel Frieda pull away from me and hold her arms out to Thranduil who smiles as he takes her from me.
"I'm going to have a hard time keeping the two of you apart now aren't i?" I say and Frieda smiles as she says, "I'm going to marry him someday." Thranduil's face suddenly flushes and I let out a chuckle as I say, "Oh are you now?" I slowly turn back to Thranduil and I smirk as I say; "Well now you definitely can't keep being a hermit." He shakes his head as he turns to Frieda and says, "I am far too much your senior young Frieda but I will be here for you if you should ever have need of me." I smile as I turn back to see Fili staring at me with love in his eyes. I turn back to Thranduil and smile as I say, "Excuse me please." Thranduil gives me a slight bow before he goes back to arguing with Frieda about someday marrying her.
I slowly walk over to Fili and when I reach him I say, "Did you ever have any doubt that I would come back to you?"
He raises an eyebrow as he reaches forward and gently takes my hands in his before he says, "You gave me quite a scare for a moment; but I knew you wouldn't leave me amrâlimê." As he called me his love I feel my body start to tremble in excitement. "I made you a promise did I not?" I say before I gently place my lips upon his awaiting ones. I silently send a thank you to my Father, mother, and Mahrie as I finally feel like I belong. I belonged here in this moment with this man and my old and newfound family.
Suddenly someone clears their throat and I pull away from Fili to see Thorin staring at me his expression unreadable. "I see you didn't die, Melethril." He says my name a tear fills my eye as I bow to him as I say, "I couldn't, It was my king's command." I watch as a bright smile covers his lips as he says, "I see we should be preparing not only a victory celebration but a wedding as well, two weddings at that." I slowly turn to see Tauriel and Kili off in their own little world and smile brightly. I quickly devise a plan and I harden my face as I clear my throat making them all turn toward me, their happy expressions now turned to worry.
"I will only marry Fili under two conditions." I say as I fold my arms over my chest. They all stare at me for a moment before Dwalin says, "What be your conditions lass?"
"The first one is that Fili has to properly ask me to marry him and the second," I pause briefly as I let the happiness return to my face before I say, "Is that Thorin himself will give me away." I watch as all the heads slowly turn to Thorin who is staring at me his face unreadable as he says, "Those are your conditions?"
"Yes they are, and if neither or only one of them is met I will not marry your nephew."
"Randír?!" I hear Fili say shocked but Thorin smiles as he says, "Then I guess everything lies on Fili; because I would be honored to give you away." I smile before I turn to Fili and say, "I guess it's on you now melamin." He smirks as he leans up to whisper in my ear. I chuckle as listen to his words before I gently nod my head. He smiles brightly as he cups my face and brings his lips to mine releasing a wave of passion throughout my body as cries of happiness sound around us. After all these years I had finally found my home and I couldn't have been happier.
"Mom! Frieda sneaked off to see her Elvish lover again!" I hear my son Calar call out as he runs into the forge along with his twin brother Nalar. It had been Fili's idea to name the boys and I couldn't help but laugh at how closely they matched him and Kili. Calar was the older of our sons his raven hair cascaded down his back in waves as his face had raven stubble. His eyes matched mine like little emeralds. Calar had definitely inherited more of the Elvish gene then his younger brother Nalar; towering over me like a mountain.
Nalar however took after his father in almost every way. His long golden locks waved down his back like wheat swaying in the wind along with his blonde stubble. His icy eyes had little speck of green in them just like his father; and to his disappointment Nalar had inherited his father's height making him just a few inches shorter than myself. If you didn't know better you wouldn't have believed them to be related at all. "Didn't you hear me mom? I said Frieda ran off to Uncle Thranduil's to see her 'Elf'!" Calar yells out again only this time saying Elf like it's some kind of curse word making me stop in my tracks and slowly turn toward him eyes wild with anger.
"Excuse me?" I say and he instantly regrets his words.
"Uh I didn't-" He stutters out and I raise an eyebrow as I say, "Calar son of Fili, you have been spending too much time with your great uncle. May I remind you that you are in fact half Elf." I loved Thorin but he still hadn't warmed to the idea of being chummy with my kin. His emerald eyes suddenly look down in shame and I smile as I say, "Frieda will be fine, I will send word to Thranduil and he will take good care of your sister." My mind returns to the day Frieda had said she was going to marry Thranduil, I chuckle as I think about how she was still to this day dead set on marrying him.
"I told you Cal!" Nalar says and I turn to him and say, "Nalar, how is that young maiden you've been courting?" His face suddenly turns bright red and I smile as he says, "Um she's doing well, uh, I'm gonna yeah, I'm gonna go find uncle." I watch as he quickly runs out of the room making me burst out in laughter.
"Nana, will I ever find someone to love?" I hear Calar say halfheartedly and my laughter instantly fades. I slowly walk over and wrap my arms around my older son as I say, "Be patient, you have many years ahead of you. I didn't find your father for centuries after I was born. I have faith that if you be patient you will find your love." He smiles as he leans down and wraps his arms around me and says, "I love you nana."
"And I love you my son." He pulls away and giving me a half smile I watch as he bounds off after his father. Dam him for being so much like me. It definitely made raising him hard but I was in it for the long haul.
Suddenly the door opens again and I smile as I see a familiar face walking towards me. "I sure am getting a lot of company today," I say as Fili reaches me and takes my hands in his. "I could not go another minute without seeing your face amrâlimê." I smile as I lean down to kiss his lips. As his lips mine I feel a familiar passion fill my body making me moan into his lips.
"I think it's time for a break." He says as he pulls away almost breathless.
I nod against his head as I say, "Lock the door and I'm yours." He smiles as he hungrily places his lips against mine making me go weak in the knees. "On second thought screw the doors," I whisper hoarsely as I let him take me right there on the floor of my own personal forge just like when we were newlyweds.
"Nana I forgot-Oh Malar never mind!" Calar cries out as he quickly regrets just barging into my forge and turns around and practically runs out of the room. I smile down into Fili's lips as I once again thank Valar for giving him to me.
"Is there anything else I can give to you amrâlimê?" He asks as we lay side by side on the floor of my forge only his large fur coat covering our bodies. I pull my head up from his chest and looking deeply into his eyes say, "A little girl," He smiles softly as he says, "At your service my dear."
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