《HOBBIT X OC - Elastic Heart》Chapter 18 ~ Making Amends


After a while I walk back toward Thranduil's tent to hear Gandalf's voice elevated and angry. "Since when has my council offered so little? What do you think I'm trying to do?" Gandalf says angrily.

"I think you're trying to save your dwarvish friends, and I admire your loyalty to them. It does not dissuade me from my course. You started this Mithrandir; you will forgive me if I finish it." Thranduil says before he walks to the tent opening and asks his guards "Are you archers in position?"

"Yes my lord,"

"Give the order if anything moves on that mountain, kill it! The dwarves are out of time." My heart drops and I clench tightly to Ithildin as I stomp through the tent opening and say, "Mithrandir, Amin merna quen na Thranduil erui?" (I wish to speak to Thranduil alone) Gandalf slowly nods before leaving the two of us alone. "What are you doing?" I ask anger seething from my lips.

"I am doing what I must?"

"Are you? It seems to me that you are acting like a pompous arrogant Lord who would start a fight over some measly gems."

"Who are you to question me? You gave up your nobility a long time ago and for what? A life of travel and freedom, you will forgive me if I do not listen to you."

I feel my anger reach a limit and I stomp over to him until I am standing a few feet away from him, "I did what I did because I had no right to be Melethril anymore. I was tainted and scarred beyond recognition. Things were done to me that you cannot believe-"

"You could have come to me I would have helped you-"

"Help me? How were you going to help me? You had just gotten married, and before you ask yes I was there the day you were wed. I came to Amon Lanc to find solace in my friend's arms and I found that even though you claimed to love me you were already married. Did you even mourn my death?"

He stares at me wide eyed as he says, "Why did you not tell me?"

I notice his usually calm face was full of sadness and regret. I sigh as I say, "You looked so happy I didn't want to ruin it for you with my problems. Look I do not want you to feel bad about what happened. None of it could have been stopped and I know that now."

He reaches up and I feel his hand gently touch my cheek and slowly move toward my hair until his fingers stop at the spot where Fili had braided a strand of my hair and his eyes fill with anger. "What is this?"


I pull away from him as I say, "It is a braid Thranduil, nothing more."

"If it is nothing more then why is it there and why does it have a dwarvish clasp holding it together?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow as I start to put the pieces together.

"This isn't about gems at all is it? You're jealous of the dwarves."

"I am not!" He says suddenly defensive.

"You are! Why?" I ask and I watch as his eyes fill with longing and I feel my heart clench. "Thranduil, I do love you; but I also love the dwarves. After losing my father and you they were the only ones to accept me for who I am scarred, tainted, and everything. I treasure my friendship with you just like I treasure my friendship with them. They are like the brothers I never had."

"Are you sure you only see them as brothers?" He asks and I sigh as I know I can't hide the truth from him.

"I am in love with one of them." I say and I instantly regret it as I see the anger in his eyes.

"How do you know love him, you don't even know what love is?" He says angrily and I grit my teeth as stand tall.

"I may not know what love is but I know how he makes me feel. He's the only one who can touch me and not send me into a panic attack. I'm happy when he's here and I miss him tremendously when he's gone. I used to feel this way about you but I got rid of those feelings the moment you were married."

"You loved me?"

"Out of all I just said that is what you heard?"

"If you loved me why were you so set against our marriage?"

"I wanted the right to choose who I would marry, even though I know I would have still chosen you."

He walks toward me and wraps his arms around me as he says, "You would have made me the happiest Elf in all of Middle Earth."

I sigh into his shoulder as I remember back when he would hold me for no reason at all. But suddenly Fili's face pops into my mind and I gently pull away from him and say, "But I have fallen for someone else and my loyalty lies with him."

"If your loyalty lies with him then why are you here?"

"Because the people of Laketown needed help, he would have done the same if the roles were reversed."


"I doubt that." He says and I clench my fists to keep from hitting him.

"Thranduil you are my friend but if you speak about Fili like that again I will hurt you."

"What do you plan to do after this war is over? After all he is a dwarf and not immortal, he will die and you will once again be left alone; just like you were when your father died."

I gulp down a breath of air as I say, "I will cross that bridge when it comes."

"You Bowman did you agree with this?" Gandalf asks as he strides up to Bard. "Is gold so important to you, you would bide with the blood of dwarves?"

"It will not come to that, It is a fight they cannot win." Bard says as his face turned worried.

"That won't stop them. You think the dwarves will surrender they won't they will fight to the death to defend their own." I hear a familiar voice say and turn to see Bilbo standing a few feet away from us.

"Bilbo Baggins!" Gandalf exclaims causing Bilbo to smile.

"If I'm not mistaken this is the Halfling that stole the keys to my dungeons out from under the nose of my guards." Thranduil says and I smirk as I remember Bilbo saving us.

"Yesh, sorry bout that." Bilbo says and I smile into my hand. I glance over to see Bard smirking as well. "I came here to give you this." He says as he sets a beautiful stone down on the table. My eyes widen as I realize that it is in fact the Arkenstone. It was beautiful.

"The heart of the mountain? The kings jewel." Thranduil says in shock.

"He'll offer a king's ransom." Bard says as he joins Thranduil next to the table. "How is this yours to give?" Bard asks as he slowly turns toward Bilbo.

"I took it as my 14th share of the treasure." Bilbo says and I find a soft smile crossing my lips.

"Why would you do this you owe us no loyalty." Bard says shocked.

"I'm not doing it for you. I know that dwarves can be obstinate, pigheaded, and difficult. Suspicious and secretive, with the worst manners you can possibly imagine; but they're also brave, and kind, loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them and I would save them if I can. Now Thorin values this stone above all else, in exchange for its return I believe he will give you what you are owe. There will be no need for war."

Bilbo looks from me to Gandalf who meets eyes with Bard before he turns to Thranduil who looks back at him. I gently touch Bilbo's shoulder as I give him a reassuring smile. Then Gandalf, Bilbo, and myself leave the tent. I glance back to see Thranduil staring off after me but I just look away. I didn't need to think about his jealousy at the moment.

"I'm glad to see you survived the dragon Bilbo." I say as I smile down at him. He smiles back up at me as he says, "You sure gave us a shock when we saw you behind Bard at the gate; then again when you left with him." I sigh and open my mouth to reply but he stops me as he says, "I know why you did, I would have done the same."

"Thank you Bilbo," I say as I once again match his pace before I say, "How are they by the way?"

He chuckles as he says, "They would be better if Thorin would wake from his sickness." I nod slowly my face falling a little, I was happy that they were all alive but I was sad that I wasn't with them.

"It was good to see you my friend, if you don't mind I'm going to go get some rest before tomorrow. Goodnight Bilbo, Gandalf." I say as I slowly walk away from them and toward Frieda's home. When I arrive Mahrie is making dinner for Frieda.

"Randír!" I hear Frieda's voice call out and I smile as she runs over into my arms.

"Mae Govannen Frieda," I say as I hold her in my arms.

"Mommy made dinner will you have some?"

"Not tonight, I'm actually very tired; but you eat lots for me." I say as I slowly set her down and walk up to the top of their little home that they were using for now. the very top looked out over all of Dale plus had a very good view of the gates of Erebor. As I look at the mountain I feel my heart clench and bite my lip. I wanted nothing more than to run to the dwarves and rejoin them but I knew as along as Thorin was victim to the Dragon-sickness I knew I couldn't. I curl up in a corner before feeling my eyes slowly close sending me into a dream.

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